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Subsequent to U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) efforts to control illegal immigration throughout the 1990s, concern arose over an apparent increase in deaths of illegal migrants as they began to undertake more treacherous routes to enter the United States from Mexico. In response, the Border Safety Initiative (BSI) was created to increase safety along the southwest border. Using multiple data sources, including the USBP BSI Incident Tracking System, this study evaluated the impact of life‐saving efforts performed under the BSI program. Results indicate that there has been no overall reduction in the rate of migrant deaths since BSI has been in operation. However, an evaluation of BORSTAR search and rescue teams and the 2003 Lateral Repatriation Program (LRP), which returned apprehended migrants from Tucson sector to less hazardous places along the border, were found to be effective in preventing migrant deaths. Policy Implications: Critics of U.S. immigration policy claim that the only way reductions in migrant deaths along the U.S.‐Mexico border can be achieved is through liberalization of immigration policy and relaxing of border security. Yet, for more than a decade, U.S. policy makers have increased restrictions on immigration and have tightened security at the borders. Considering this, alternative means must be deployed in order to save migrant lives in the near term rather than waiting for a reversal of immigration policy. This study suggests that proactive life‐saving measures implemented through a harm‐reduction strategy can have some impact on saving migrant lives.  相似文献   
自欧盟确立共同安全与防务政策以来,欧盟独立防务与北约之间存在着“相互替代”和“相互增强”两种论调。争论焦点在于价值观念、威胁评估和战略文化、军事和民事能力、国防工业和支出。在过去几年,欧盟与北约的关系也围绕上述四个方面发生变化。具体而言,欧盟与北约之间总体上呈现以合作为主、竞争为辅、两者同步增强的发展态势。美国新任总统拜登承诺修复美国与盟友的关系,包括进一步加强北约。同时,美、欧将在价值观念上回归“旧常态”,在威胁评估和战略文化上进一步靠拢,在民事和军事手段的运用以及增加国防工业投入上也会有更多共识和共同行动。因此,欧盟与北约的关系将进一步呈现相互增强的态势,但前提是欧盟的战略自主建设不只是出于做强自身,而是更多地为了使欧、美双方公平承担相应的责任。  相似文献   
全球信息化是人类发展的大趋势。计算机网络已渗透到社会生活的各个领域。由于网络的特性与弊端 ,网络安全问题日益严重。防火墙是一个加强机构网络与因特网之间安全访问的控制系统。虽然防火墙在当今因特网上的存在是很有生命力的 ,但它不能替代墙内的安全措施 ,不是解决网络安全问题的万能药方。  相似文献   
网络具有全球性、开放性、即时性等特点。网络环境下,公安院校的宣传工作既面临挑战也迎来契机,公安院校宣传工作应更新观念,开辟网络宣传新途径,丰富宣传工作的内容,加强管理,趋利避害,为我所用,占据主动地位,以提高宣传工作的实效。  相似文献   
网络信息资源的管理主要包含信息环境的净化管理、信息资源优化配置管理和信息资源的安全管理,通过组织和管理的有机结合,实现信息空间的有序性和资源效用的最大化。  相似文献   
基于网络计划的应急预案的可操作性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制定应急预案是突发事件应急管理的重要内容,而可操作性则是应急预案的基本要求.我国已经制定了很多应急预案,但这些应急预案是否具有可操作性并不确定,也难以全部通过演练来判断,目前,国内外在应急预案可操作性方面的研究有限,因此,在应急预案综述研究的基础上,提出可操作性预案的制定步骤和可操作性预案应该包含的内容.把项目管理中的网络计划与应急预案相结合,将应急预案的应对过程看作项目,应对步骤看作工序,使用网络计划的形式来表达可操作性预案的应对过程,给出示例进行说明,并使用网络计划来分析应急预案的时间计划.在时间紧迫且资源不足的情况下,引进资源保障率的概念,使用网络计划分析应急预案对突发事件的处置效果,并可为未来的资源配置提供参考;最后,从应急预案的内容等方面提出一个综合评估的指标体系,对应急预案的可操作性进行评估.主要为可操作性应急预案的制定和评估提供参考.  相似文献   
Xufeng Zhu 《Policy Sciences》2008,41(4):315-334
Studies of policy entrepreneurs have become a staple of public policy research. Very few such studies deal with the circumstances of China. This paper aims to remedy this oversight by exploring the mechanisms of policy change in China. Using John Kingdon’s Multiple Streams (MS) Model, the author develops the “Technical Infeasibility Model.” The paper tests the MS model’s applicability to China by examining strategies put forth by Chinese policy entrepreneurs in the third sector. It considers how they may successfully promote change by using a strategy of proposing a relatively radical policy concept that is politically acceptable and technically infeasible to policy makers. To illustrate such a strategy, this paper considers a case of policy change involving Chinese urban vagrants. The policy on “Detention and Repatriation,” which was first implemented in 1982, was challenged following the Sun Zhigang Incident in March 2003. Shortly thereafter law scholars filed two suggestion letters to the National People’s Congress Standing Committee calling for a constitutionality review of the Detention and Repatriation System. Though it was “technically infeasible” to air such a proposal in China at that time, the State Council initiated action to abolish certain provisions of the Detention and Repatriation System. However, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee did not conduct a constitutionality review.
Xufeng ZhuEmail:
王文平 《青年论坛》2009,(2):152-154
形势与政策课是高等院校思想政治理论课的重要组成部分。当前高校形势与政策课教育教学中存在着高校重视不够、师资队伍不稳定、教学形式单一等主要问题。与其它课程相比,形势与政策课有其鲜明特点,其内容时效性强、教学领域宽、教育政策性突出、教法灵活多样。针对此课程教育教学中存在的主要问题和此课程独有特点,高等院校应做到明确教学目的、丰富教学内容、改进教学手段,切实增强形势与政策课教育教学实效性。  相似文献   
The vast natural resources of India's forests, including non-timber forest products (NTFPs), such as medicinal and aromatic plants, leaves, fruits, seeds, resins, gums, bamboos, and canes, offer employment that provides up to half the income of about 25 per cent of the country's rural labour force. However, poor harvesting practices and over-exploitation in the face of increasing market demand are threatening the sustainability of these resources, and thus the livelihoods of forest-dependent tribal communities. This article analyses the role of NTFPs in livelihoods-improvement initiatives and considers recent initiatives intended to enhance their conservation and sustainable management. It recommends policies to optimise the potential of NTFPs, both to support rural livelihoods and to contribute to India's social, economic, and environmental well-being.  相似文献   
从紧货币政策对商业银行信贷业务的影响及其对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年从紧货币政策的核心是从紧信贷政策,对商业银行信贷业务增长速度、盈利空间以及不良资产率都会产生影响。商业银行应积极应对宏观调控,在信贷业务的投放、结构调整、风险管理和业务创新上做相应调整,以保持信贷业务持续健康发展。  相似文献   
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