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南海共同开发与航行自由问题的明确与解决,直接关系到中国的海洋权益以及南海的未来法律秩序。尽管泰国湾地区的共同开发经验能够为中国提供借鉴,但南海主海的情况与之有很大区别。共同开发方式在国际范围内接受程度不广泛,实际效果不理想,其对南海争端的可适用程度较低。因此,应对共同开发方式在南海争端解决中的作用予以重新定位。从长远的角度出发,共同开发不能成为解决南海争端的优先选择和主要方式,即便在短期内以共同开发方式为处理南海争端的权宜之计,也应当注重构建一个合理的共同开发机制。中国对南海的"历史性权利"并未被后来的有效国际法律规范所更改或取消,这一权利不能按照《联合国海洋法公约》的架构来解读,也并不存在妨碍南海航行自由的问题。相反,倒是其他南海周边国家滥用《联合国海洋法公约》规定所提出的意在分割、控制南海的种种主张更加妨碍南海的航行自由。比较之下,中国的主张更加符合南海水域本身的性质及其适用当代海洋法之后的应然状态。  相似文献   
The adoption of the Treaty of Lisbon and the granting to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the same legal force as the Treaty has lent a new impulse to the consideration of fundamental human rights by the European Union (EU). The question remains, however, as to how this legal discourse, centred upon human rights, is actually shaping the EU regulatory framework in specific policy domains. The aim of this paper is to critically appraise the ways that the fundamental rights of security, privacy and freedom guaranteed by the Charter are being construed in the context of EU law and policy on biometrics, an ethically and morally sensitive security technology whose development and use are being actively promoted by the EU. We conclude that the interpretation of the pertinent rights, as well as their balancing, owes a great deal to the goals of EU policies for research and development, and under the auspices of Freedom, Security and Justice, shaped largely by political and economic considerations. These considerations then tend to prevail over ethically or morally-based legal claims.  相似文献   
《Digital Investigation》2014,11(2):120-140
In this paper, we present a passive approach for effective detection and localization of region-level forgery from video sequences possibly with camera motion. As most digital image/video capture devices do not have modules for embedding watermark or signature, passive forgery detection which aims to detect the traces of tampering without embedded information has become the major focus of recent research. However, most of current passive approaches either work only for frame-level detection and cannot localize region-level forgery, or suffer from high false detection rates for localization of tampered regions. In this paper, we investigate two common region-level inpainting methods for object removal, temporal copy-and-paste and exemplar-based texture synthesis, and propose a new approach based on spatio-temporal coherence analysis for detection and localization of tampered regions. Our approach can handle camera motion and multiple object removal. Experiments show that our approach outperforms previous approaches, and can effectively detect and localize regions tampered by temporal copy-and-paste and texture synthesis.  相似文献   
未经许可借用他人形象制作虚拟人物角色和动漫表情包的现象越来越普遍,应该完全保护个人的肖像权还是为公众自由创作虚拟人物形象和表情包留出空间值得思考。形象权制度下的一系列判例借用版权合理使用制度中的转换性使用规则平衡形象权保护和公众的表达自由,能为如何平衡个人的肖像保护和公众的参与创作和表达带来借鉴。本文通过分析转换性使用规则在形象权案例中的运用,提出应调整转换性使用规则以增强适用该规则判定形象权案例的稳定性。  相似文献   
当前,国际社会正处于"百年未有之大变局"中,中美两国竞争加剧。在这一背景下,美国南海政策的军事化倾向尤为突出。通过案例分析、运用比较分析的方法对美国南海政策军事化及其影响进行探究,可以看出美国南海政策军事化的主要目的是遏制中国的崛起。为达到这一目的,美国提升了"航行自由行动"的频率和烈度,增加了在南海内沿和外围的军事战略存在,还加强了与盟国的同盟关系。不过,美国国内有一部分人认为南海政策军事化目前并未达到其希望的效力,反而使美国在战争与和平之间愈加难以保持平衡。美国在南海地区的影响力受到挑战的同时,中美关系也因此有所倒退,南海局势变得更加复杂。鉴于此,中国一方面要保持克制态度,增强危机意识,做好预案,通过高质量外交对话等方式增进与美国的政治互信,另一方面也要加快推进与东盟国家《南海各方行为准则》的谈判与磋商,与东盟国家一道维护好南海地区的和平与稳定。  相似文献   
