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本文主要以东南沿海少数民族大学生为例,分析了少数民族大学生主观幸福感现状及其存在的问题和主要影响因素,并试从公共政策和赋权政策等视角提出了相应的对策,以提高少数民族大学生主观幸福感水平、维护大学生心理健康。  相似文献   
西部民族地区毒品犯罪有着深刻的背景和缘由,关涉政治、经济、文化及社会诸多层面,需对其进行综合治理。严格涉毒财产调查,严厉打击零星贩毒,重视宗教在毒品犯罪治理中的作用,学习借鉴国内外成功的禁毒模式,积极探索戒毒康复新模式,切实帮助西部民族地区群众脱贫致富等,实现刚性治理与柔性治理并重、显性治理与隐性治理同行的治理新模式,以期从失范状态走向有序境地。  相似文献   
新一轮西部大开发使革命老区建设被再次提到重要的战略位置。研读历史,周恩来重视老区发展,关爱老区人民,并从理论和实践的角度阐述了关于老区建设的若干重要思想,即要体现老区问题的政治性、老区发展的求实性、老区工作的人民性和老区建设的特殊性,提纲挈领,立意深远,内涵丰富,对老区建设有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

No other governmental organization ever created can rival the complex patterns of accountability created to manage the bailout of the savings and loan industry. This complexity has, in turn, led to criticism that the bailout structure is too unwieldy to be managerially effective or politically accountable. While the structure does indeed immensely complicate these problems, it is an inevitable product of the political realities that shaped the bailout strategy. The real issues in maintaining accountability to the public for the bailout are: reporting clearly on how the money is being used; improving Congress's ability to track the complex management of the bailout; and using government officials, not contractors, to supervise the government's goals. Indeed, the biggest potential problem of accountability in the savings and loan rescue is not the convoluted political structure at the top but the heavy reliance on private contractors at the bottom.  相似文献   

Several scholars claim that racial and ethnic discrimination in housing is now relatively infrequent and has little impact on the lives of black and Hispanic households. They conclude that money spent on fair housing enforcement will do little or nothing to help people in these groups. This article examines these claims.

The article concludes that these claims are not consistent with the evidence, which shows that discrimination in housing is still a common experience for blacks and Hispanics and that the cost of discrimination is still high. Moreover, discrimination constrains the opportunities of people in these groups to go to good schools, to find jobs, and to accumulate home equity. Thus, improved enforcement of fair housing legislation not only promotes principles that are at the heart of our democracy but also attacks one pillar of the system that perpetuates large intergroup disparities in earnings and wealth.  相似文献   

The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975 (HMDA) was designed to further fair access to mortgage credit and requires lenders to report such information as location, loan amount, income, and race and sex for each application. However, race is missing in a significant proportion of applications taken by mail or phone. Given the widespread use of HMDA data by lenders, community groups, researchers, and regulators and the importance of mortgage lending as a public policy issue, the strengths and shortcomings of these data must be clearly understood.

The main findings are that reported approval rates by race are significantly overstated for refinance and home improvement loans, while home purchase loans are little affected. A review of trends in how race is reported and in the technology of mortgage lending indicates that missing data on race will become a bigger and bigger problem in the near future.  相似文献   
This response piece argues that one should be wary of generalised statements that referendums – or particular types of referendums – are good or bad. Whether a popular vote process has beneficial or damaging effects depends on a myriad of factors, in particular its formal design and the constitutional structure of the state concerned. Similarly, sweeping claims that referendums result in the oppression of minorities should be approached with a good dose of scepticism. A look at actual direct‐democratic practice shows that the danger of a tyranny of the majority is limited to very specific circumstances. Insofar as this danger does exist, damaging effects of referendums for minorities can be prevented through judicial review after the vote and exclusion of certain issues from referendums from the start.  相似文献   
罗施福 《北方法学》2014,8(5):38-47
如何在侵害著作权纠纷中准确地适用损害赔偿责任,是两岸法律界共同面对的重大难题。海峡两岸著作权法在损害赔偿的适用要件、精神损害赔偿的把握、损害赔偿额的确定等方面有许多相同或相似的规定;相关判例也表明两岸这方面有着相似的司法态度。但两岸的相关规定也存在着许多差异,相关判例也表达着不同的司法理路。在大陆地区进行新一轮著作权法修订之际,我们宜在立法上明确损害赔偿责任(包括精神损害赔偿)的适用条件,谨慎对待惩罚性赔偿,丰富损害赔偿额的确定方法、严格把握损害赔偿额确定的酌定因素。  相似文献   
This article examines the difference in lifetime incomes arising from parental preferences in the allocation of land inheritance and investments in schooling between sons and daughters in the rural Philippines. Sons are preferred with respect to land inheritance, receiving 0.15 additional hectares of land, while daughters are treated more favourably in schooling investments, receiving 1.5 more years of schooling. However, differences in both current and life-cycle incomes between sons and daughters are insignificant. This suggests that Filipino parents allocate intergenerational transfers to equalise incomes among their children, without sacrificing efficiency.  相似文献   
西南地区的广西和云南是我国少数民族聚居的省份,滇桂两省的海外少数民族华侨华人广泛分布于东南亚与欧美地区,他们对家乡、对祖籍国、对住在国的经济社会发展做出了贡献。开展少数民族华侨华人和归侨研究对于推进华侨华人研究、拓展中国侨务工作、加强边疆稳定、促进社会和谐具有重要的理论和现实意义。由于历史及现实的原因,华侨归国后在身份认同、文化适应、经济生活等方面面临着一系列困难。  相似文献   
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