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柬埔寨皇家政府和禁毒委员会一直致力于实现无毒东盟、无毒地区、无毒世界的目标.在全国范围内加强禁毒执法,扩大毒品预防教育和治疗康复工作.这些工作得到相关国际组织和非政府组织的支持,并取得了一定成效.  相似文献   
国际货币权力的历史经验与第三世界货币区的可能性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对已有货币国际化历史进程的回顾与分析,本文总结了国际货币权力更迭的一般规律,并得出人民币国际化有必要夯实区域基础等基本结论。研究发现,除亚洲之外,非洲、拉美的一些国家和地区与中国在贸易投资等方面有紧密的联系,甚至存在对中国的不对称依赖。这些区域均具备推行人民币国际化的器物基础和一定的制度基础,人民币区域化的视野应当超越亚洲一隅,兼具亚洲特色和世界器局。最后,本文提出并初步论述了指向第三世界货币区的人民币区域化路线图。  相似文献   
国际关系中的互惠:一项研究评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际互惠研究之于中国意义重大,因为中国的文化传统之一便是互惠关系和人情网络。这种文化传统反映到国际关系中,大体构成了平等互惠与和谐世界理念。但令人遗憾的是,中国国内至今尚未启动国际互惠研究。在西方,国际互惠已经成为一个理论话语,并产生了虽不算丰富、但仍富有启迪的研究成果。建构中国的国际互惠理论有两个前提:一是进行国际关系学意义上的田野调查,也就是要理解中国人和中国文化;二是评估西方已有成果。本文做的工作属于第二种,即较为系统地介绍西方已有研究成果,在肯定其意义的同时,重点指出其不足。这些不足可能是中国未来国际互惠研究的方向。  相似文献   
“朴定阳事件”是朝鲜政府试图摆脱清政府的干预,跻身于世界民族之林的一次外交行动。从1887年9月到1891年12月,中朝两国围绕着“朴定阳事件”,进行了长达4年之久的反复交涉。清政府在阻止朴定阳出国、遵守三条规则(“三端”)、惩治朴定阳三个环节上,作出了诸多努力。然而,所有这一切都化为泡影,最后只得以“不得委以重任”、“不准再充使臣之职”为台阶,尴尬收场。清政府在这场旷日持久交涉中的唯一收获,就是阻遏了朝鲜政府遣使驻扎欧洲的计划,勉强维护了宗主国的体面。该事件反映了朝鲜政府对清政府后期全面干预政策的不满与抗争,昭示了朝鲜谋求国家独立的坚定意志。它作为一杆标尺,验证了清政府对朝政策的失败。  相似文献   
国际金融危机对越南经济政策的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济全球化使越南经济成为世界经济中一颗耀眼的新星,同时也使越南经济与世界经济的联系越来越紧密.本文首先分析了2007年底以来由美国引起的国际金融危机对越南经济的影响,接下来介绍了面对国际金融危机造成的经济下滑,越南政府提出的一系列的经济刺激计划,最后展望了越南的经济前景.  相似文献   
我国现行刑事诉讼制度与《打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》和《联合国反腐败公约》等存在着相当大的冲突和矛盾。国际公约具有优先于国内法的效力,为履行缔约义务,必须抓紧时间修改现行刑事诉讼制度,以适应国际公约的相关要求。  相似文献   
路阳 《东南亚研究》2016,(3):91-101
新世纪以来,中国富裕阶层和知识精英正成为新一轮移民潮的主力军,越来越多的中国富裕阶层通过投资移民等方式移居海外,且大多前往欧美等西方发达国家。本文基于近年来国内外发布的有关国际移民和中国富裕阶层的相关报告,对当前中国富裕阶层以投资移民为主要方式的海外移民予以关注,着重从移民倾向、资产配置和海外投资等方面进行梳理和分析,并对中国富裕阶层移民海外的趋势和未来影响加以探讨。  相似文献   
Amnesty International estimated in 1977 that between 600,000 and 750,000 Indonesians had been or were still imprisoned as a result of the Army-led anti-communist violence in Indonesia in the mid-1960s. This article charts the relationship between members of Amnesty International and the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) with a political prisoner on death row in East Java, Gatot Lestario, a former leader of the Indonesian Communist Party. This article draws on the letters he wrote over a period of three years before his execution in 1985 and interviews with his pen pals. It traces the ways in which he encouraged his pen pals to advocate for human rights in Indonesia and their responses, as well as his own involvement in political prisoner advocacy. This case study illustrates the disappearance of Indonesia's previously close and solidary relationship with the socialist world and its replacement at the people-to-people level with human rights activism involving Western activists. This is particularly evident in the increasingly important role played by members of Amnesty International, the Quakers and other overseas organizations concerned with Indonesia. Finally, the article assesses Gatot Lestario's impact, after his execution, on the development of a long-term advocacy network for Indonesia's political prisoners.  相似文献   
Established in 1996, the Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa – Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries – set out an ambitious agenda to both protect and promote the Portuguese language worldwide and to pursue a range of multilateral initiatives of importance to its members. Rigorous, independent evaluation of the CPLP‘s role and impact has yet, however, to appear. This study moves some distance towards remedying this gap through evidence-based assessment of the enduring objectives of the organisation. It concludes that, while significant advance has occurred in specific respects, progress has been elusive in others. Moreover, such progress has tended to materially benefit specific members of the coalition somewhat more than others.  相似文献   
This paper adopts the local government as a unit of inquiry for understanding the South China Sea problem. It examines the case of Hainan Province, which was designated by the central government of China to administer its claims to ownership of natural resources in the disputed waters. It investigates the political economy of the interactions between the national government of China and the provincial government of Hainan in pursuing China's agenda of exploiting resources, fisheries in particular, in the South China Sea waters. It then considers the implications of such findings for considering the international political economy of the South China Sea problem.  相似文献   
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