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This paper discusses the Coordinated Family Dispute Resolution (family mediation) process piloted in Australia in 2010–2012. This process was evaluated by the Australian Institute of Family Studies as being ‘at the cutting edge of family law practice’ because it involves the conscious application of mediation where there has been a history of family violence, in a clinically collaborative multidisciplinary and multi-agency setting. The Australian government's failure to invest resources in the ongoing funding of this model jeopardises the safety and efficacy of family dispute resolution practice in family violence contexts, and compromises the hearing of the voices of family violence victims and their children.  相似文献   
纠纷成本与诉讼效益分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马胜军 《现代法学》2000,22(6):63-64
本文试图用经济学的基本理论和方法对纠纷的成本与诉讼效益做一分析。纠纷妨碍了交易和效益 ,增加了成本。在诉讼中和通过诉讼 ,做到尽量避免纠纷对收益的不利影响 ,努力减少纠纷成本 ,并影响和减少纠纷的数量 ,这就是诉讼之效益。  相似文献   
卢芳华 《东南亚》2009,(4):6-10
南海争端涉及多个国家。作为最大域外因素的美国对南海问题的关注和介入日益突出,“9.11”事件后,美国主要通过加强军事存在、与南海周边国家进行能源合作、加强与东盟合作三个渠道介入南海问题。在相当长的时间里,美国的南海政策仍以主动、扩张、威慑为主,其牵制中国崛起的基本方针不会改变:同时,美国参与和建构新的南海多边安全机制构想已日趋凸现。  相似文献   
Currently there is a question of whether and how Afghanistan should engage non-state councils of elders to resolve disputes. In order to harness their benefits (e.g. efficiency), control their abuses (e.g. occasional controversial resolutions), and stabilize the resolution of disputes, some have argued that formal links should be established between the state judicial system and non-state councils of elders in Afghanistan. Others argue that mere informal links between the two systems should be established. Still others suggest that prior models of state engagement in Afghanistan should be revived. In Kyrgyzstan, just 65 miles north of Afghanistan, the Tsarist, Soviet and post-Soviet administrations have used various methods to engage non-state councils of elders. Despite these vastly different attempts at controlling local dispute resolutions, elders independently resolved disputes outside of Tsarist and Soviet control and continue to resolve disputes outside of post-Soviet state control in Kyrgyzstan. This phenomenon highlights the need for legitimacy in any models of state engagement that are considered for Afghanistan. If, as observed in Kyrgyzstan, people do not use state-sanctioned local councils in Afghanistan, then their purposes may be frustrated. Therefore, in addition to reviewing the experience with state engagement in other parts of the world, policy makers in Afghanistan should also review the historical and contemporary experience with state engagement in Kyrgyzstan. As the need for legitimacy is reconsidered and applied to the design of models for Afghanistan, it may be more likely that those models will be used by more people in Afghanistan and that their purposes will be furthered.  相似文献   
农村土地征收纠纷的解决要以现有法律资源为根本途径。而在现有的法律规定中,最适于解决农村土地征收纠纷的就是行政复议。但现行行政复议法所规定的行政复议却不被农民所看好,因为其存在的缺陷使得它不能很好地维护农民的土地权益。这些缺陷包括:对行政复议的定性错误,规定复议机关可以成为被告,复议机关的自由裁量权过大等。为此,应对现行行政复议法进行修改或在土地管理法中对行政复议作出特别规定,使得复议机关在作出改变土地征收行为的复议决定、农民向法院起诉时,被告仍然是原决定征收的机关而不是复议机关。  相似文献   
联合国和平解决争端机制的缺陷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和平是人类的企盼。作为第一个和平解决国际争端的国际安全体系——国联失败了。在吸取教训的基础上建立的联合国明确禁止以武力解决国际争端,并以安理会为核心设计了和平解决争端机制。但科索沃危机暴露了此机制存在的问题: 1. 安理会的政治基础不稳, “五大国一致”并不能真正一致。2. 联合国和平解决争端机制, 对大国制约不够。3. 国际法不适应形势的发展, 出现无法可依的情况。  相似文献   
群体劳动争议因其争议主体的集体性和组织性、争议内容的多元性和争议手段的集体对抗性而内在地需要工会作为劳方代表参与争议解决。然而,在行政主导的争议处理机制下,忽视了规范化的制度建设,工会的角色定位不明晰,再加上工会自身存在较大缺陷,集体劳动关系协调机制与群体劳动争议解决机制不衔接,造成了工会难以参与群体劳动争议处理的困境。因此,需要完善相关制度,确立三方机制的处理方式,明确工会在群体劳动争议处理中的法律地位,制定工会参与的具体形式、条件和程序,克服工会自身缺陷,构建群体劳动争议解决机制与集体劳动关系协调机制对接制度。  相似文献   
在行政法上,职务协助是一个重要却备受冷落的制度。综观各国行政法制发达的国家,都规定了较为系统的职务协助或者相关的制度。然而,我国行政法学界对此似乎缺乏应有的关注,研究的广度和深度都还有待于进一步加强。  相似文献   
ADR概念来源于美国,原是对20世纪逐步发展起来的各种诉讼外纠纷解决方式的总称,现已引申为对世界各国普遍存在的、民事诉讼制度以外的非诉讼纠纷解决方式或机制的称谓,具有代替性、选择性的特点以及纠纷解决的基本功能。民国初期的商事公断集现代和传统于一身,兼具仲裁和调解的性质特点,任何一种单一的法律性质界定都显得单薄,不能涵盖其全部,而它的这种新旧杂糅的特点都可以纳入"非诉讼纠纷解决机制"这一"模糊"概念之中。  相似文献   
In April 2010 the New Zealand Family Court introduced the National Early Intervention Process (NEIP) to diversify its previous unitary dispute resolution pathway into two tracks (standard and urgent). A “triage” model is now in use to assess and assign cases appropriately. This article outlines the key milestones in the Family Court's 30‐year history which have led to this new initiative to reduce delays and help avoid the escalation of family conflicts over the care of children into bitter and intractable disputes. NEIP represents the most overarching reform of the Family Court since the Court's inception in 1981.  相似文献   
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