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侦查人员作为证人相比一般的证人,有其自身的特殊性。对侦查人员证言的审查,重点是要审查证言内容是侦查人员的直接感知还是侦查人员对案件事实的分析、判断和评价。检察人员要达成科学心证,要综合审查侦查人员证言及其他相关证据,排除非法证人证言,得出合理结论。在没有特别证据的情况下,一般不应认为,侦查人员系案件的利害关系人,但在妨害公务类案件中,由于被害人一般为侦查人员的同事,侦查人员应属于广义上的同案件有利害关系的人。此外,收集侦查人员证言要严格按照刑诉法及相关规定的明确要求。  相似文献   
侦查线索的发现与收集是刑事案件侦查的基础。对刑事案件侦查中侦查线索进行分析,提出"侦查线索依附犯罪行为客观存在"的观点,研究侦查线索的客观存在性,探讨侦查阶段侦查线索发现与收集内容的特定性和方法的规律性,为打击制止犯罪活动奠定扎实的基础工作。  相似文献   
在视频侦查新技术和新思维的视域下,刑事技术工作应从转变思维方式,树立深度应用理念。在宏观层面,推进刑事技术工作在视频侦查条件下的发展,需要抓好以下工作:一是修改《公安机关刑事案件现场勘验检查规则》,为勘查技术工作向视频侦查拓展提供制度支撑。二是构建"四侦合一"勘查工作模式,注重对现有信息资源的充分应用。三是加强天网工程和视频侦查数据库的基础建设。四是大力开展人才培训、引进和岗位技术比武。在微观层面,要切实打好"合成战",要配合视频侦查人员做好视频图像的获取、视频图像的侦查价值的挖掘和痕迹物证与视频图像的碰撞等工作。  相似文献   
在社会转型、法治初创的社情下,由于种种原因,检察机关的行政法律监督较为薄弱,在一定程度上存在法律监督空位和监督不力的状况。这种"缺位"现象主要体现在行政执法监督的范围、方式以及权力行使边界等基础的检察监督理论尚未形成统一认识和可行性监督路径。检察机关的行政执法监督的范围应界定为"具体行政行为的合法性"。行政执法监督权方式可划分为检察监督侦查权、检察监督诉权、检察监督建议权三类。行政执法监督的权力边界,即行政执法监督权的行使应坚持谦仰原则和"刑事先理"原则,形成内外结合的权力制约机制和"被动申请为主、主动介入为辅"的权力启动机制。  相似文献   
民主党派对共产党的权力运行进行监督既是民主党派的重要职能,也是多党合作的重要形式。针对民主党派对权力运行监督中存在的主要问题,我们要提高民主党派的政党意识,健全对权力运行的监督机制,增加民主党派担任实职的机会。只有充分发挥民主党派对权力运行的监督作用,才能让权力在阳光下运行,才能正确用好权力这把"双刃剑"。  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(6):749-757
In recent years, students in police academies and higher education institutions around the world have worked together to analyse cold cases including long-term missing persons cases in collaboration with investigators and prosecutors. In 2020, three European organisations, the Police Expert Network on Missing Persons (PEN-MP), AMBER Alert Europe and Locate International, succeeded in connecting these educational organisations enabling them to work collectively on cases and conduct cold case analyses (CCA) across international borders. The International Cold Case Analysis Project (ICCAP) learning objectives were to 1) collect the necessary information about the victim, 2) reconstruct the crime, and 3) investigate trace control.In a learning objective-based evaluation using Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing, 76 participating students from the German and International ICCAP teams were asked to complete a pre- and post-review questionnaire to self-assess their personal competence development. Participants reported significant increases in competence in all evaluated areas, thus demonstrating that authentic and relevant collaborations can enrich the learning environment, promote the use of professional skills, and provide significant knowledge exchange opportunities between academia and industry.Drawing on case studies of cold case missing persons' investigations and unidentified found remains, this article shares how university academics, students and community volunteers can work together nationally and internationally to find out what has happened to missing people and how we can more effectively identify the previously unidentified. In so doing, we share the expertise required to progress these cold cases and provide recommendations to support other institutions and organisations in adopting this innovative approach.  相似文献   
The reform of the supervision system raises the consensus issue of the Supervision Law and the Criminal Procedure Law. The convergence of the two laws cannot be achieved only by the technical connection and synergy, but also by dissolving the inner conflicts of the litigation values. For one thing, the Supervision Law lays stress on the “Criminal Control Value” of the criminal justice; for another, the Criminal Procedure Law strives to attach equal importance to both “Combating Crime” and “Protecting Human Rights”. Because of the conflicting schemes of values which are possessed by the two laws separately, the convergence of the processes becomes complex, which contains the distinction between criminal “investigation” and supervising “survey”, the jurisdiction of the duty crime cases, the conversion of the coercive measures, the process of returning a case for supplementary survey, and the pleading guilty procedure for a lenient punishment, etc. For the political effect, “adopting severe punishment in trouble times” can play an important role in the short term, which may establish the atmosphere that no one dare to commit corruption crimes. But a system of both “Combating Crime” and“Protecting Human Rights” is the long-term solution, which lays the emphasis on both the sustainability and the due process of the anti-corruption in China.  相似文献   
论禁止二重监督   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江伟  谢俊 《政法论丛》2009,(2):35-40
作为完法确定的法律监督机关,人民检察院有权为了保护公共利益而对包括强制执行程序在内的诉讼活动进行监督。“禁止二重监督”理论是明确检察机关参与民事诉讼的应有方式和地位的理论依据。根据“禁止二重监督”理论,检察机关参加民事诉讼的法律地位是唯一的,要么是当事人(原告或被告),要么是法律监督者;检察机关处于不同的法律地位时,享有不同的权利义务。在诉讼阶段,检察机关可以作为当事人提起公益诉讼或再审之诉,也可以以监督者身份参与诉讼;在执行阶段,检察机关可以作为申请执行人也可以对执行机构的裁决提出抗诉。  相似文献   
西部行政执法环境的改善离不开媒体的舆论监督。然而舆论监督与行政执法环境既存在一致性,也存在不协调性。行政执法机关与新闻媒体之间应建立信任与合作的互动关系,促成行政机关、媒体与大众之间充分的交流与沟通,进而形成良性的舆论监督环境,最终达到宣传执法形象,化解执法矛盾,促进执法效率,实现西部行政执法环境的良性发展。  相似文献   
美国次贷危机之所以迅速在全球蔓延,其直接原因表现在美国及其他国家的母国监管责任的缺失。巴塞尔协议确立的跨国银行母国并表监管下的联合责任始终是各国奉行的主导规则,但WTO金融服务审慎监管例外制度赋予东道国监管的灵活权限提升了东道国的作用,并影响了巴塞尔协议中母国责任规定的实施。欧盟指令作为区域性合作的代表在母国责任规定上更为完善。中国银行业监管应进一步加强并表原则的法定性,加强并表原则的实质适用,关注境外子行和境外分行不同的监管权限、标准和范畴,才能适应我国银行业国际化和抵御金融危机的要求。  相似文献   
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