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2009年1月12日和3月20日,WTO的DSB先后通过裁定中国有关立法或行政措施违反WTO有关协定的争端解决报告。根据WTO规则,我国应立即执行有关裁定。如立即执行不可能,则可要求一个合理执行期。如与有关争端方商定合理执行期未成,则根据DSU有关规定采用仲裁裁决该合理执行期。在概述WTO仲裁程序的基础上,着重讨论仲裁合理执行期的实践及其存在问题,从而提出我国应对合理执行期的若干建议。  相似文献   
我国仲裁法律制度是从建国初期发展起来的,人事争议仲裁就是继劳动争议仲裁之后出现的解决事业单位人事争议的一种重要途径,而现行人事争议仲裁政策具有一定的行政特征的弊端,由此改进完善我国人事争议仲裁制度的措施对更好地解决人事争议具有非常重要的作用.  相似文献   
The crime of deliberately rendering an arbitral award in violation of law was provided at the end of Article 20 of the Amendment VI to the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China. Such a crime is likely to be misunderstood because views are sharply divided on its implication and scope of application. In addition, pertinent provisions are not manipulable. The wording of violation of law should not be included in articles of the law, as legalese. The charge is the product of redundant legislation, whose provisions are bound to be considered as pieces of blank paper. The creation of the crime disrespects arbitration, and removes the peculiarities of it. The charge of the crime undermines the profession of international arbitration. Therefore, the crime should be repealed. Where cases were arbitrated wrongly, and social harms were caused, criminal law and other laws would serve as remedies.  相似文献   
Arbitration is universally used in the settlement of international commercial disputes largely due to its inherent confidentiality. However, the expedient element of the confidentiality is encountering challenges mostly owing to public interest or other reasons. This article not only discusses the grounds of confidentiality in arbitration, but also the effective way of its helping those people who wish to respect the confidentiality in international commercial arbitration.  相似文献   
Gender differences in treatment and in judgments of distributive and procedural justice were examined. Three hundred nine litigants who had been involved in arbitrated auto negligence lawsuits responded to exit surveys. Two mechanisms by which gender might influence justice perceptions were explored. First, we examined whether a “chivalry bias” might be operating, in which the procedures systematically favor women over men. If such biases occur, women might feel they had been treated more fairly because of egocentric biases. Results provided only modest support for the chivalry bias. While women received slightly better awards and perceived somewhat more control than men, these differences had no effect on perceptions of distributive or procedural justice. Second, we examined whether men and women differ systematically in the factors they use as indicators of distributive and procedural justice. On the basis of group-value theory we predicted that women might place more emphasis on standing or on outcome favorability. The study revealed that men and women did differ in how they defined distributive justice, with women placing more emphasis on their perceived standing and on their perceptions of the favorability of their outcomes. There were no substantial gender differences in how procedural justice was defined. Results are interpreted in terms of how women might be responding to insecurity about facing a justice system historically dominated by men. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   
本文论述了人民法院在裁定仲裁协议时 ,如何正确贯彻公正原则 ;坚持依法原则 ;体现强制原则 ;实行纠错原则等。以充分维护当事人的合法权益。  相似文献   
北京基层社会矛盾究竟呈现怎样的状况?本文通过到相关机构和部门进行走访和调查,以数据统计和事实描述的方式,对北京基层社会矛盾予以呈现。通过分析认为,当国家和政府以诚恳的态度、直面问题的勇气,与市场组织和社会组织开展全方位合作,并采取有效措施之时,矛盾会得到逐步化解。  相似文献   
使用传统法律选择方法解决国际商事仲裁协议效力的法律冲突,在识别和确定连接点方面都存在缺陷和困难。在法国等国家兴起的国际商事仲裁协议独立于国内法的理论主张采用实体规范确定仲裁协议的效力,在一定程度上克服了法律选择方法的缺陷,有助于更加迅速、公正地处理案件,反映了国际商事仲裁立法和实践的新趋势。  相似文献   
民商事仲裁协议是民商事协议(合同)争议仲裁解决的协议。其适用民事行为的生效要件、无效制度等一般规定无争议。但其是否能适用可撤销制度有争议。笔者认为《仲裁法》没有规定可撤销制度既有比较法上的根据,也有现行法上的依据,同时对最高人民法院《关于适用〈中华人民共和国仲裁法〉若干问题的解释》第18条规定提出了质疑。  相似文献   
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