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论节约型政府建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设节约型政府体现了现代公共行政的价值取向,是建设节约型社会的关键。其根本目标就是要建设一个低价、高效、公平的政府。  相似文献   
公证是商品经济发展到一定阶段的产物,是市场经济主体和各要素之间的桥梁和纽带。公证的作用在于加速经济市场化的进程,推动西部经济纳入全球化进程,提高公民、法人的法律意识,维护社会稳定。  相似文献   
面对十五大为非公有制经济带来的历史机遇和中国入世加快市场化进程的新形势,重视个体私 营经济发展的对策研究,有着重要而紧迫的现实意义。在新世纪,借鉴外地经验,大连个体私营经济要以 超常规的思路实现跳跃式发展,关键是要做到进一步解放思想,真正树立起“三个有利于”的根本判断标 准和发展是硬道理的思想;创造更为有利的社会环境,加大政策扶持力度;提高经营者素质,发挥企业特 有的优势。  相似文献   
The Ferghana valley which is an ethnically and culturally complex region divided among three Central Asian Republics of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, witnessed a number of problems ranging from inter- ethnic tensions to border incursions; from security related complications to a number of socio- economic difficulties in the recent years. Moreover, it is also the most densely populated areas in Central Asia. Though sometimes the threat of religious extremism and intolerance in the Ferghana valley has been exaggerated yet it is difficult to completely deny their presence in the region and the obvious threat it has been posing for the entire Central Asia in future. The artificial delineation of border in the Ferghana valley which was finalized during the soviet era can be considered as one of the principle reasons behind the occurrences of various conflicts in the valley especially after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Similarly, economy also plays a pivotal role in accentuating the conflict in the region as it is found that the root cause of majority of the conflicts prevalent in the region are regarding the domination of a particular ethnic group on the economic resources of that very area. However, the rivalry between the elites of the three republics and their struggle for power also play a prominent role in the disturbances that has been taking place in Ferghana valley as the elites of the valley do not want to lose their predominant position in the newly formed political establishments of their respective republics.  相似文献   
正China Issues Rules to Control Local Debt Risks China’s State Council in early October released rules to strengthen the supervision and management of local government debt,the fi rst such directive ever introduced by the Chinese cabinet.According to the State Council document,local governments will be conferred the right of debt fi nancing within a quota.A standard debt fi nancing mechanism for local  相似文献   
正Information Consumption Drives Domestic Economic Growth China’s businesses above designated size chalked up in the fi rst quarter online retail sales amounting to US$81.5billion–a 51.7 percent increase,compared to 12 percent growth in total sales of retail  相似文献   
本文从政治、安全问题与恐怖主义活动、民族纠纷与宗教冲突、经济、东盟国家对外关系以及与中国关系等六个方面阐述了2014年的东南亚地区形势。2014年东南亚地区政治形势总体较为稳定,但原有恐怖主义势力与伊斯兰国相互渗透,以及各类恐怖事件不断发生,成为威胁该地区安全的潜在因素。2014年东南亚地区经济总体表现平淡,各国外交趋于理性、成熟,与中国关系取得丰硕成果。  相似文献   
李岩 《宁夏党校学报》2020,22(2):106-112
数字经济给全球带来机遇和挑战。为抢占发展先机,谋求竞争优势,世界各国基于各自数字技术和数字经济发展情况,制定了各自的数字经济发展战略。国家战略引领立法价值和目标,导致各国立法选择不一。比较欧美数字经济战略对其个人信息保护立法的影响,对于完善我国个人信息保护立法和参与国际规则制定具有重要意义。中国基于网络强国战略和网络空间国际合作战略,应将同步推进个人信息安全和数字经济发展作为立法指导思想,对内尽快出台适合本国实际的个人信息保护专门立法,对外积极参与引领国际立法合作,坚持在WTO现有协定和框架基础上谈判,建立和完善数据治理规则,构建国内国际双重立法保护。  相似文献   
李晓  陈煜 《东北亚论坛》2020,(3):43-57,127
新冠肺炎疫情的急剧扩散正在对世界经济产生严重冲击,使得任何国家都无法独善其身。本文探讨了疫情对世界经济增长、深层次结构以及全球经济治理等领域可能造成的冲击,认为世界经济秩序和国际经济关系都将受到重大影响,全球化进程可能呈现出现碎片化发展趋势,全球治理赤字更加凸显且内容更加广域化,跨国公司的产业链重构进程将有所加快并更加注重安全因素。在这种严峻形势下,中国应采取更加系统的应对措施,短期内宏观经济政策重心应该从“保增长”调整为“保就业”,并努力确保外向型产业链稳定;中长期应该更加注重扩大内需,进一步扩大金融业开放和积极推进国际经济协调。  相似文献   
本文从福建省高等教育和经济发展的现状入手,利用复合系统整体协调度原理,研究并测算了1996—2004年福建省高等教育与经济增长之间的协调度,揭示两者之间的协调度基本呈现出逐年提高的态势,并探讨了政策建议。  相似文献   
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