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This study examines the Nigerian attempts to implement the New Public Management (NPM) reform. The paper aims at identifying the strand, the extent of progress made and the reason(s) for success/failure recorded. The author finds that the poor success story of the reform is as a result of the preference of the more attractive cost-saving neoliberal economic aspect to the more involving and demanding bureaucratic aspect, the inconsistencies in program implementation, and lack of strong political will common to adopting reform in developing countries. The article recommends that reforms require dealing with the critical challenges of institutionalization, inconsistency and legitimization.  相似文献   
Since 2000, Kazakhstan has followed the New Public Management reform trajectory in modernizing its public sector and public service delivery. This article employs an actor-centered perspective to examine the effects of the public administration reform and its implications for foreign petroleum companies in Kazakhstan. The study builds on primary sources in the form of 81 semi-structured interviews with public servants, representatives of foreign petroleum companies and experts. The main conclusion is that the reform effects are ambiguous. Despite some success in greater efficiency of public services, many weaknesses remain, with highly varying implications for foreign petroleum companies.  相似文献   
For several years, local governments have been tackling new challenges related to the regeneration of their cities within the physical sphere, as well as in their economic and social aspects. This task is developed in accordance with what has been called the Integrated Urban Development Model, understanding the integrated nature of this approach not only in terms of the spheres of public policy involved, but also in relation to their management. In this paper, this management is analysed in terms of the development of mechanisms for New Local Governance and New Public Management (NPM). Using Spanish municipalities as a case study, this paper develops an analytical tool for the analysis of this model of urban intervention within the European context, paying close attention to the development of mechanisms for New Local Governance from a multilevel perspective, as well as the development of mechanisms for NPM.  相似文献   
《行政许可法》和《突发事件应对法》未涉及行政许可的效力基于应急状态的变动问题。行政许可的实施在应急状态下面临合法性困境,其纾解应从形式与实质两个层面着手。应急状态下,行政机关原则上具有概括的许可实施职权,在缺乏可预见性的规范时,可在满足基本的形式合法性前提下,通过情事变更原则满足实质合法性。此时,行政许可的条件、审查标准与程序等应与常态有所差异。许可中止制度在应急状态下具有适用空间,其核心在于有效期的中止,适用于被许可人无过错的情况,有必要在《行政许可法》中加以规定。应急状态作为不可抗力,可能但不一定完全导致行政许可废止的结果。此时,行政许可的废止仍需以许可目标完全不可实现或者许可的继续实施极可能导致个人或公共利益的严重损害为前提。现行行政许可有效期延续制度在审查强度和程序等方面规则不明。应急状态下,应当放宽许可延续的申请期,对延续申请可以采用形式和书面审查,并建立依职权延续和临时延续制度。为更好应对应急状态,应当根据应急状态各处置阶段的需要,创设新的许可类型。  相似文献   
校园安全立法与安全保障社会化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
校园安全事故频繁发生,严重扰乱了学校的教学秩序和社会安定,也使学生的合法权益得不到保障。应尽快出台《校园安全法》,以保证教育教学秩序,保障学生的合法权益。  相似文献   
兰江  姜文玉 《南亚东南亚研究》2021,(2):16-36,152,153
2017年美日印澳四方安全对话重启以来,马拉巴尔2020军演是美日印澳四国首次举行的联合军演。马拉巴尔2020军演折射出美日印澳四国针对中国的意愿及合作新进展。美日印澳四方安全合作是美国印太战略的基础和牵制中国崛起的重要机制,在近几年持续获得进展。美日印澳四国在安全领域加强合作,对四国与中国双边关系产生深远影响。马拉巴尔2020军演后,原本紧张的中印及中澳关系继续恶化。美国进一步推动与中国的竞争。美日印澳四国不但在安全领域针对中国,还营造不利于中国的国际舆论。拜登上台后,美日印澳四方安全合作继续强化。拜登比特朗普更重视与盟友合作,借由与日印澳三国磋商推动美日印澳四方安全合作机制化和常态化并走向准军事联盟。美日印澳四国明确表示不会在政治与安全领域停止针对中国,但是在经贸领域基于自身利益考量将改善对华关系。美日印澳四方安全合作升级对中国安全环境及国家利益构成严重威胁。拜登政府正在强化针对中国的印太地区多边安全架构。美国试图在外交层面让中国陷入孤立态势,在安全层面对中国形成战略包围。拜登政府的美日印澳四方安全合作构想将让中国面临更加复杂的外交局面,更加险恶的安全态势。  相似文献   
随着中缅两国友好关系的稳步发展,两国公共卫生安全合作不断深化.新冠肺炎危机爆发以来,中缅积极开展抗疫合作,深化了两国政府和人民对中缅命运共同体的认同,也为两国推进公共卫生安全合作带来新机遇.除了双边合作外,中缅还在中国-东盟、大湄公河次区域经济合作和澜湄合作等区域性合作机制下积极寻求联合抗疫等公共卫生领域的交流与合作,并利用世界卫生组织等国际平台参与全球卫生治理,取得了良好成效.但是,缅甸脆弱的公共卫生体系,中缅边境地区严峻的非传统安全问题,以及缅甸不稳定的社会基础等因素对中缅深化公共卫生安全合作构成了巨大挑战.为此,中国应利用后疫情时代公共卫生安全领域的合作机遇,深入了解缅甸公共卫生体系建设和民众卫生健康的实际需求,进一步拓展双方的合作空间,为中缅公共卫生安全合作创造有利环境.概而言之,中缅应围绕加强信息共享,推进中缅应对传染病联防联控体系常态化建设;注重能力建设,利用多边平台增强缅甸的公共卫生治理能力;加强健康教育,联合开展公共卫生人才培养计划;利用传统优势,充分激发中缅传统医药合作潜能;鼓励多方参与,有效发挥非政府组织在卫生合作中的作用等方面共同努力,从而进一步推动中缅命运共同体建设.  相似文献   
Technologies play crucial roles in security politics. In a recent push to understand the dynamic interplay between technologies and politics, IR scholars increasingly draw on reflexive research traditions. The aim is to understand the social and political practices that influence the shape, design and use of security technologies instead of assuming that technologies have linear, independent effects on politics. This SPSR debate draws on this new perspective and applies it to topics salient in Swiss public debate. Its contributions analyze how cybersecurity, predictive policing, drones, artificial intelligence, targeted sanctions, urban design and spyware are deliberated, negotiated, programmed and critiqued in Switzerland. They chart different analytical avenues with which to address the recursive and non‐linear relationship between security politics and technologies, and, by familiarizing readers with the tenets and diversity of reflexive political science research, seek to give that longstanding scholarly research tradition better visibility in the Swiss political science community.  相似文献   
宗教极端主义是一种与宗教有密切联系的极端主义。它主要有两种类别:第一类是指宗教内部的极端主义倾向;第二类是指在宗教名义下的极端主义。宗教极端主义对国家安全的危害,主要表现在危及国家主权和领土完整,破坏国家现有政治体系、经济体系和社会秩序,干扰国家可持续发展。为此,严厉打击、有效治理这一国际公害已成为当前维护国家安全的重要任务之一。  相似文献   
社会主义新农村养老保障探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在新形势下,传统的农村养老体制面临着前所未有的挑战和机遇,因此在巩固传统的家庭养老方式的同时,逐步建立和完善多样化的农村养老保障体系势在必行。在建设社会主义新农村的契机下,有必要探索出一条多层次、灵活多样的农村养老之路;发挥个人、家庭、政府、社会的协力,最终实现“老有所养、老有所医、老有所乐”这一夙愿。  相似文献   
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