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Focusing on identity development explorations enables a greater understanding of contexts that affect immigrant adolescents. Utilizing thematic and grounded narrative analysis of 46 journal writings, during a one-month period, from first and second generation Vietnamese adolescents ranging in age from 15 to 18 (26 residents of a culturally and politically active ethnic enclave in Southern California; 20 adolescents living outside the enclave), this study establishes ways in which a focus on social context and exploration processes illuminates the complexity of immigrant adolescents’ identity formation. The two groups shared many similarities, including precipitants to exploration and steps undertaken to explore identity. However, two factors—social and cultural influences and emotional reactions—revealed interesting contrasts distinguishing enclave from non-enclave dwelling Vietnamese adolescents. Data also suggested that immigrant adolescents strive to integrate different domains of identity (ethnicity, gender, career) both with one another and with the historical, social, and cultural contexts they occupy.
Jaan ValsinerEmail:
Does town twinning foster citizens’ political support of the European Union? This study investigates the relation, which is maintained in politics and academics but still calls for empirical evidence. We distinguish between two levels of analysis, namely individual and context level, and differentiate in accordance with David Easton’s modes of political support specific from diffuse support. The corresponding hypotheses are tested with a unique dataset, which embraces survey findings of more than 12,000 respondents from 28 randomly selected municipalities in Germany. The main conclusions that emerge from the analysis are: First, town twinning does promote political support of the European Union on the individual level. Second, there are positive effects on specific and diffuse support. Thirdly, there is no relationship between local activity in twinning affairs and political support.  相似文献   
Political scientists generally agree that all individuals structure their cultural attitudes in the same unidimensional fashion. However, various populist radical right parties remarkably combine moral progressiveness with conservatism regarding immigration-related issues. This suggests that the structuring of cultural attitudes among the electorate may also be more complex than typically assumed. Applying Correlational Class Analysis to representative survey data, the study uncovers three cultural belief systems. For individuals adhering to an integrated one, all cultural attitudes are interdependent, as typically assumed. However, two alternative belief systems are also uncovered: intermediate and partitioned. In the latter, positions on one cultural attitude (e.g. ethnocentrism) are barely related to positions on others (e.g. rejecting Islam or opposing homosexuality). The existence of multiple cultural belief systems challenges the widely held assumption that all people organise their cultural attitudes similarly. Both political party agendas and individuals’ education level and religion appear key to understanding variation in belief systems.  相似文献   
肖琳 《各界》2008,(10)
中国式英语是英语写作的最大障碍之一,在措词、句式、篇章结构等方面严重影响英语写作的质量以及书面交际的效果。因此有必要对其产生的原因进行错误分析,在此基础上提出相应的对策,来帮助学生在英语写作中,尽量避免中国式英语的出现,切实提高学生的英语写作能力。  相似文献   
日常生活世界一个最深刻的社会变迁,在于人们和物品之间的关系发生了根本性的变化:随着物品从生产资料转变为消费品,人们也从生产关系中的某一类主体(所有者或劳动者),转变成为一个消费者。消费社会学由于关注到了消费过程诸环节中突生性社会机制和社会力量所具有的社会后果,其相对的学科优势和合法性是明显的。  相似文献   
中国—东盟自由贸易区如期建成近两年,在三大协议影响下的货物贸易、服务贸易以及投资等经贸合作活动呈现出何种特征,值得我们关注和总结,以期为进一步的合作提出阶段性建议。本文主要针对广东与东盟国家优势产业间的竞争性进行了定量研究,并为广东如何进一步参与中国—东盟自由贸易区的经贸合作提出了建议。  相似文献   
死亡是哲学的永恒主题。海德格尔将死亡定义为一种不可能的可能性。与此相反,列维纳斯将死亡界定为“可能性的不可能性”。海德格尔给“不可能性”以优先性,对他来说,作为此在的我们面对的死亡是一种无法超越的可能性。我们也可以说,海德格尔从死亡的角度观察生命。而列维纳斯则是将死亡与生命的观点一起考虑,因为他觉得只有生命才能为我们打开可能性;从生命的视角看,死亡是所有可能性的终结,即不可能性。  相似文献   
转型时期的农民工住房问题——一种政策过程的视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从政策过程的视角论述农民工住房问题纳入国家政策层面的可行性,可为解决农民工住房问题提供政策方向。本文从杜布林冲突的系统分析模型出发,建构“黑匣子”公共政策过程分析模型,并运用成本-收益分析、政府分权理论等,从政策执行的角度来检验政策方案。通过政策输入过程分析,识别形成农民工住房问题的实质因素,并分析农民工住房问题转变为政策问题的实践约束条件。通过对政策执行约束条件的分析得出:农民工住房政策的逻辑起点不是农民工住房质量,而是附加在户籍制上的城乡二元体制结构。研究认为农民工住房问题本身无法作为良好的政策问题纳入中央政府决策范围。建立农民工住房保障体系并允许农民工有条件地享受城市住房保障政策,或直接取消城乡二元结构,都不是解决农民工住房问题的最优政策,但前者作为渐进的决策途径,还是有助于缓解社会转型矛盾的;政府应当制定改革户籍制的长远目标,并在此框架下坚持改革和创新,逐步实现住房保障的城乡一体化。  相似文献   
中德(日)犯罪成立体系比较分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
我国刑法界目前正在进行"犯罪构成体系重构或者完善"的讨论。"重构说"强调应以德国及日本的犯罪成立体系为参照,对源自前苏联的我国通说性犯罪构成体系进行全面改造,而"完善说"对通说体系的态度则以调适修补为基调。因而,站在解说中国问题的立场对德日体系之利弊得失作出评析,便尽显必要。  相似文献   
云南省是毒品泛滥的重灾区,通过开展实际调研,对云南边疆吸毒青少年的人口学特征、地区分布、经济状况进行分析,反映出吸毒年龄低龄化、民族多样化、受教育程度不足等特点。预防和矫正青少年吸毒,要以青少年正确的人生价值观的确立、道德法律素养的提高等为前提,使他们的精神追求、行为模式转向更高尚的社会目标。  相似文献   
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