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With the aim of exploring the correlations between sociological and aesthetic areas, this article examines the mobility of poet Dolors Miquel in the Catalan literary field, where she has occupied positions ranging from the poetics of orality to ruralism, and where her work has been printed in the commercial press as well as underground publications. This paper ties that mobility in with practices of fusion such as the parodical discourse and camp, based on the hypothesis that in literatures affected by subordination, as is the case of Catalan literature, the partial overlapping of the spheres of general and restricted consumption is conducive to the emergence of dual languages. The satire, the revision of tradition, and the purposely “low-cost” tone that characterise Miquel’s poetry can be read as discourses formed by the combination of popularised stagings and elitist knowledge. Although this combination compromises the distinction between select minority and mass public audiences, it offers new answers to a question posed in the Catalan literature from the 1960s on and which continues to apply today: the question as to the space to be occupied by popular literature.  相似文献   
作为“清华中国文学系的柱石”的闻一多的教育理念和实绩,尚未能引起学术界应有的重视。闻一多主张清华大学中国文学系“培养学术研究的人才”、“把中文系办成学系研究中心”,以及在《调整大学文学院中国文学外国语文学二系机构刍议》一文中提出的看法,对清华大学中国文学系乃至我国大学文科的改革和发展都产生过较大的影响。  相似文献   
For the past sixty‐seven years, the Council on Foreign Relations has dedicated itself to enlarging the public dialogue on matters affecting U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. This effort is to be commended. It stands as a testimony to your strong sense of civic responsibility, and it illustrates yet another way in which America's private and public sectors cooperate in matters of national concern.

Forty‐one years ago, Foreign Affairs published the landmark article—"Mr. X"— calling for a bold new approach to the challenges of the post‐war world. At that time, the international structure and order inherited from the nineteenth century had collapsed, and attempts to replace it were directed from two philosophically distinct and antagonistic power centers. This was the era of the Cold War.

America met those challenges with a sense of daring and determination. The Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, NATO—these stand as testimonials to imaginative leadership and effort. The renewed vitality of Western Europe and Japan—protected by the shield of a strong and effective deterrence—are a measure of its success.

Today, America faces another historic challenge occasioned neither by war nor post‐war dislocations. Rather, it results from changes set in motion by a new and powerful dynamic which in recent years has exploded onto the world scene—the grand spectacle of the Information Revolution.  相似文献   
随着英国成为西欧女性监禁率最高的国家,其在女性囚犯的管理方式和制度的问题和诟病逐渐显现出来。英国监狱制度一向被认为是比较完善和系统的,但是英国女性囚犯在监狱中遭受着持续暴力、药物滥用、脱衣搜身制度、男性主导的监狱文化以及与家庭沟通的过度限制,给她们的身心生活均造成了严重而持久的影响,导致监狱内精神疾病和自杀现象频发,但同时也引起了替代羁押刑及措施的研究和应用。这给同样处于女性囚犯数量持续增长现状的中国敲响警钟,我们应当重视以下对策研究:建设个性化的女子监狱;不断完善离监探亲制度;加强社区矫正制度的应用。  相似文献   
影视文化,从广义上讲即电影电视文化,狭义上仅指电影、电视剧文化。影视文化是最为典型的文学表达形式、最为先进的文化载体、最具泛适性的文化现象和最具发展潜力的产业领域。它不仅具有宣传教化、娱乐消遣的功能,并且能够生财创富。  相似文献   
“市场化”对20世纪80年代中期以来的中国当代文学的发展状况影响深远,这种影响远非任何程度的“外部冲击”可以形容,而是深入到文学生产体制的内部,直接影响到文学的生成方式。尤其是我国建立社会主义市场经济体制以来,这一境况越发凸显。因此,面对新的文化境遇,分析文学产生方式的转变,就具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
本文就信达雅翻译标准提出的历史渊源及其历史发展的轨迹进行了初步探讨。从历史角度,回顾了近百年来中国在翻译标准问题上所取得的成果,通过纵向的比较、动态的研究,发掘了信达雅之说的学术内涵,从而验证了信达雅是最具有影响力的翻译原则和标准。  相似文献   
马克思主义文艺批评的理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思主义经典作家既是革命家、思想家,又是文艺批评家。他们的文艺批评活动,就必然带有强烈的政治色彩,总是以强烈的社会责任感和历史使命感,面对和回答生活中出现的迫切的重大的现实问题。重温和研究他们的文艺批评的理论和实践,对促进和提升当代中国文艺批评理论建设和实践活动,都具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
赖和素有“台湾新文学之父”、“台湾的鲁迅”之称。战后台湾,赖和难脱文化政治思潮的羁绊。50至80年代赖和“入祀”忠烈祠、“被驱逐”与“重新入祀”忠烈祠的荣辱兴衰,解严后赖和作为象征符号被卷入国族建构的历史际遇,都源自赖和文学与思想的左翼、民族意识与台湾乡土情怀的各自解读。本论文拟从赖和接受史论述战后台湾政治文化思潮对知识者“形象建构”之影响。  相似文献   
百年文学人类学研究范式的审美视阈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文学人类学是在文学和人类学的交叉点上生长起来的,经过百年来的不断发展,目前已经形成了一门世界性的学科。在中西文化交流的背景下,中国的文学人类学从无到有,逐渐得到发展。文学人类学既是一种批评的方法,又是对文学本质的一种认识,20世纪中国文学人类学的发展显示了文学研究范式的革新。  相似文献   
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