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孔子作为古代最伟大的人道主义者,最早发现了人,他的“仁”、“礼”同构伦理体系,特别是“泛爱众”思想,使他能够在男女社会分工、内外有别现象既成的前提下,重视妇女的作用,特别是她们在家庭中的作用,强调要尊重妇女、爱护妇女、孝敬母亲。当然,他的旨在“恢复周礼”、维护等级阶级差别的思想、重“阳”的逻辑前提,为后世儒教歧视、压制女性埋下了伏笔。  相似文献   
本文运用历史和逻辑相统一的方法纵向地梳理和推演了儒学发展的整个进程,揭示了儒学在不同历史阶段的思想观点和历史形态,历史地分析了儒学在不同时期所处的历史地位和作用,对于我们今天发掘儒学的生命精神,阐扬传统儒学的人文精神,促进儒学的创造性转换,探求中国现代化发展的道路,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
This paper examines various approaches to studying the mean length of stay in prison. The literature contains a wide range of estimates of this quantity. The discrepancies that appear in these estimates and in the conclusions reached from them have been the subject of several reviews. We build upon that work, using the life table as the gold standard, to demonstrate the inaccuracy of common measures such as the ratio of the population size to the annual number of entrances or the mean length of time served by those exiting in a particular period. This demonstration is conducted in two parts. One part uses model populations with constant growth rates; the second part relies upon simulated prison populations with time-varying rates of entrance and exit. In addition, we introduce two new indirect measures that are more accurate than several existing indirect measures and that are relatively easy to use. The new measures are based on the entrance rate or the exit rate and adjust for the growth rate of the prison population.
Evelyn J. PattersonEmail:
从学理的角度研究一部经典文本,应从字义、逻辑、文本关联、哲理内涵和历史背景等方面,综合考察其精神倾向和思想内容。对《孟子》文本中仁者爱人、推恩、恻隐之心、以天下养、父子不责善等几个与舜的腐败案例相关问题的探讨也应作如是观。  相似文献   
In der Tradition von Alexis de Tocqueville wird zivilgesellschaftlichen Vereinigungen eine essentielle Bedeutung in der zwischenmenschlichen Vertrauensbildung zugeschrieben. Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrages ist es, den Zusammenhang zwischen Vereinsengagement und generalisiertem Vertrauen differenzierter zu betrachten und empirisch für die Schweiz zu untersuchen. Dabei werden sowohl das Engagement in verschiedenen Organisationstypen (brückenbildende vs. abgrenzende und isolierte vs. verbundene) als auch die vereinstypusunabhängige Integration miteinander verglichen. Empirische Analysen auf Basis aktueller Daten des Schweizer Freiwilligen‐Monitors 2007 kommen dabei zu dem Schluss, dass entgegen weitverbreiteter Meinung die Vertrauensentwicklung in der Schweiz weniger vom Engagement in spezifischen Vereinen abhängt, sondern vielmehr dem Ausmass der persönlichen Integrationsbereitschaft geschuldet ist. Von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Vertrauensentwicklung ist also nicht die Qualität der hier untersuchten einzelnen Vereinigungen, sondern die Quantität des persönlichen Engagements.  相似文献   
Exposure to violence is a serious public health concern that compromises adolescents by affecting their behavior and psychological well-being. The current study advances knowledge about the consequences of exposure to violence in adolescence by applying a life course perspective to evaluate the developmental implications of adolescents’ exposure to violence. In particular, drawing on a sample of 11,949 school-aged adolescents in the U.S., we examine whether exposure to violence in adolescence is associated with precocious role exits that some adolescents experience. Exposure to violence is conceptualized as including both direct (i.e., experiencing physical victimization) and indirect exposure (i.e., witnessing others’ victimization). Three types of direct exposure to violence are examined: street, intimate partner, and family victimization, as well as four types of indirect exposure including: street, peer, and school violence as well as exposure to family/friend suicide. Using three waves of longitudinal data from the Add Health Study, we find that exposure to violence is associated with greater risks of running away from home, dropping out of high school, having a child, attempting suicide, and coming into contact with the criminal justice system in later adolescence. In addition, risks depend upon the relational context in which the exposure to violence occurred, risks increase with greater exposure to violence, and risks are, for the most part, highest for those youth exposed to both indirect and direct violence in adolescence.
