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立法公正的实现与保障机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
立法公正不仅包括立法程序上的公正 ,还包括立法的实体公正 ,而立法实体的公正则是经由程序公正而获得的。立法程序公正的基本要件是程序公开、程序参与、程序自治、程序中立、程序效率等。实现立法公正要进一步完善公众立法的直接参与制度、立法公开制度、立法回避制度以及立法听证制度等  相似文献   
通讯监控因其搜集反恐情报、预警恐怖活动、获取与保全恐怖犯罪证据的功能,成为各国反恐立法与实践的一把"利器"。这项措施在发挥其反恐最大效能的同时,也隐藏着对公民通信自由权和隐私权等利益的巨大威胁,因此各国立法均对其进行立法规制。我国立法对通讯监控规定还较为粗疏,为我国立法建言,有必要通过比较分析对国外通讯监控立法进行研究,从中获得启示。  相似文献   
统计分析煤矿、铁路行业等风险较大行业和中等风险行业在1995年至2010年间工伤事故数大幅下降,说明《工伤保险条例》实施效果显著。工伤保险立法应扩大保护覆盖范围,细化行业差别费率和行业内费率档次;应注意同类立法时间的恰当衔接,有效提升各法的实施效果;下一次修正《工伤保险条例》宜与本次修正间隔4-5年;加快配套法规立法,争取工伤保险法实施效果最大化。  相似文献   
Members of the United States Congress are cross-pressured by constituents, party leaders, the president, and even by their own career goals. Yet, they are limited in their time and resources, and must maximise the tools available to them. Given that Congressional letter writing to the president as a tool available to all members occurs so widely, such behaviour informs a deeper understanding of how legislators seek to professionalise as politicians in competitive national politics. Utilising a data set of nearly 13,000 Congressional letters across eight Congresses, the author finds that letter writers systematically differ from non-letter writers, shedding light on the value of letter writing in Congressional behaviour and career aspirations, as well as the drivers behind this form of behaviour. Letter content varies based on the institutional and individual characteristics of the letter writer, suggesting members differ in how they view and use this tool.  相似文献   
Recent years have seen increasing calls to integrate the public's voice into the parliamentary process. This article examines the impact of public reading stage (PRS) on the UK Parliament's scrutiny of a bill. A new stage of the legislative process piloted by the House of Commons in February 2013, PRS invited the public to comment on a bill undergoing parliamentary scrutiny (the Children and Families Bill). The PRS was designed to encourage members of the public to participate in the scrutiny of legislation through a specially designed forum on parliament's website. Over 1000 comments were submitted. Drawing on a content analysis of the comments given by the public to the bill, complemented by interviews with members of parliament, key officials and PRS participants, it was found that although the public reading stage had an impressive response, it failed to make much of a tangible impact on the parliamentary scrutiny of the bill. This was largely due to the choice of bill being used for the pilot and its lack of appropriate integration into the formal legislative process.  相似文献   
我国公共行政领域正在进行新的变革,其中民办非企业单位的大量出现和发展是这一变革的重要体现。民办非企业单位的特征、界定、管理体制和法律地位,成立条件、程序、内部制度以及对民办非企业单位的监督管理等一系列问题,是当前研究和探讨的主要内容。  相似文献   
1997年<刑法>对走私犯罪的组织结构、体系安排、罪名设置、罪刑配置等都作了较大的调整,值得充分肯定.但走私犯罪体例安排仍欠协调、走私犯罪构成要件设计有偏差,如犯罪构成要件设计偏重犯罪目的、走私犯罪的模糊用语表述导致其立法权旁落,以及处理走私货物、物品与运输工具于<刑法>无据等问题的存在也是不容忽视的.针对上述问题,应当通过调整走私犯罪立法体例、增加走私特定违禁品罪、增加特定犯罪目的为选择构成要件等加以解决.  相似文献   
受教育权作为一种具体化的基本权利,对于公民来说意义重大。国家对受教育权的保护义务首先在于尽可能地采取行动以发展社会经济,使教育的发展同步于社会的发展和国家义务能力的发展,其次是立法机关、行政机关和司法机关对受教育权的具体保护,受教育权的立法保护与行政保护可以称作事前保护,司法保护则可以称作受教育权的事后保护。在延伸层面,国家的国际法意义上的保护义务与国内层面的保护一同构成受教育权保护的双重体系。  相似文献   
汉英两种语言差异在立法文本中的体现是我们翻译时应该特别注意的。该文结合西方国家一些法学家对立法句子的观点,评述了目前中国法律英译文中一些条款的法律主体缺失现象,讨论了英语国家法律评论家普遍赞同的立法句子的施动性,有生性和主动性的特点,提出了译者在翻译立法句子的过程中要遵循突出法律行为的主体,而在某些情况下被动句能更好的传达立法目的。  相似文献   
随着刑事立法的日趋活跃,采“分则立法模式”的竞合条款日益呈现“立法肥大症”,可考虑将竞合条款(尤其是想象竞合从一重处断条款)进行总则化改造。就新增竞合条款的理解与适用而言,作为想象竞合表征的从一重处断条款,其适用关键是“一行为”与“数法益”的判断;新修正的我国《刑法》第229条第2款,标志着立法者对牵连犯现象的进一步肯认,其适用以客观上存在牵连关系、主观上具备牵连意图为限;新增的数罪并罚条款(第280条之二第3款),则存在修正程序与实体内容两方面的瑕疵,应将其视为想象竞合数罪并罚的“拟制规定”加以适用。  相似文献   
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