Liad Porat 《中东研究》2018,54(2):304-321
This article is based on the hypothesis that the Egyptian institutional media played an active role in the Egyptian ‘Arab Spring’ revolution in 2011 and analyzes how Egypt's official newspapers constructed and presented a moderate and positive image of the Muslim Brotherhood (hereinafter the Brotherhood) despite the fact that they had labeled the Brotherhood ‘the outlawed movement’ a year earlier. In order to examine whether their attitudes changed after the downfall of the Mubarak regime, a critical discourse analysis of newspaper texts has been made of the news columns written throughout 2011 of two of the most popular Egyptian newspapers – al-Ahram (n = 115) and al-Gumhuriyya (n = 94) both of which identify with the Egyptian government's official policy. In addition, an analysis made of three of the Brotherhood's publications (n = 72) (N = 281) revealed that the Brotherhood exploited the printed media not only to replace the regime but also to gain control of its narrative. Ultimately, by controlling the shaping of public opinion, the media contributed to the drawing of a parallel between the motivation that formed the basis of the mass protest and the Brotherhood's agenda.  相似文献   
Due to present of enormous free image and video editing software on the Internet, tampering of digital images and videos have become very easy. Validating the integrity of images or videos and detecting any attempt of forgery without use of active forensic technique such as Digital Signature or Digital Watermark is a big challenge to researchers. Passive forensic techniques, unlike active techniques, do not need any preembeded information about the image or video. The proposed paper presents a comprehensive review of the recent developments in the field of digital image and video forensic using noise features. The previously existing methods of image and video forensics proved the importance of noises and encourage us for the study and perform extensive research in this field. Moreover, in this paper, forensic task cover mainly source identification and forgery detection in the image and video using noise features. Thus, various source identification and forgery detection methods using noise features are reviewed and compared in this paper for image and video. The overall objective of this paper is to give researchers a broad perspective on various aspects of image and video forensics using noise features. Conclusion part of this paper discusses about the importance of noise features and the challenges encountered by different image and video forensic method using noise features.  相似文献   
"自由"之"创造性"使"精神""开创"自己的"世界","精神"在这个世界中"保持"并"发现"自己,亦即在"必然"的世界保持着自己的"自由"。在"精神""回归自由"的道路上,须得"克服"、"扬弃"怀疑主义和斯多亚主义两个极端倾向。由"怀疑主义"导向"斯多亚主义"乃是"精神""贫困"之路,"哲学"应指出"精神""致富"之路。"精神"不仅有能力"外化-异化",同时也有能力"内化-己化"。"精神"携带自己创造的财富回到自身,乃是"历史性"的一种存在方式。  相似文献   
王岽兴 《东南亚研究》2005,200(5):66-70
<1998年国际宗教自由法>(以下简称IRFA)是由美国保守派推动制订的一部具有域外效力的美国国内法.由于该法所包含的双重标准以及该法在推行过程中必然会产生的诸多问题,该法实施以来"产生"的域外效力十分有限,未对中美关系造成直接影响.但在美国社会不断保守化的背景下,IRFA对中美关系的间接和负面影响不容小视.针对美国国务院每年发布的<国际宗教自由年度报告>中对中国宗教自由状况的歪曲,中国政府予以外交上的坚决谴责是必须的,但从根本上说,在宗教领域奉行接触政策,勿视美国为敌,怀柔美国应是当前我国韬光养晦外交的较佳选择.  相似文献   
自由是人类的永恒追求,合同自由是合同法的灵魂,自由原则亦是我国合同法的核心原则,贯穿整个合同法的始终。但是,自由并非是绝对的,无限制的自由是对权利的滥用,不利于权利的有效行使和各方主体价值利益的平衡,因此我国合同法又对自由原则进行了诸多合理的限制,如强制缔约、标准合同、附随义务、诚实信用、公序良俗等。  相似文献   
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