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随着美国次贷危机的蔓延,资产证券化的风险对金融安全的影响不容忽视。结合对美国次贷危机诱因及目前资产证券化风险的分析,提出防范风险的核心是建立一套与我国金融安全相适应的一系列机制。  相似文献   
360和腾讯纠纷案提供了分析网络立法与网络自治的绝佳样板。网络立法与网络自治的冲突以鲜明方式体现出来,探究两者共存的基础显得必要而紧迫。法律多元理论为两者的协调发展提供了基础。在法律多元理论视角下存在自治与立法的双重逻辑,一是网络立法是优先法益立法,也是有限立法,法益标准的确定是网络立法的前提;二是为解决网络自治与网络立法的现实冲突,部分赋予网络自治规则予以习惯效力,促使网络规则向法律规则的转化,亦是互联网发展的有效途径。但转化过程中应当注意网络自治规则的普适性与实用性,防止垄断性企业对网络自治规则的滥用。  相似文献   
司法在法治现代化的进程中起着重要的作用,然而在具体纠纷解决的过程中也不可避免地存在局限性,因此出现了许多其他纠纷解决方式.本文在考察我国多元化纠纷解决机制内涵和生成背景的基础上,分析了多元化纠纷解决机制实际运行中存在的问题,对完善我国多元化纠纷解决机制提出了一些建议,以期对法治建设有所裨益.  相似文献   
This is the fourth in a series of articles looking at the interaction between Internet domain names and intellectual property. It outlines the ICANN dispute resolution procedure for gTLDs whereby objectionable domain names can be transferred away from their registrants or cancelled. It also compares this to legal proceedings in the UK Courts and outlines a referral to the European Court of Justice on issues relating to a trade mark registration as the basis or legitimate interest for a .eu domain name registration.  相似文献   
This article builds on the tendency in recent decades in the field of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to analyze conflict and its transformation from a relational perspective. It surveys developments in twentieth‐century philosophy that support the ongoing quest to explore the self in ADR from a relational perspective. It then shows how the concept of dialogue provides a framework for understanding conflict transformation from a relational perspective, by exploring the relational foundations of dialogue. It also draws a connection between the growing use of mindfulness practices in conflict settings and the practice of dialogue, suggesting that Buddhist philosophy and practices can help cultivate relational awareness and dialogue. The article therefore suggests that incorporating dialogue and exploring its relational characteristics can assist ADR scholars and practitioners to develop further practices that can promote collaboration by shifting disputants from adversarial and fragmented orientations to more relational mindsets.  相似文献   
针对社会转型期劳动争议的特点,改革现行“先裁后审”的单轨处理劳动争议体制,建立“或裁或审”的劳动争议双轨处理体制;审理劳动争议案件实施必要的举证责任倒置,以利于维护劳动者合法权益,促进用人单位严格依法履行劳动合同,预防和减少劳动争议案件的发生;借鉴香港的做法,建立快速处理个人劳动争议的劳动法庭等改进和完善处理制度的对策建议,以促进构建社会主义和谐社会。  相似文献   
行政争议作为行政诉讼制度的核心概念,是行政诉讼与民事诉讼、刑事诉讼的根本不同之处,如何界定与判定行政争议则是行政诉讼理论中的一个基本问题.行政争议是行政主体在行使公权力过程中与相对人(公民、法人和其他组织)之间发生的、依据公法可以解决的争议.判断某一争议是否为行政争议,应当把握主体、公权力、权利义务的特殊性、公共利益等多种因素.  相似文献   
随着患者健康意识、法律意识的增强,医患关系逐渐成为一个突出的社会问题。从当前医患关系的概念和内容出发,总结医患关系的现状问题,分析其存在的原因,并从法律的角度提出构建和谐医患关系的几点策略。  相似文献   
邓炯 《法律科学》2001,2(1):41-49
ICANN在接替NSI成为全球域名体制的总管理者后,于1999年末推出<统一域名争端解决规则>(UDRP).经过近一年时间的运作,UDRP现已成为解决域名争议的主要手段和打击域名抢注行为的重要武器.我国企业应当善于利用UDRP,捍卫自身的合法权利.并且,我国应借鉴UDRP的先进经验,对域名争端解决机制加以完善.  相似文献   
《Women & Criminal Justice》2013,23(1-2):87-106

In 1992, the Tamil Nadu State government in India began to introduce all-women police stations whose primary role is to deal with crimes against women, including family violence and dowry disputes. Dowry giving is a customary practice in India, which often results in disputes between young wives and their new families. As a result, the young women may be subjected to physical and mental ill treatment, sometimes resulting in death. Using detailed data from 474 case records and interviews with 60 dowry victims, the present study examines how women police stations serve as a dispute processing system, and describes the services extended by the stations to the victims of dowry disputes. Many cases were successfully resolved and violence was frequently reduced. The study holds implications for the extension of training in dispute resolution for women police in India.  相似文献   
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