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当代国际法的若干发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着国际社会主体结构进一步向多元发展,国际法领域反映出新的发展趋势:国际法的调整范围和领域不断扩大,国际制度性权力博弈向纵深拓展,国际法治逐步趋于加强,与国际政治的相互作用关系凸显,国际法进入加速量变阶段。在挑战与机遇共存中,应妥善应因国际法的新发展。  相似文献   
对当前国际警务合作方式的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国际警务合作是跨国界的执法活动,一国警察可以跨越国境在另一国行使侦查权。我国应  在国际刑警组织的框架内开展国际警务合作,运用国际侦查协作、刑事司法协助等警务合作方式与有关  国家开展合作。  相似文献   
Electronic commerce has brought about business and technological changes globally, and these global changes have given rise to major legal reforms across nations. In the fast-changing global digital economy, states need strategies to maintain competitiveness of their markets while simultaneously ensuring the secure and effective use of technologies involved in conducting electronic transactions. This paper examines how the use and recognition of electronic signatures are regulated in Southeast Asia – the region that has shown the most significant growth in global e-commerce in past few years. Based on a comparative analysis of the laws of four representative ASEAN member states – namely Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam, this paper argues that there is a regional trend towards adopting more liberal and technology-neutral standards for electronic signatures. Electronic signature regulation in Southeast Asia is now built upon limited technological neutrality (or the so-called “two-tiered” approach) as a shared regulatory understanding, but this approach is operationalized differently in each state due to distinctive national contexts. Within the common legal framework, each state has developed its own system of control and management with respect to higher-level signatures (using advanced technologies). The principle of technological neutrality, a concept originally developed for the regulation of technologies in response to the liberalization of telecommunications market, has been the central theme of discussions on the e-transactions policy-making scene. As the author shows, in the process through which states localize the global standards of technological neutrality, ASEAN as a vehicle of regulatory change has played an essential role in translating this principle to the national context.  相似文献   
The legality of autonomous weapon systems (AWS) under international law is a swiftly growing issue of importance as technology advances and machines acquire the capacity to operate without human control. This paper argues that the existing laws are ineffective and that a different set of laws are needed. This paper examines several issues that are critical for the development and use of AWS in warfare. It argues that a preemptive ban on AWS is irrelevant at this point and urges the appropriate authorities to develop a modern legal framework that is tailored to embrace these state-of-the-art weapons as the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) develops. First, this paper explores the myriad of laws designed to govern the potential future development and deployment of artificial intelligence and AWS in the context of International Humanitarian Law or LAOC. Second, the paper argues that it will be challenging for AWS to fulfill the requirements laid out under the International Committee of the Red Cross and LOAC for the rules of humanity, military necessity, distinction, proportionality and precaution, especially as it is related to noncombatants. Third, the paper discusses command responsibility and argues that states should establish accountability for wrongful acts committed by the AWS. Finally, this paper contends that there is an urgent need for a new legal framework to regulate these AWS and presents different solutions for the legal framework of AWS.  相似文献   
周新  屈广清 《法学论坛》2005,20(3):99-103
在目的价值定位方面,我国国际民事程序法存在着"国家本位"秩序观倾向.秩序总是必要的,更具根本性的,但秩序的类型亦是可以多元的.在中外民商法律秩序形成过程中,我国的国际民事程序法除必须体现国家意志之外,理应涵纳更多的当事人自主意思以及国际本位理念的成分,这也是修订我国民事诉讼法、仲裁法等程序法律时所要考虑的一个基本层面.  相似文献   
反致是国际私法上一项特有的制度。一个多世纪以来 ,各国学者对它争论不休 ,莫衷一是 ,但这并不妨碍各国实践普遍采纳这一制度。究其原因 ,乃是反致制度有利于公正合理地解决国际民事纠纷 ,符合国家的利益 ,符合国际私法的宗旨和本质。虽然其也受到现代冲突法革命的冲击和挑战 ,但在各国国际私法趋于一致之前 ,仍然有其存在的价值。我国未来的民法典 (涉外篇 )应该采纳反致和转致制度 ,并适当扩大反致制度的适用范围 ,但应以必要和不造成无限循环为限。  相似文献   
王岽兴 《东南亚研究》2005,200(5):66-70
<1998年国际宗教自由法>(以下简称IRFA)是由美国保守派推动制订的一部具有域外效力的美国国内法.由于该法所包含的双重标准以及该法在推行过程中必然会产生的诸多问题,该法实施以来"产生"的域外效力十分有限,未对中美关系造成直接影响.但在美国社会不断保守化的背景下,IRFA对中美关系的间接和负面影响不容小视.针对美国国务院每年发布的<国际宗教自由年度报告>中对中国宗教自由状况的歪曲,中国政府予以外交上的坚决谴责是必须的,但从根本上说,在宗教领域奉行接触政策,勿视美国为敌,怀柔美国应是当前我国韬光养晦外交的较佳选择.  相似文献   
论全球金融危机下的中美经济关系失衡及其调整   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
20世纪90年代以来,中美经济关系日益紧密;但与此同时,两国贸易关系与投资关系失衡也不断加剧。全球金融危机的爆发对中美贸易关系失衡与投资关系失衡产生了不同的影响,并导致二者的调整路径明显分化。在后危机时代,美联储的宽松货币政策及退出时机、中美两国的经济结构调整、现行国际货币体系的改革以及人民币国际化进程的加速都将影响中美经济关系失衡的调整。从长期来看,中美投资关系失衡的调整将慢于贸易关系失衡的调整,但二者最终都将向均衡水平回归。  相似文献   
19世纪的俄国,承继18世纪彼得一世和叶卡捷琳娜二世的治国方略,继续遵循俄国历史上极为独特的自上而下调节经济的政策。每一次的皇权更迭都伴随着一场社会政治经济变革的发生,对俄国历史发展和现代化进程产生了重大影响。19世纪俄国货币制度的演变,更是历经战争与和平的交替影响,从一个侧面反映了俄国历代沙皇拯救国家经济危机的策略以及治国安邦的既定方针和传统。  相似文献   
通过介绍新加坡国际仲裁中心最新版本《仲裁规则》(第四版),并将之与新加坡国际仲裁中心较早版本《仲裁规则》(第三版)进行比较,简要评述新旧版本之异同,指出该最新版本在功能和制度上虽具有一定的新意,但也有可能在实务中引出更多的问题。总体而言,该最新版《仲裁规则》更加突出地体现了新加坡国际仲裁中心管理案件的功能和仲裁庭自主进行仲裁程序之间的平衡,有望促进新加坡国际仲裁中心地位的进一步巩固。  相似文献   
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