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思想政治工作是国有企业的独特法宝,在促进改革发展、维护和谐稳定等方面发挥着重要作用。针对当前国企党建思想政治工作存在的思想政治工作重视程度不够,开展思想政治工作方式单一,部分企业员工分散、工作开展存在一定难度等问题,应从抓好意识形态工作、加强文化宣传、健全工作制度、创新工作方法、发挥群团组织合力等方面来加强和改进,以推动企业高质量发展。  相似文献   
在新世纪 ,增强党的阶级基础、扩大党的群众基础是建设有中国特色社会主义事业的必然要求 ;是改革开放以来我国社会阶级、阶层发生深刻变化带来的新要求 ;是新世纪加强党的建设的根本要求。  相似文献   
新时期以基层党建创新带动社会管理创新是推动科学发展、促进社会和谐的需要。为此,必须优化创新党组织设置,夯实社会管理基础;深入开展服务型党组织创建,完善社会管理格局;加强完善创新矛盾化解机制,提高社会管理科学化水平;改革与创新教育培养模式,增强领导社会管理能力;创新党建工作理念和方法,形成社会管理合力。  相似文献   
正确认识依法治国与党的领导的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确认识和处理依法治国与党的领导的关系,关乎着依法治国方略的贯彻实施与党的领导和执政地位的加强和改善。依法治国与党的领导既有区别又有统一性,依法治国是加强和改善党的领导的有效途径,加强和改善党的领导是依法治国的根本保证。二是相互依存、相互促进、密不可分。同时,正确认识依法治国与党的领导的关系,还须澄清两种错误认识。一要澄清依法治国会削弱党的领导的错误认识,二要澄清坚持党的领导会妨碍依法治国的错误认识。  相似文献   
党校推行案例教学法是创新培训方法、提高领导干部执政能力的有效途径,是党校落实理论联系实际教学方针的重要环节,是党校师生互动共赢的一种高质量的教学手段。党校推行案例教学法分准备、实施两个阶段。党校推行案例教学法,一要提高教师自身的综合素质;二要建设党校案例库;三要提供必须的案例教学条件;四要营造良好的案例教学环境。  相似文献   
Two challenges stand out in the study of deliberation: the development of appropriate methodological tools and the development of more unified analytical frameworks. On the one hand, analysing deliberative processes is demanding and time‐consuming; hence we tend to have only few and non‐randomly selected cases at the group or context level. In addition, the real world of deliberation presents us with a complex matrix of nested, cross‐classified, and repeated speakers. This article shows that Bayesian multi‐level modelling provides an elegant way to tackle these methodological problems. On the other hand, we attempt to enrich comparative institutionalism with individual characteristics and psychologically relevant variables (such as group composition). Focusing on Swiss and German parliamentary debates we show that institutional factors ‐ in particular, consensus systems ‐, the gender composition of committees and plenary sessions, and age matter for the quality of deliberation. Furthermore, we also show that partisan affiliation ‐ government or opposition status of MPs ‐ affects deliberative quality and can refine institutional arguments. We conclude that a multi‐level approach to deliberation focusing on contextual and actor‐related characteristics and using Bayesian hierarchical modelling paves the way toward a more advanced understanding ‐ and methodological handling ‐ of deliberative processes.  相似文献   
我国行业利益集团对规制政策制定过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
规制政策本质上具有对公民和企业的权利进行分配或再分配的特点,中国国际快递委员会通过重点运用游说策略,综合利用智库、媒体等渠道,对快递业的规制政策制定施加了影响,有力地抵制了国家邮政局和邮政企业“政企同盟”的政策意图。因此,如何在今后的利益集团博弈中构筑一个各方充分参与的制度性平台,将成为今后政治体制改革的重要课题。  相似文献   
英国“第三条道路”评析—兼评布莱尔十年执政之功过   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
布莱尔十年执政中铸就了一个第三条道路的时代。"第三条道路"是界于欧美现实资本主义的两种模式———美国的新自由主义模式和欧洲大陆的社会民主主义模式之间的一种资本主义模式。在"第三条道路"新型理念的引导下,布莱尔在政治、经济、外交、社会诸多方面取得了成就,备受称赞与好评;但布莱尔在战争与丑闻方面屡犯错误,这也使他备遭非议与责难。布莱尔执政十年的功过是非,从长远来看,应该是功大于过。  相似文献   
1949年中华人民共和国成立,中国共产党成为全国的执政党,面临的形势和任务发生了重大变化。在新的历史条件下,党如何继续保持先进性和纯洁性,巩固党的执政地位,充分发挥党的领导作用,成为摆在全党面前的重大课题。刘少奇同志作为党和国家的主要领导人,对加强执政党建设进行了深刻的思索,取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   
In the mid-1990s, after eighteen years of Conservative rule, there was much talk about the prospects for a progressive century. Tony Blair, under the tutelage of Roy Jenkins, made it clear that he wanted to end the schism on the centre-left. Paddy Ashdown saw the same opportunity. Ironically, the electorate's desire to kick out the Conservatives and vote in progressives of any stripe delivered a Labour landslide that made cooperation impossible for Blair and Ashdown. Some progressive policies, notably on the constitution, have been implemented, but the political and intellectual roots to create a progressive century have yet to be properly established. Foreign policy divisions, especially on Iraq, have made this much more difficult. This article looks at the prospects for progressives—under new leadership—up to and after the next election in terms of ideas and policy.  相似文献   
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