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Structural social work has been expanding its influence while experiencing marginalized crises since 1970s: with the expansion of neo-conservatism, the structural perspective is incompatible with the liberal-based system at the political level. In recent years, the “critical reflection practice” established through the reunification of the socialist tradition of social work has become increasingly prosperous, but it has not been possible to answer the question of legitimacy in its own theory. The purpose of this paper is to reflect the crisis of the traditional sociology by analyzing the crisis of western sociology, and to try to reconstruct the critical social science by talking with Iván Szelényi and others to sort out the concept of “irony” as a methodology and the mission of contemporary intellectuals. Under the inspiration of relevance of classical sociology and social work, this paper provides insights to the reconstruction of social work.  相似文献   
In the past, academics used to have an understanding of the “high threshold” of the legislation on civil action filing requirements. However, in the current case filing register system, such interpretation is no longer appropriate. Positive case filing requirements of the current civil procedure legislation can be explained and also can be applied. The problem of “being difficult in filing a case” in the operation of the judiciary cannot be the reason of blaming the legislation. In the process of designing and applying civil action filing requirements in the future, legislators should consider filtering the lawsuits without legal interest as soon as possible and the inherent limits of litigation mediate and adhere to tolerant concept for filing. The vacuum of dispute resolution left thereafter can be supplemented through building and perfecting the dispute resolution mechanism besides litigation.  相似文献   
中国(上海)自贸区的设立无疑将会产生巨大的经济冲力,同时也会对《刑法》的普遍适用产生强烈影响。在自贸区制度创新过程中,刑法相关个罪或将产生新的内涵。此外,由于奉行支持创新、倡导自由的理念,自贸区还将出现大量刑法特殊适用的情形。如何在自贸区刑法普遍适用和特殊适用之间找准法律与经济的平衡点,成为摆在刑法理论与实务界面前的共同课题。因此,在不偏离自贸区改革创新轨道的前提下,寻求《刑法》在自贸区的修正适用,才是自贸区刑法革新的应有之义。  相似文献   
侦查对抗博弈具有零和博弈,陷入一次性博弈,策略的多样性、复杂性、多变性,参与方会根据对方的可能行动而调整行动,常常不按规则行动等特点。侦查方要在对抗博弈中取胜必须占据信息优势,制造信息的不对称,保证思维的正确性、先进性,施计用谋,保证处于优势,行动必须果断等选择相应策略;要促使对抗向合作转化,侦查方必须确立科学先进的理念,有政策法律的支持,根据不同性质的案件,针对对象的不同情况和需求,在法律政策许可的范围内实现双方的和解。  相似文献   
欧洲国家在适用不强迫自证其罪原则方面有着比较成熟的做法,为了保障被追诉人此项特权的有效性,具体从如下三点着手:其一,将此特权的适用领域拓展至行政法领域。其二,对秘侦措施中的隐秘探话进行必要的限制。其三,对刑事扣押对象进行必要的限制。我国新刑事诉讼法也确立了此项特权,但与之相关的立法存在冲突,有关的配套制度付之阙如,严重影响了被追诉人此项特权的有效性,需要借鉴欧洲人权法院的做法予以完善。  相似文献   
适足生活水准权的实现遵从辅助性原则、国家义务、平等与非歧视原则。食物权、住房权与健康权构成了适足生活水准权最主要的具体权利形态,其实现标准主要有:有效、真实与可接受。适足生活水准权的保障与实现不是孤立的,是与其他人权,如财产权、工作权等,特别是公民权利与政治权利,密切相关。公民权利和政治权利的保障是实现适足生活水准权救济的有效方式。适足生活水准权的实现为呼声日高的民生保障研究提供了新视角。  相似文献   
现行出入境管理法律制度存在诸多冲突问题,主要表现为与国际法之间的冲突问题,与宪法、立法法、行政处罚法及刑法等法律之间的冲突问题,与行政许可法、行政复议法、行政诉讼法等法律之间的冲突问题及出入境管理法律制度相互之间的冲突问题。要解决这些冲突,完善立法是关键。  相似文献   
80后、90后职工以及农民工大量涌入,使职工队伍出现一些值得注意的新情况,思想政治工作正面临新课题.工会组织应发挥自身优势,找准着力点,力争在这方面有所作为.  相似文献   
在员工中精心组织开展劳动竞赛,乃是工会工作的一个重要施力点,其实施过程,需要注意增大适应性、凸显效益性和突出科学性,并须注意将其与企业文化建设相结合、与品牌战略相结合、与工人先锋号、劳模工作室、四合力示范班组的创建相结合.  相似文献   
针对“老工伤”问题,我国已先后出台一系列法律文件与政策规定,但由于其法律位阶过低,缺乏法律责任条款,执行起来较为随意,因而使此问题难以得到彻底解决。建议法律进一步具体明确两个当仁不让的责任主体:一为用工单位,二为政府。  相似文献   
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