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This paper aims to assess the proposed General Data Protection Regulation through the framework of default entitlements in personal data. The notion of default entitlements comes from economic analysis of law and provides new insights into the implications of the data protection reform. While, under the principle of informational self-determination the default entitlements should lie with the individual, the Commission is shown to assign a great deal of default rights to others, including the Information Industry. This article cautions against the possibility of reducing the European system of data protection rooted in the values of individual autonomy and informational self-determination to a mere set of administrative rules channelling the flow of personal data, yet without a clear direction.  相似文献   
通说将犯罪客体与民事、经济、行政等法律所保护的社会关系严格区分,并将之限定为刑法分则规定的社会关系的整体,是不可取的。否定犯罪客体在犯罪认定中的作用,缺乏说服力。以法益等替代犯罪客体中的社会关系,并不可取。犯罪客体具有事实判断与价值评价双重功能。法律关系是犯罪客体的重要内容。正当事由符合特定法律关系,没有侵犯犯罪客体,不能认定为犯罪。  相似文献   

Mary Wollstonecraft is increasingly being recognized as a philosopher who made a noteworthy contribution to moral and political philosophy. Her work not only encompassed political treatises, such as the now well-known A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, but also fiction. This article demonstrates how Wollstonecraft’s work comprised three main ways of engaging with trust, namely distrust, virtuous trust, and open trust. It puts these three forms of trust into context with Wollstonecraft’s ambivalent relation to the 18th-century culture of sensibility. Moreover, Wollstonecraft’s open form of trust is compared with the 20th-century Danish theologian and philosopher K. E. Løgstrup’s conception of trust. Løgstrup regarded genuine trust as a spontaneous, basic phenomenon that was not rooted in moral reasoning. While there are some similarities between Wollstonecraft’s open trust and Løgstrup’s understanding of trust, Wollstonecraft ultimately reinforced the value of ‘an educated heart’, namely the idea that the feelings of the heart should be cultivated by reason. Accordingly, this article offers some insight into how we may perceive Wollstonecraft’s strong rejection of Edmund Burke’s ‘inbred sentiments’, that is, Burke’s belief in innate, benign moral instincts.  相似文献   
Ronald Dworkin’s Justice for Hedgehogs defends liberal political morality on the basis of a rich account of dignity as constitutive of living well. This article raises the Rawlsian concern that making political morality dependent on ethics threatens citizens’ political autonomy. Thereafter, it addresses whether the abandonment of (erinaceous) ethical foundations signals the demise of Dworkin’s liberalism and explores the possibility of laundering his conception so as to facilitate a marriage between the political philosophies of Rawls and Dworkin. The article finishes by rebutting some objections Dworkin raises against Rawls’s account of public reason.  相似文献   
家庭暴力问题可以说自家庭这个社会团体的出现便存在,无论是中国还是外国概莫能外。家庭暴力问题已经成为构建和谐家庭与和谐社会的大敌,是造成社会不稳定、影响社会发展的重要因素。从家庭暴力的特性、加害人和被害人的互动关系、家庭暴力产生的原因和控制模式等方面进行探讨,有助于对家庭暴力问题的系统解决。  相似文献   
“有新的证据,足以推翻原判决、裁定的”是启动民事诉讼再审的事由,如何理解新的证据成为是否透彻理解法律条文的关键问题。文章从规则、理论、实务三方面展开论述,并对“新的证据”的界定、审查和确认提出了合理阐释。  相似文献   
2008年7月因佛教古寺柏威夏寺归属引发的柬埔寨一泰国边界紧张局势终于出现了缓和的迹象。由于历史原因,柬泰关系特别是边界问题极其敏感和复杂,熟悉这方面的柬埔寨学者认为柏威夏问题无法单独彻底解决。本文就这一问题作些述评。  相似文献   
盗窃、诈骗和伤害案件是高校校园内发案率最高的三类案件,它们具有三大特点:发案的连续性、发案时间和地点上的固定性以及案件产生不良后果的破坏性。这些案件之所以频繁在校园内发生,主要是由于学生的防范意识比较差、容易受到欺骗和蒙蔽、学校与社会的界限日益模糊、高校防范案件发生的措施尚不完善等。针对这些案件的发生规律和成因,高校可以采取大力宣传安全知识、加大对保卫部门的投入、增设岗亭和巡逻队、实行进出宿舍楼登记制度以及鼓励群防群治等措施来防范和处理。  相似文献   
在我国,"剩女"问题作为一个现实的新型社会问题已越来越引起大家的关注.要解决"剩女"问题,第一,应摒弃传统婚恋观,树立正确的婚恋观;第二,社会各界要积极行动,通力合作,提供更多的公益性婚恋平台;第三,"剩女"们应不断解放思想,放宽择偶眼界,降低择偶的物质和利益标准.  相似文献   
在视频图像侦查过程中,经常会发生视频追踪对象在某个特定区域的视频监控图像中"消失"的现象。它可能是由于存在监控盲区造成的,也有可能是由于犯罪嫌疑人的反侦查行为,或者侦查员在视频监控资料收集、处理、查看过程中存在问题造成的。因此,我们可以通过合理布局,减少监控盲区,广泛收集和处理视频监控资料,深入查看和分析视频消失区域,多种侦查手段并用等途径来加以应对。  相似文献   
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