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In comparison to the general adolescent population, adolescents with a history of externalizing behaviors including substance use and conduct disorder are younger at first intercourse, have a larger number of sexual partners, and use condoms less often when they engage in intercourse, placing them at higher risk for sexually transmitted diseases as well as unplanned pregnancy (Morris, R. E., Baker, C. J., Valentine, M., and Pennisi, A. J. (1998). J. Adolesc. Health 23: 39–48). A primary goal of this paper was to examine linkages between Cloninger's novelty-seeking, harm avoidance, and reward dependence dimensions and risky sexual behavior among 200 boys in treatment for substance abuse and delinquency compared to 200 boys recruited from the community, and matched on age, ethnicity, and geographic location. Analyses indicated that though there were mean differences on all personality constructs examined, these differences in personality failed to account for observed differences in risky sexual behavior. The structure of problem behavior also differed in the 2 groups.  相似文献   
As China become a major donor in international development, there is an urgent need to improve its capacity to govern its aid policy and management system. This study provides a comprehensive review of China's aid governance system and its evolution along the time, showing its changes and nonchanges. Path dependence effects are used to explain such evolution and are further illustrated by the consistent central role of the Ministry of Commerce in the aid system and by the central–provincial arrangement of development finance. Further, by exploiting limited yet novel evidence of the newly established State International Development Cooperation Agency, we argue that path dependence effects make it difficult to achieve the goal to comprehensively restructure the aid governance system by establishing State International Development Cooperation Agency. The study offers a useful perspective to understand the functioning and future evolution of China's aid governance system.  相似文献   
制度创新是学习实践科学发展的基本路径依赖,只有不断推进制度创新,才能真正把科学发展观的精神实质落到实处。学习实践科学发展观迫切要求我们去完善分配制度,形成利益协调机制,缩小贫富差距;完善民主政治权利保障制度,形成诉求表达机制,保障人民主体地位;完善社会保障制度,形成矛盾调处机制,维护社会公平正义。  相似文献   
曲马多中毒及其毒理作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wang HX  Wang L  Guan DW  Wang MB 《法医学杂志》2008,24(4):293-296
曲马多为中枢非麻醉镇痛药,通过作用于μ阿片受体、抑制去甲肾上腺素与5-羟色胺再摄取等双重作用机制的协同作用。镇痛效果较好。在世界范围内被广泛应用于中、重度急、慢性疼痛的治疗。但目前有关曲马多不良反应与曲马多滥用中毒的案例报道正日益增多。本文从曲马多的镇痛机制、不良反应以及依赖滥用等方面,综述了导致曲马多中毒的可能因素,以期唤起人们对曲马多安全性的注意。  相似文献   
How was Swiss resistance to international cooperation in tax matters overcome? This article argues that while Swiss banks are structurally dependent on access to the United States (US) financial market, Switzerland is structurally dependent on the economic welfare of its largest banks. Taking advantage of a tax evasion scandal in the midst of the global financial crisis, this indirect dependence gave US law enforcement authorities the opportunity to exercise pressure on Switzerland by threatening to criminally indict Switzerland's largest bank. The tax evasion scandal and subsequent Swiss concessions to the US had two important consequences for international tax cooperation. First, the scandal provided a focal point for collective action that allowed other countries to coordinate their strategies and direct them against the country that had been identified as uncooperative. Second, the scandal undermined Switzerland's ability to impede collective action because the bank's public admission of wrongdoing demonstrated the necessity of international tax cooperation.  相似文献   
用哲学方法探寻危机领导的路径依赖,从路径依赖的价值和事实两个层面论证路径依赖契合危机领导的诉求。厘析传统型危机领导的路径依赖模型,同时,运用“三论合一”、“源流共治”的理论及方法,形成新形势下对危机有效领导的路径。  相似文献   
重视残疾人最低生活保障,不仅是完善社会保障体系的重要内容,更是衡量社会公正与文明进步程度的基本指标。目前我国残疾人最低生活保障存在着低保对象的核定与隐私保护之间的矛盾、最低生活保障线单一,救助倾斜不够和低保覆盖面窄等问题。为此,要更新对残疾人救助理念,实现救助社会化,提供综合性救助和完善分类救助,提高对重度残疾人的救助标准,以残疾人保障与残疾人服务为重点,推进残疾人最低生活保障事业的发展。  相似文献   
建党以来特别是新中国成立以来,中国共产党不断开拓创新,走出了一条正确的、符合本国实际的社会主义发展道路。其中,毛泽东对社会主义发展道路的开创与奠基、邓小平对社会主义发展道路的规划与践行、江泽民对社会主义发展道路的延伸与创新、胡锦涛对社会主义发展道路的拓展与升华,分别作出了重大贡献。回眸中国共产党对社会主义发展道路的拓新历程,总结其中的经验启示,对于胜利推进中国特色社会主义建设事业大有裨益。  相似文献   
随着信息化、网络化程度的加深,"手机依赖"为主要特征的拇指文化已然成为当今高校校园内流行的一大时尚。这一现象是由多种主客观因素综合作用所致,其中既有手机通讯自身的优势,也有学生缓解学习压力、寻求情感归属、建立良好人际关系等心理需求。然而这一现象对学生的心理和行为都产生了一定的负面效应,需要手机运营商、学校、教师和家庭等多方合作,以宽容的态度积极地去引导学生正确认识这种现象。  相似文献   
消费欺诈诉讼案件中对欺诈事实的证明责任分配依规范说应由消费者承担,不应由法官裁量证明责任来改变法定的证明责任分配。法官自由裁量权应在证明评价与自由心证等环节加以运用。疑难案件的解决应坚持在严格遵循法定证明责任分配原则的基础上,通过司法实践生成诉讼证明的具体规则的路径来加以解决。  相似文献   
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