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There is a general concern amongst judges, lawyers and legal scholars that evidence in digital format is not to be trusted, given that it can be altered and manipulated with ease. Some jurists have called for a UN Convention on matters relating to the authentication and admissibility of electronic evidence. It is debatable whether such a Convention is necessary, but guidance of an international nature might be welcome, providing that any such guidance remains guidance, and does not ossify into legal requirements that fail to take into account the dynamic and constantly developing changes in information technology. In any event, the accuracy of the presumption in England & Wales that a computer is in order at the material time is highly debatable, and it is suggested that this presumption ought to be reformed.  相似文献   
Under Dutch divorce law, children in theory have ample opportunity to make their voices heard: the petition for divorce must state how the children have been involved in preparing a parenting plan; all children aged 12 or 16 (depending on the context) or older have the right to be heard by the judge, and the judge may additionally hear younger children; the court may appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the interests of the child; and the child has the right to seek informal access to the court (by letter or telephone, for example) which may lead to an ex officio decision that changes the arrangements agreed by the parents in a divorce settlement or an earlier judicial decision. In practice, however, there is no guarantee that children's voices will actually be heard in divorce proceedings. Notably in the case of separation after an informal relationship (other than marriage or registered partnership) the opportunities given to children to be heard are often a dead letter.  相似文献   
Children's rights to participate in legal processes concerning them have been a key policy issue for the Scandinavian legislators during recent decades. From the 1980s, there have been frequent amendments to the law to secure the position of the child. Despite numerous provisions stating the right of the child to express his or her views and for these to be considered before decisions are taken, there are continuing obstacles to full recognition of children as legal subjects. Too often children's voices are not heard or not heeded. This article explores the reasons for this and argues that the ambition to promote equal parenthood is one reason for the failure to give the child's views real impact on decision-making in matters concerning children.  相似文献   
郑颖捷 《科技与法律》2014,(6):992-1008
两个以上的民事权利主体就同一表演活动共同享有的表演者权称为共有表演者权。共有表演者权既可以通过共同的表演活动原始产生,也可以通过转让和继承的方式继受取得。共有表演者权的权利主体包括自然人和法人组织,权利对象为静态的表演形象和动态的表演活动,权利内容则具有人身权和财产权的二元属性。共有表演者权的权利归属以及许可、转让等行使规则比较复杂,但我国现行《著作权法》几乎没有规定,应完善相关立法,以约定优先、鼓励传播的原则确立其行使规则。  相似文献   
传统的法律道德主义者认为国家对道德事务享有判断权,并且在必要时为了保护社会可以动用法律限制公民的道德自由。然而该理论却无法回应"道德民粹主义"和"经验主义"的批评,在此基础上发展出来的新法律道德主义理论尽管精致,但仍然面临着"帕累托挑战"和"权衡难题"。有关法律道德主义的主要争议并不在于道德是否能够入法,而在于其入法的限度和具体方式。中国的立法、执法及司法的各阶段中均存在着不尽相同的法律道德主义形态,隐藏于其背后的"道德的法律强制"值得警惕,我们无法一劳永逸地确定出一条自由社会的道德底线,而注重各种价值之间的权衡却实属重要。  相似文献   
李冠煜 《北方法学》2014,(6):92-101
《刑法修正案(八)》第22条增设了危险驾驶罪,但是该罪的行为类型欠缺多样性,醉驾行为没有情节的限制,双重既遂标准同时存在,从而导致了该罪的预期功能与现实效果之间的扭曲。为了填补立法漏洞,加强本条的可操作性,应当运用超前立法观、实质解释论和类型思维法,适当丰富该罪的行为类型,将其解释为具体危险犯,以"足以危害公共交通安全"作为统一的既遂标准。  相似文献   
韩伟  赵晓耕 《北方法学》2014,(6):128-139
中国传统契约中的原因条款,不仅是一种事实,还具有重要的法律意涵,它既是直接引致订立契约的原因,同时也作为一方当事人订约的动机,体现对社会经济需求的某种满足。确定产权合法有效转移的契约本身又作为"产权"转移的重要原因,产权的有效移转和契约的有效成立在传统契约实践中是紧密联系的。明确契约之债的"原因",本身有助于更准确地对契约"定性",也能更方便地确定契约是否合法、有效。从交易安全与契约定性的角度看,中国传统契约中的原因条款亦具有现代价值。  相似文献   
叶自强 《证据科学》2014,(4):389-400
针对我国人民陪审员制目前面临的“陪而不审”、“审而不议”之晋遍困境,本文探讨了西方国家陪审制产生和发展的过程,认识到“分权是陪审制成长的基本条件”;详细探讨了我国“陪而不审”、“审而不议”现象的主要形态,指出没有实行分权是造成这种困窘局面的根源;讨论了正在兴起的河南人民陪审圆制度的进步意义与局限性;主张我国应当建立以分权为首要特征的人民陪审员制度,为此需要立法机关制定有关陪审团如何与法官分享裁判权的制度,其中最关键的是制定证据法和陪审团法。  相似文献   
本文的研究焦点是通过对区域创新体系理论的探索,阐述我省构建区域创新理论体系的必要性,在分析我省区域创新体系构成的基础上,提出构建我省区域创新体系的政策性措施.区域创新体系作为国家创新体系的一部分,其主要由企业、科研机构、大学、中介服务机构、相应的金融机构和政府部门等构成.文章从我省科技资源状况的实际出发,建议通过引导企业成为技术创新主体,发挥体系各构成机构的作用等一系列政策措施,从而依托区域创新体系在我省走出一条新型工业化道路.  相似文献   
习近平在宁德地区工作期间大力推进闽东地区经济发展、脱贫致富,同时也十分重视抓党的政治建设,强调必须坚持马克思主义的指导地位,增强为人民服务的党性观念;加强党的政治领导,充分发挥党组织的核心作用;从严治党,清廉从政,把廉政建设引向深入;坚持走群众路线,练好密切联系群众这个基本功。习近平在宁德期间关于党的政治建设的理论思考,对于当前中国共产党加强党的政治建设具有十分重要的时代价值。  相似文献   
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