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民事主体的整体价值主要是为了市场经济中的财产归属和流转需要而设置的。此外,民事主体制度是进一步明晰法律关系的前提,体现着民法的精神,承认了团体人格,实现了从“人可非人”到“非人可人”的进步,实现了对人格权的保护。传统民事主体理论认为民事主体的构成具有四个要件,但随着现代民法的发展,各国学者提出了民事权利能力论、抽象人格论、民事主体功能论、独立意志论、财产载体论和独立意志论等新的民事主体认定标准。任何一种社会关系存在,当它只有参加民事法律关系才能更好地发挥和体现自己的社会功能时,法律就应该赋予其民事主体地位。  相似文献   
根据欺骗是为窃取创造条件还是诱导交付,何者对财产转移起决定性作用,可以对盗骗交织犯罪作第一层过滤。再根据被害人控制意识与控制可能性的有无,又可将交付型盗骗交织犯罪分为纯正交付型和不纯正交付型。在纯正交付型盗骗交织犯罪中,起决定作用的是欺诈隐瞒行为,被害人理应辨明真伪但陷于圈套,交付归根结底是缘于欺诈而作出,未脱离骗取的本质,采用"处分意识不要说"以诈骗罪论具有合理性。个别情况下还需考察被害人对于事实之真伪是否具有实质性审核判断义务,若有实质性审核判断义务但因没有认识或者预见到而交付当属受骗,不构成被利用的工具;不具备此义务而作出的交付则属于被利用的工具。"偷换二维码案"中的处分人只是依照交易习惯或者惯例而行动,没有实质性审核义务,事实上与机器无异,因而属于被利用的无意识的工具。"收购水稻案"与"收购废铝案"的被害人本身有处分全部财产的意思,行为人通过做手脚的方式使其对财物的数量和价值发生错误认识从而少支付价款,属于欺骗他人免除债务型诈骗。盗骗交织犯罪只有一个行为对财物转移占有起决定性作用,当属一罪,按照想象竞合处理会不当加重行为人的责任。  相似文献   

The article argues for the Africanisation of the South African education system, most critically at high school and tertiary levels. Using both experiential and theoretical reasoning, it seeks to present a compelling argument for the value of teaching our children, using methodologies, examples and stories they can relate to. It argues that this relatability is what will best develop the cognition of learners and better equip them to turn knowledge into action. The South African education system has often been seen as lacking a critical thinking and problem-solving element, and the article argues that this limitation is embedded in the abstractness of our curricula. The article presents a short case study highlighting just how little about Africa some of our best learners know. It ends by offering practical suggestions about how the education system could incorporate critical African knowledge in its learning models.  相似文献   
Johann de Wet 《Communicatio》2013,39(3):293-304

Despite ongoing interest and reflection on the work and ideas of Stephen Bantu Biko (1946–1977) in South Africa, no scholarly contribution from a communicological perspective has been published yet. While Biko regarded himself first and foremost as a freedom fighter who aimed to topple the apartheid regime, many regard him more as a philosopher – perhaps an ‘organising philosopher ’ or a sort of ‘social and political philosopher ’ as Sono (1993, 90ff.) puts it. More (2008, 64) goes further and argues that Biko, in his writings, displays a definite philosophical outlook, ‘an Africana existentialist preoccupation with “being-black-in-an-antiblack-world” and [a preoccupation with] questions of “black authenticity ” and “black liberation”’. The main aim of the article is to consider whether Biko as communicator makes human communication as a mode of existence come alive. Biko never addressed the problematic nature of human communication directly. The article concludes that Biko may be regarded as a foremost existentialist communicator during apartheid South Africa, and that his thoughts on meaningful and authentic existence remain relevant for confronting the vexing challenges facing contemporary South African communities.  相似文献   
在人民警察的培养过程和人民警察活动准则的确立中,宪法学科知识起着重要的作用。尤其是宪法判例与事例课程的开设,对推动警察院校学生树立宪法价值理念,形成宪法思维,并学会在未来的执法实践中寻找宪法问题的焦点,运用宪法思维解释和解决各种法律问题具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   
在全球化的时代背景下维系政治安全,必须在深刻反思全球化浪潮挑战的基础上,致力于强化公民的民族认同、国家意识,培育符合时代要求的爱国主义精神,使其自觉形成对中华民族传统文化特性和社会主义民主政治的强烈认同感,心系祖国、国家安全、国家利益至上的高度的责任感,实现中华民族伟大复兴的无畏的使命感,以及关心全球事务、构建和谐世界的博大的崇高感。为此我们要辨明全球普世话语,超越民族主义,民族教育和公民教育同步推进,打造宽领域、多层次的广泛的爱国主义教育体系。  相似文献   
绑架案件是一种严重危及人身安全的暴力性犯罪案件。该类案件呈现出案前多有预谋、案中留有相关线索和证据、时空跨度大、结伙作案多、犯罪嫌疑人讯问中畏罪心理比较突出等特点。对绑架案件嫌疑人的讯问要遵循熟悉研究案情、采取恰当的突破方式、查清犯罪嫌疑人的地位和作用以及深挖犯罪的基本思路。同时,还应从犯罪事实和犯罪证据两个方面宏观把握对绑架案件嫌疑人的讯问。  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(3):310-326
Forensic investigation involves gathering the information necessary to understand the criminal events as well as linking objects or individuals to an item, location or other individual(s) for investigative purposes. For years techniques such as presumptive chemical tests, DNA profiling or fingermark analysis have been of great value to this process. However, these techniques have their limitations, whether it is a lack of confidence in the results obtained due to cross-reactivity, subjectivity and low sensitivity; or because they are dependent on holding reference samples in a pre-existing database. There is currently a need to devise new ways to gather as much information as possible from a single trace, particularly from biological traces commonly encountered in forensic casework. This review outlines the most recent advancements in the forensic analysis of biological fluids, fingermarks and hair. Special emphasis is placed on analytical methods that can expand the information obtained from the trace beyond what is achieved in the usual practices. Special attention is paid to those methods that accurately determine the nature of the sample, as well as how long it has been at the crime scene, along with individualising information regarding the donor source of the trace.  相似文献   
对于身体权是否为自然人的一项独立的民事权利,文章持否定态度。文章从生命、健康、身体等相关概念入手,着重分析了身体权不应独立存在的理由,并对不同的侵害身体的行为予以定位,以期来弥补法律规定的空白。  相似文献   
侦查意识与侦察意识区别多于联系,二者不是一个层面的东西。尽管“意识”是一个概念,但经过组合以后,二者就变成了内涵不同的考察对象。侦查意识的培养、锻炼要强化程序意识、事实意识、实效意识;侦察意识的培养、锻炼则要强调先天与后天相结合、知识与经验相结合、思维与心理相结合。  相似文献   
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