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分析医疗损害责任纳入《侵权责任法》积极和消极意义的基础上,阐述了医疗纠纷的法律适用,并从解构医患法律关系入手,提出了坚持医疗纠纷中对医方宽容与对患者救济并行。构建医患法律关系的立法趋势。  相似文献   
从医疗纠纷鉴定人角度研究医疗纠纷,为相关机构防范医疗纠纷提供思路。医疗纠纷是多种原因引起的,一般采用诉讼方式解决。法医在医疗纠纷的解决中扮演重要角色。在医疗纠纷鉴定中要判定诊疗行为对患者造成的损害后果,判定诊疗行为是否存在医疗过失,判定医疗过失与损害后果之间的因果关系.正确地进行死因分析和证据的取舍认定。在引起医疗纠纷的原因中,以技术性、责任心、医患交流不足等方面的原因居多。医护人员应提高自身的业务水平、责任心及服务质量;加强医患交流,建立畅通的医患沟通渠道;增强自我法律防护意识,建立健全的医疗规章管理制度。  相似文献   
目的了解医疗纠纷赔偿的情况,探讨影响医疗纠纷赔偿额的因素及赔偿费用来源。方法采用分层整群随机抽样方法,对山东省四地市50所医院2001~2005年中处理的233例医疗纠纷赔偿情况进行调查、统计学分析。结果医疗机构级别圾发生年份与医疗纠纷赔偿额度无明显相关关系,而发生医疗纠纷的原因、医疗纠纷的损害后果、医疗纠纷的处理方式、处理时间长短、患方在医疗纠纷处理过程中有无暴力行为、医疗机构的鉴定方式等,则是影响医疗纠纷赔偿额的重要因素。结论医疗机构及医务人员承担医疗纠纷所发生的赔偿费用和医疗费免除是最主要的费用来源。  相似文献   
Dispute resolution under CEPA is regulated in Chapter 19-Institution Arrangement, but only consists of one sentence. The flaws are explored in the performance of this new agreement. Dispute resolution under NAFTA includes more than four dispute resolution procedures, which include numerous details and various institutions. It is considered as one of the best dispute resolution mechanism. The successful experience and the lessons learned will help CEPA establish a fair, efficient, and suitable disnute resolution mechanism  相似文献   
郑莹 《法学杂志》2012,33(3):112-117
社会保障权是社会保障法的核心,是现代社会的一项基本人权,其本质是社会权。有权利就应当有救济,其中司法救济又是权利救济途径中最权威、最行之有效的方式,是保障公民社会保障权利恒久不易的追求。由于社会保障权的特殊性质,传统的民事和行政救济体系已不能适应社会保障争议的需要,打破传统的普通诉讼程序,借鉴国外成熟经验,完善和创设符合社会保障权特征的现代的特殊司法救济机制已成为必然之选。  相似文献   
程凯  吴大华 《政法学刊》2011,28(6):79-81
多元化纠纷解决机制是现实社会中解决矛盾与纠纷的重要手段,承载着解决民事纠纷的重要功能。其表现在法理上的特征值得仔细研究,对其司法调解中的限度问题值得关注,尤其是当前法治中的现实困境对纠纷解决机制也产生了不可忽视的影响。  相似文献   
This article discusses an extension to the Thomas–Kilmann conflict mode instrument (Thomas and Kilmann 1977) designed specifically for conflict situations in which strong negative emotional relationships are at play. The Thomas–Kilmann (TK) model is widely used to help participants (disputants and mediators) identify how two basic conflict characteristics interact to influence how stakeholders shape their actions with regard to their interests. Essentially the TK Model is built on the premise that the two salient conflict variables are the relative importance of the relationships at hand and the substantive issues being discussed. These variables are illustrated with a simple matrix that shows how each party will interact with the other based on the relative importance it places on these variables. Graphically illustrating where the behaviors fall on the matrix can explicate parties' behaviors to add a new perspective that may change the dynamic of the conflict. But the TK Model does not address scenarios in which individuals have very negative or destructive relationships, and sabotage, blocking, and exclusion are behavioral norms. Hence, we developed the Baumoel–Trippe (BT) Extension to the TK Model to address the highly negative and often identity‐based conflicts that are often found in the world of family business. Accordingly, the BT Extension to the TK Model explores conflicts in which the relationships are not merely unimportant or uncooperative, but where they become negative to downright vengeful. There is so much at stake for family business stakeholders that the family relationships may become so adversarial that the very business and family harmony all parties value are at risk. With our extension of the TK Model, we seek to provide insight into how decisions might be made when stakeholders are in highly negative, conflictual relationships.  相似文献   
调解的重构(下)——以法院调解的改革为重点   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
调解作为中国自古就存在的一种纠纷解决方式 ,甚至是社会治理的一种制度性或体制性存在 ,在现代仍然有着极为重要的意义。本文采取一种综合各种功能的多元价值论 ,主张客观地认识调解的各种功能和价值。同时 ,力图通过对于以法院调解改革为重点获取的实证资料的分析 ,提出一种有关我国调解的功能和价值的建设性的意见或理论框架 ,实现一种对于调解的重构 ,以使其获得现代转型和重生。  相似文献   
小事闹大与大事化小:解读一份清代民事调解的法庭记录   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以乾隆三十一年山东邹县的一起民事调解案件的法庭笔录为分析对象 ,仔细解读其中蕴涵的 ,同时也是被中外法律史学者广泛争论的若干清代司法实践问题 :一是帝国官僚的诉讼态度与小民百姓的诉讼策略 ;二是帝国衙门的纠纷解决手段 ;三是解决纠纷 (裁判 )的依据 ;四是清代法律的表达与实践。此外 ,本文不仅“深描”这份法庭笔录 ,而且把它置于广阔的帝制中国的政治结构、社会经济、日常生活、司法体制、诉讼理想和现实的语境当中进行考察。与此同时 ,受到“复调”理论的启发 ,本文在叙述风格上也作了一些尝试 ,以期通过这一文体的尝试彰显传统中国司法运作的复杂意蕴。  相似文献   
目的寻找并确证合同纠纷中精神障碍者民事行为能力评定的考量的指标。方法回顾性收集合同纠纷中精神障碍民事行为能力评定案例中被鉴定人相关资料;对所提炼民事行为能力评定应当考量的6项指标,即处境认识、争端理解、结果认识、信息利用、环境功能和决定交流进行评定与分析。结果纳入与精神障碍者民事行为评定相关的合同纠纷案例56例,所有案例中民事行为能力均实行三级划分,即完全民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力、无民事行为能力。合同类型主要集中于两类,与房屋相关合同38例,劳动合同14例。经统计发现各考量指标与专家鉴定结论的相关性较高,相关系数0.703~0.834,6项指标内部相关性高,相关系数0.712~0.877。结论合同纠纷中精神障碍者民事行为能力可实行三级划分,上述6项指标对精神障碍者的民事行为评定具有较强代表性,可以此为基础进一步开展民事行为能力评定标准化和量化研究。  相似文献   
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