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非物质文化遗产是文化遗产的一个重要组成部分。我国政府当前保护非物质文化遗产现状是法律滞后、资金和人员不足、重申报、轻保护等,应该全面调动政府、专家学者、企业以及民众等方面的力量,来共同加入保护非物质文化遗产的行列,建立一套切实可行的政府长效保护机制。  相似文献   
Dass unzumutbarer Entzug von Licht und Luft durch Pflanzen auf fremdem Grund – also eine "negative" Immission – nunmehr nach § 364 Abs 3 ABGB untersagt werden kann, veranlasst den 4. Senat des OGH in der E 4 Ob 196/07p, zur Vermeidung von Wertungswidersprüchen dem Nachbarn auch einen Unterlassungsanspruch gegen unzumutbare Auswirkungen überh?ngender Pflanzen zu gew?hren. Aus der Sicht des Autors sollte eine derart einschneidende ?nderung der überhangregeln des § 422 ABGB dagegen dem Gesetzgeber vorbehalten bleiben. Die Entscheidung signalisiert aber, dass die Reform des Nachbarrechts nicht in allen ihren Auswirkungen auf das nachbarrechtliche Gesamtsystem hinl?nglich durchdacht wurde; zur Harmonisierung k?nnte es weiterer ?nderungen oder aber einer (teilweisen) Rücknahme der Neuregelung bedürfen.  相似文献   
既判力的核心要义在于阻断当事人对既判事项再争议以及禁止法院对既判事项的再判断。对既判力理论及其法律效果认识上的分歧,加剧了知识产权持续侵权诉讼中重复诉讼、事实预决效力识别的困难,由之引发的裁判相反、法律适用不统一远非孤例。借助真实个案切入,结合指导案例,对后诉审理前诉期间持续的同一被诉行为和前诉已决事实对后诉可否产生免证效两大常遇难题找寻裁判依据、法理支撑,阐明取舍观点。切换思路,对停止侵权判令作扩张解释,使前诉判决执行力延及知识产权存续期间,被诉侵权人如有异议时须以执行异议或确认不侵权之诉对抗执行,以有效缓解权利人因反复证明而致的对立情绪、及时化解纠纷。  相似文献   
我国网络游戏的发展经过了萌芽准备期、快速发展期和混战垄断期。从其发展过程中可以看出网游的三个特征,即以青少年为主要消费群体,以代理为主要经营模式,充斥诸多负面思想元素。负面思想元素形成不良的网游文化,进而影响青少年的行为与思维,导致违法犯罪等不良问题的产生。发展健康的网游产业,不仅需要网游行业实行严格自律,发展创新自我品牌,形成健康向上的游戏亚文化,而且也亟待相关法律制度的建构与约束。  相似文献   
母语负迁移在外语学习中不可避免,对英语写作的影响甚为明显。本文针对高职高专商务英语专业学生在英文写作中出现的问题,从词汇、句法、语篇三个层面分析母语负迁移现象,并尝试提出几种可行的教学对策,以期提高学生的英文写作能力。  相似文献   
The World Bank report Assessing Aid assumes that an inflow of aid, above a certain level, starts to have negative effects. In this analysis we empirically test this assumption. We find evidence for negative returns to aid at high levels of aid inflows. However, the results are sensitive to both the countries included in the sample and model specification. Moreover, the turning-point above which aid starts to have a negative effect on growth seems to be much higher than assumed in the background calculations for Assessing Aid.  相似文献   
Social media could serve as an easy and fast window to the climate of public opinion. In the current study, we examined the influence of perceived opinion climate revealed via Twitter postings in shaping televised debate viewers’ candidate evaluation. We conducted two Web-based experiments in the high- and low-stimulus elections: (a) the 2012 Korean presidential election and (b) the 2014 Seoul mayoral election. Instead of using contrived stimulus materials, we were able to examine the influence of exposure to Twitter postings in voters’ judgment of candidate performance in real time. Using a custom-designed Web application, participants evaluated the candidates as debate-related Twitter postings were being fed in real time during each televised debate. Our results suggest that exposure to Twitter postings has induced significant bandwagon effects. Bandwagon effects were pervasive even among partisans and the knowledgeable. Our findings show that more policy efforts ought to be made to strengthen the informative role of social viewing.  相似文献   
Several studies report evidence of diversionary behavior by presidents, while others dispute findings that suggest domestic politics are part of the use of force decision calculus. We argue that previous studies of U.S. force short of war have failed to articulate what diversion actually means. We approach this important debate from a perspective that brings to bear presidential agenda-setting theory. Rather than treating the use of force solely as a dependent variable, we assess whether the use of force diverts attention by modeling the percent of the American public identifying the economy as the nation's most important problem. We also include presidential approval in the model. We treat the public opinion measures as endogenous variables that may or may not affect the decision to use force. We employ Vector Autoregression (VAR) methods to evaluate the causal direction of force and public opinion while controlling for the state of the economy and war. VAR is a multiple-lagged time-series approach that allows us to test a variety of hypotheses derived from diversionary and agenda-setting theory. Our results indicate that uses of force by the president have a notable agenda-setting effect, shifting public attention away from the economy. The shift in attention also causes a long-term effect on the president's public-approval rating.  相似文献   
领导行为确实会以下属信任为中介对政府绩效产生影响。其中,变革型领导行为通过下属信任对政府绩效所产生的影响大于交易型领导行为通过下属信任对政府绩效所产生的影响。并且,不同的领导行为对政府绩效所产生的间接效应的方向与该行为对政府绩效所产生的直接效应的方向一致。而性别、职级、学历等个体特征差异对研究结果没有显著影响。关注下属的媒介属性是深入全面了解领导行为对政府绩效的影响过程及作用机理的有效切入点。可以从公务员个体、组织文化、相关制度等方面入手发挥下属信任的积极作用。  相似文献   
基本权利第三人效力,也被称为水平效力、私人效力、基本权利在私法或私人法律关系中的效力等。第三人效力是指,基本权利能否以及在何种程度上可以对诉讼当事人之间的民事实体法律关系产生影响。实践中,公私二元划分是第三人效力探讨的基础;基本权利客观法属性是第三人效力的规范范畴;基本权利人类图像与自由权的多重面向是第三人效力的价值范畴;基本权利保护义务是第三人效力的义务范畴;基本权利取向解释是第三人效力的方法范畴。第三人效力具有体系正义、规范正义和个案正义的诉求,本质上是涵盖不同范畴的结构性效力。提出第三人效力的目的在于国家通过干预社会和消解社会不公正,为私人主体创造秩序和自由。  相似文献   
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