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郑金玉 《行政与法》2006,(11):108-111
在“凡进必考”的要求下,我国各级人民法院当前多已采用公务员考试模式招考“工作人员”。但无论从报考条件、考试内容,还是考试方式来看,这种招考制度都不能被认为是遴选法官的理想模式。重新审视法院招考制度,将法官的选任从目前普遍采用的招录法官助理、书记员甚至法警、法院行政人员的公务员考试中分离出来,疏通成熟法律人才进法官队伍的渠道,建立符合司法特质、体现法官独立要求的法官选任制度是我们的当务之急。  相似文献   
There have been significant developments over the past two decades that have expanded our understanding of the dynamics of parent–child contact problems post‐separation, which have resulted in some changes in judicial processes to respond to these cases. One significant advancement is a more sophisticated differentiation of the nature and severity of contact problems, which better assists legal and mental health professionals to provide more suitable legal and clinical interventions. However, the issue of innovative court processes has received limited attention. The authors describe a subgroup of families within the “severe” category, for whom an expanded intervention model, referred to as a Blended Sequential Intervention is proposed. This approach involves a reversal of care with court mandated therapeutic support for the rejected parent and child, but also involves the favored parent in the therapeutic plan from the outset, and is intended to avoid a permanent “parentectomy” of the child from either parent. The authors discuss how the courts should respond to these cases, and posit that until all therapeutic treatments are exhausted, interim orders should be preferred to final determinations, and judges should maintain oversight. The authors discuss the critical role of judicial leadership in working with lawyers and mental health professionals to manage and address the issues in these high conflict cases.  相似文献   
法官在社会中扮演着重要的角色,直接适用法律,并决定着案件审理的发展方向.法官的良心即法官的正义感、责任感对于法官审理案件有决定性的指导作用,影响法官对于案件的判断,并对法官的判决作出道德的约束.随着社会的发展,社会冲突不断加剧,法律的制定与法律的适用之间有时会产生差异.基于此,在法律的框架下,有必要提出相应解决策略,使法官的良心能够为法律的正义保驾护航,成为法律最后的守护者.  相似文献   
Although many works support creditor friendly bankruptcy laws, an evolution towards debtor friendly systems is at work. This paper proposes a theoretical ground to meet this paradox. It reconsiders the economic role of bankruptcy law by stressing on the courts’ production of information. It reveals that the transmission of a lenient signal by judges makes it possible to reduce the hazard that bad risks seek to avoid going on trial. Thus, it shows that debtor friendly bankruptcy laws are not systematically opposed to creditors’ interests. They reduce the risk of the economy and contribute to the improvement of the global efficiency.   相似文献   
设立法官惩戒委员会,并由该委员会对法官履职是否构成违法审判提供专业意见,是完善法官惩戒制度的重要内容和制度创新。对法官惩戒委员会的定位与职能,学界的建议与实际的制度建构并不完全一致。各地在设立法官惩戒委员会的过程中,因对其法律地位的理解不深、不透甚至存在偏差,导致其处于“无功能”的状态。作为一个全新的制度设计,在有域外先例可供借鉴的情况下,吸收其有益经验,再根据中国现实国情来建构,是制度建设的有效途径。当前,应根据修订后的我国《法官法》对法官惩戒委员会的相关规定,在明确法官惩戒委员会法律地位的基础上,在设立主体、委员构成、设立模式上下功夫,并做好与其他职能部门的衔接工作,确保法官惩戒委员会依法建构并保证制度得以顺利运行。  相似文献   
经过多年的努力,欧洲统一专利制度在司法诉讼领域终于取得关键性进展,统一专利法院即将正式成立。对于欧洲而言,统一专利法院的建立意味着欧洲统一专利制度最后的障碍将要被扫除,对欧盟政治经济的发展具有重大意义。我国正面临着建立知识产权领域统一法院的问题,而统一专利法院的经验具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
This summary relates to the consultation held at St George's House, in Windsor, England, on February 2018. The attendees came from across Europe and from the United States, and they discussed a range of initiatives designed to address the challenges in modern family justice and the changes in the social, political, and economic environments that are impacting family life across the globe. Although the challenges are very similar, the approach to resolving them varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The attendees concluded that there is much we can learn from each other, and that greater cooperation between family justice professionals across geographic boundaries would be highly beneficial.  相似文献   
This article deals with subjects referent to constitutional control and conventionality control in Mexico and its respective aspects. Our study proposes an interpretative mechanic that touches the idea of monopoly in behalf of the state in the subject of recognizing and protecting human rights, to allow a wide vision where any authority or citizen are able to exercise a protective human rights activity. We also pretend to show the inadequacy, at the moment, of moving into a conventional supremacy, without leaving out the analysis of subjects relative to sovereignty and constitutional supremacy.  相似文献   
我国审判委员会制度的"存"、"废"、"改"之争在法学界一直激烈地进行着.司法实践中,审判委员会制度所固有的一些弊端日益显现.最高人民法院"二五改革纲要"明确了要对审判委员会制度进行全面的改革,使争论统一到对审判委员会的改革和完善上来.针对这些弊端,应尽快修改人民法院组织法,通过完善三大诉讼舷法中的相关制度,力求给予这项传统的司法制度以新的科学含义.  相似文献   
全国法院学术讨论会的获奖论文蕴含着丰富的司法经验,为分析中国司法经验的传承与发展提供了极具价值的样本。中国司法经验的传承和发展,大致分为以发现问题为重心的征集“立法类经验”、以理论突围为特征的总结“理论性经验”和以经验反思为主旨的发展“应用型经验”等三个阶段。其成就主要表现为充分展现了案件审判经验、广泛汇集了司法工作经验,并逐步统一了理念认知经验。按照事实是否清楚、法律是否规定和严格适用法律是否合理三个要素,所有案件可以划分为由六类基本案件组成的九类案件,中国司法的基本经验为所有这些案件提供了相应的解决方案。“休谟难题”、“地方性知识”、“个性化实践”和“法官裁量权膨胀”的疑虑,与中国司法经验传承和发展的收益相比,都显得微不足道。司法经验具有广阔的发展前景,只不过中国司法经验的传承和发展应当根据经验的类型分别采取相应的具体方案。  相似文献   
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