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This article argues that existing accounts of the transformation from 'traditional' to 'new' social democracy has thus far only identified the contextual changes that have prompted this move. In doing so, they have failed to account for the motives of social democratic party actors in undertaking the transition to 'new' social democracy in response to those changes. The article draws upon a critical realist method, and Marxist and anti-representational theories, to conceptualise 'traditional' social democratic party relations as suffering from tensions between constituents' demands for decommodification, the attempt by party elites to contain (and thereby 'represent') those demands and the (in)compatibility of this process of containment with the need to recommodify social relations in the light of periodic crises in contemporary capitalism. It argues that these tensions explain the attempt by party elites to promote the move towards 'new' social democracy, the (eventual) acquiescence of party constituents to those attempts and the subsequent exit from social democratic constituencies which has resulted. The argument is made with reference to the British Labour Party and Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD).  相似文献   
We use estimates of variance in district-level electoral data as a way to identify multiple dimensions of the nationalization of party support, including “static nationalization” and “dynamic nationalization.” The multilevel model we use—also described as a random coefficient, mixed, growth curve, and hierarchical model—yields estimates of a party's mean national trajectory of electoral support (fixed effects), as well as estimates of variability around the mean trajectory parameters (random effects). Using a general model, we present a two-step approach to first identify electoral variability and then account for it. We develop the model, apply it to three political parties, demonstrate its behavior under controlled conditions using data we create, and demonstrate its application for explanatory purposes.  相似文献   
冷战后瑞典社会民主党在政坛上走出了一条“低落——回归——高涨——低落”的“n”字形沉浮轨迹,这一沉浮轨迹的出现既有政治、经济方面的原因,也有科技和社会的原因。执政党在执政时期必须在协调经济社会全面发展的同时关注社会公平、正义和失业等社会问题,必须注重自身建设,必须坚持改革创新,在实践基础上不断进行理论创新和实践创新,使党的路线、方针、政策和行动纲领能更好地满足民众的愿望和要求。  相似文献   
重塑党的群众路线,是执政党在新的历史条件下的理论创新。目前正在固原地区进行的党的群众路线教育实践活动具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
党的十八大提出"建设学习型、服务型、创新型的马克思主义执政党,确保党始终成为中国特色社会主义事业的坚强领导核心"。回顾和总结党建总目标的演进历程,挖掘其演进基础,对新形势下党的建设具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
加强党的作风建设,一是要通过完善的制度来约束权力,密切党群关系。二是强化思想教育的有效性,推动理论创新,推动各级领导干部自觉加强党性修养。三是坚持人民主体地位,把人民赋予的权力用好,确保权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋。  相似文献   
Survey and historical evidence reveal that Italians have emerged as the European masters of multiple loyalties, balancing relatively weak levels of state nationalism with strong affinities for sub-state, continental and global identities and institutions. These distinctive patterns can be traced to elite opinion leadership, the perceived material and psychological benefits derived from the European movement, and the legacy of the First Republic's party system.  相似文献   
本文在分析了大学生党员培训存在的问题基础上指出:高校应把实践教育作为加强和改进大学生党员培训教育的一项重要内容,以实践教育为引导,创新大学生党员培训形式,构建实践育人平台,完善实践育人体系,把握实践育人的关键点,使实践教育成为培养高素质人才的重要途径,同时提出了学生党员社会实践教育的四种途径。  相似文献   
中国共产党执政地位的确立和中国特色社会主义道路的形成是内因与外因共同作用的结果,是历史必然性与主动选择性的统一。中国共产党从她成立的第一天起就与中国特色社会主义不可分割地联系着、内在地统一着,并坚持不懈地探索着、始终不渝地奋斗着,中国共产党不仅是中国特色社会主义前提的创造者、中国特色社会主义基础的奠定者,而且是中国特色社会主义道路的开辟者、中国特色社会主义理论的创立者,同时更是中国特色社会主义事业的领导者。  相似文献   
为了加强农村新经济组织中的党建工作,江西省信丰县将毛泽东在“三湾改编”时提出的“支部建在连上”的创举灵活运用到基层党组织建设中,摸索出了“支部建在会上”的做法,创造性地把党支部建在农业产业协会上,实现了党组织对农村各类专业合作经济体的全覆盖。这一成功实践,有力地推动了农村新经济组织党建工作的开展,并对推动全国其他地区农村发展和农村党建工作具有一定的启示和借鉴作用。  相似文献   
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