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Personality disordered and mentally disordered sexual offenders (MDSOs) with complex diagnoses such as schizophrenia, developmental disorders and mood disorders face challenges of restoring their mental health, living more safely with personality- and offence-related risks, while addressing concerns about their capacity to reintegrate into society; this has been termed “secure recovery”. This paper reviews the literature on recovery, demonstrating its commonality with the Good Lives Model (GLM) as applied to MDSOs' offending treatment. GLM appears to provide a better fit with the recovery needs of MDSOs than the Risk–Need–Responsivity model because it emphasises approach goals, enhanced responsivity and skills acquisition. Recovery needs to integrate coping with mental disorders with risk management and a healthy, future lifestyle. Both secure recovery and GLM support the need for client–clinician collaboration, promoting self-determination and a shared narrative about coping with enduring risk and the hope of sustained well-being.  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years, China has experienced tremendous growth, with many commentators attributing the rapid development to the ‘China Model’ (CM) or the ‘Beijing Consensus’ (BC). However, in recent years growth has slowed and an ever-increasing number of bears are predicting a financial crisis, economic collapse, and a very hard landing, perhaps even a lost decade a la Japan. All of this has led to heated debate about whether the CM is now exhausted, whether China is caught in ‘the middle-income trap’ (MIT) and whether a new model is needed for the next phase of development where China attempts the difficult transition from middle-income country to high-income country status. This article addresses the following five sets of issues. First, is there a CM or BC? If so, what does it entail, and does it differ from the model followed by other successful countries in East Asia? Second, is there a MIT? Is China stuck in the MIT or perhaps multiple MITs? Third, what adjustments to the economic model are required for China to continue its long march toward becoming a high-income country? Fourth, are political, legal and social reforms also required? If so, will all reforms proceed simultaneously or are reforms likely to be sequenced, with adjustments to the economy preceding reforms in other areas? Fifth, is there now a global convergence on a new model of development for developing countries – a Post-Washington, Post-Beijing Consensus?  相似文献   
This essay investigates the significance of rugby in a former “Model C” high school in South Africa. It examines the ideological and practical connections between rugby and disciplinary practices in this school under apartheid, and it traces those connections to the present day. By doing so, it argues that rugby owes much of its contemporary importance in such schools to the fact that parents, teachers, and coaches can watch as boys respond to the sport’s combination of immediacy and violence. In an era of desegregation and changing educational regulations, rugby’s structural dependence on immediacy and violence allows the sport’s disciplinary potential to remain tantalizingly stable and definitive. Recent concerns about “the scourge of steroids” in school rugby and schoolboys “playing for professional scouts rather than for their school,” however, present new threats to rugby’s apparent stability. These concerns are not random. Rather, they are born of a specific combination of the agentive decisions of schoolboys, the intense importance that adults place on rugby, and the economic and social contradictions that sustain former “Model C” schools. As such, this essay argues that the performance of schoolboy rugby produces an unexpected result in post-apartheid era: the greater the sport’s importance in these schools, and the more parents, teachers, and administrators depend on rugby for displays of discipline and certainty, the starker and more troubling the social contradictions within these schools could become.  相似文献   
基于现行土地管理法律规范并没有赋予土地行政管理机关行政强制执行权,针对非法占地建筑物和设施所作的行政决定的强制执行,需要向人民法院申请,由人民法院强制执行。由于非法占地建筑物和设施形成的原因及强制执行,与其他非诉行政执行案件有诸多不同的特点,由法院进行审查并执行的"审执一体"模式,弊端日益凸显。为有效破解土地非诉行政案件"执行难",本文以数据、案例等为基础,在分析现有模式的前提下,对土地管理领域的非诉行政案件实践"裁执分离"模式,从适用范围、理论基础、法律依据、实践经验等方面展开论证,提出在宏观层面完善立法、中观层面建立协作、微观层面细化规定,构建土地非诉行政案件"裁执分离"新型模式。  相似文献   
群体性纠纷解决机制的建构原理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
群体性纠纷带来问题的根源在于它与两造诉讼结构的紧张关系,但是,不同类型的群体性纠纷带来的挑战并不完全相同,对纠纷解决机制的要求也不尽相同。通过对西方国家代表性的群体性纠纷解决机制进行结构的、功能的和技术的比较,可以发现,行政机关执法、社会团体与行政机关提起的不作为之诉、撇去不法收益之诉、加入制群体诉讼、退出制群体诉讼分别适合特定类型的群体性纠纷;群体性诉讼中的费用风险问题,则可以通过诉讼费用制度、律师收费制度的调整或者第三方资助的途径解决。  相似文献   
地方公共政策执行过程中利益主体的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在市场经济条件下,存在多元利益主体相互竞争和博弈的情形下,公共政策的执行过程实际上就是各个利益主体的博弈过程。将地方政府置于核心地位,通过建立上级政府、其他地方政府、非政府组织机构、受益群体、目标群体这五方利益群体的“钻石”模型,全面分析公共政策执行过程中各主体的利益博弈,有助于深入探讨政策执行过程中的利益取向偏差现象,最大程度地实现合作博弈,维护社会利益均衡,推动社会整体利益的实现。  相似文献   
《国际商事仲裁示范法》对临时性保全措施条款的修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临时性保全措施是国际商事仲裁程序中的措施,旨在使仲裁程序顺利进行,保障裁决作出后得以执行。在阐述联合国贸法会2006年对其1985年《国际商事仲裁示范法》关于临时性保全措施规定修改要点基础上,结合我国现行法律对有关临时性保全措施的规定进行比较研究,进而对我国现行立法的修订提出自己的看法。  相似文献   
劳模作为工人阶级队伍"闪光的群体",在中国革命、建设和改革开放不同历史时期,充分发挥其积极性、创造性和历史主动精神,建立了不朽功绩。作为新时代奋斗者和领跑者,劳模及其先进性,已升华为时代精神。新时代弘扬劳模精神,加强劳模教育和研究,要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,以多视角切入、多方面展示、多学科丰富,作为基本的逻辑遵循。高校在推动劳模教育和研究中,应充分利用不同学科和专业资源,在多学科、跨学科的不断拓展和深化中,努力探索创新路径,形成"劳模+"的理论创新局面,建构劳模学,推动劳模教育和劳模研究向纵深发展。  相似文献   
结合公安院校学生的专业背景与概率论和数理统计课程的需求,在传统的教学内容、教学模式、考核方式等方面进行改革,旨在提高概率论与数理统计的教学效果,进一步加强学生应用概率论与数理统计知识解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   
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