Dana L. HaynieEmail:

Dana L. Haynie   is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Ohio State University. She received a Ph.D. in Sociology from the Pennsylvania State University in 1999. Her current research focuses on the social relationships that facilitate delinquent behavior and the developmental implications of exposure to violence. Richard J. Petts   is an Assistant Professor at Ball State University. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from The Ohio State University. His main research interest is the intersection of family and religion, and recent work focuses on the influence of family and religion on adolescent well-being. David Maimon   is a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at the Ohio State University. His research interests include sociological and criminological theories, quantitative research methodologies and behavioral variation in deviance and crime across urban communities. Alex R. Piquero   is Professor in the Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland College Park, where he received his Ph.D. in 1996. His research interests include criminal careers, criminological theory, and quantitative research methods. He is co-editor of the Journal of Quantitative Criminology, and Executive Counselor with the American Society of Criminology.  相似文献   
在新的形势下,大学生的形象已经发生了深刻的变化,在围绕珠三角九所高职院校的大学生人生价值观的调查中,整体而言,当代高职大学生人生价值观主流呈现积极、进取、健康向上的良好发展态势,大学生的价值观与整个社会风气和社会环境相比更具有进步的意识。与此同时,调查中也显示当代高职大学生在精神上存在一定的困惑,存在"功利化"、"世俗化"、"多元化"价值选择倾向。在对这些倾向的分析中,可以看出在来自各种社会思潮的冲击下,加之高校思想政治教育机制的不健全和当代高职大学生自身存在的弱点,使得当代高职大学生内心世界和精神领域的思想观念隐含深层次的矛盾与困惑。  相似文献   
柳宗元习佛乃其遭遇促成,实不得已。柳氏在遭贬之后,由于思想上的苦闷,情感上的抑郁,身体上的虚弱,遂长时间浸润于佛教以抚慰其痛苦心灵。同时,他又从一个儒者的思想认识来看待佛教,把佛理当作重要的“佐世”之道,志在援佛入儒,“统合儒释”。这些动机导致他的佛教信仰不可能虔诚,对佛理的研究也不可能深入。而这种不虔诚的佛教信仰最终也必定无法彻底使柳宗元从政坛失意、被贬南荒的痛苦中解脱出来。柳氏习佛的动因和目的在中国古代文人中具有一定的普遍性和典型性。  相似文献   
从记载文本来看,利玛窦从自身对宗教的体会出发,曾经把儒家列为中国的三种宗教之一。随着利玛窦本人对儒家认识的进一步加深,同时为了更好地在中国传教,利玛窦做出了儒家非宗教的判断,这种判断在西方社会中产生了重要影响,虽然当时并没有在中国国内引起较大的关注,但是从一个较长范围来说,仍然具有学术史的意义。利玛窦敏锐地认识到儒学发展的阶段性,肯定"先儒",批判"后儒",但是没有看到中国儒学发展的连续系,也没有看到中国儒学发展断裂性与连续性之间的关系,体现了利玛窦儒学观的内在张力。  相似文献   
Criminologists are increasingly interested in the effects of life-course dynamics on criminological development. However, detailed longitudinal data are difficult to obtain and possibly confounded due to recall errors. Life Event Calendars (LECs) are designed to reduce recall errors and are increasingly used as a method for obtaining valid retrospective data in criminological studies. Yet few studies exist that assess the accuracy of LEC data in offender samples. This study aims to fill this void. We compare data regarding the prevalence and timing of marriage, divorce, and childbirth obtained through an LEC to official registry data in a sample of convicted offenders. We examine whether the accuracy of the data vary by event or respondent specific characteristics. We conclude that the LEC data are quite accurate regarding the prevalence of marriage, divorce, and childbirth. The data are less accurate regarding the timing of these life events.  相似文献   
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