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《最高人民法院公报》选编民事案例的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1985-2008这24年间,《最高人民法院公报》选编民事案例存在以下变化:年度选编民事案例的数量逐渐增多、案件类型趋向复杂化。在裁判方法上,从突出国家规则强制到注重判决说理;从突出案件裁判类型的代表性、示范性到注重展示法官的裁判方法;从示范最高人民法院对法律的权威理解、严格解释法律规则的基本文义到注重对裁判规则的建构;司法裁判中的知识观由一元发展为多元。形成这些变化的原因有:市场经济的发展、有中国特色的社会主义法律体系的逐步建立、法律职业化、对案例作用的重视、司法裁判由单纯追求政治正确向注重知识正确的转向。合理预期、职业知识而非简单的伦理说教或单纯的意识形态灌输,应当成为中国司法未来发展的主导逻辑。  相似文献   
法学教育与司法考试的关系,是国家司法资格统一考试制度实施以来,为人们所关注和焦虑的一个重要课题。司法考试作为一种非常典型的法律职业准入控制措施,帮助我们营造了一个共同的语言、解释、价值、经历和身份的共同体,从而也决定性地正面促进了我国的法治建设。但是我们应该认识到司法考试不是万能的,它不能对法律从业者的法律素养作有效的考察和衡量,因此我们必须寻求有效的替代途径,而这正是法学教育,特别是法学院教育本身所具备的。美国法学院模式的成功对于我们构建法学院教育与司法考试的理想关系,提供了非常有意义的启发。  相似文献   
医师职业精神与医疗行业廉政文化要求是高度同一的,以患者利益为首位是共同的核心内涵,追求公平正义是共同的目标指向,尊重患者是共同的行为要求。目前我国医师职业精神中存在道德素质低下、逐利和缺乏行业自治等问题。基于这种现状,我们应当积极加强医疗行业廉政文化建设,尤其要注重加强道德教育、制度建设以及行业自治,促进医师职业精神水平的提升,进一步推动我国医疗行业又好又快发展。  相似文献   
依据法学教育资源配置现状调查资料,通过对河南省高等法学教育的全方位分析,探讨了河南省高等法学教育存在的问题,并从教育资源配置角度,提出了改革对策与设想,为河南省法学教育改革从理论与实践结合上进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   
Fusco and Baizerman (2013) criticized professionalization efforts for assumptions about improved outcomes, “reducing” youth work to skills, “controlling behavior,” bureaucratization, depersonalized services, a neoliberal focus, removing practice wisdom, and a “telos of …scientifically based youth work” (p. 189). They do not provide evidence or arguments for these claims. Academics benefit from professionalization, and it is curious to oppose efforts to provide those benefits to others. We believe that they and their colleagues, in the same issue, have misread other authors on key ideas and present an incomplete and rather one-sided representation. They conflate professionalization and professionalism. They conflate the industrial aspects of professionalization with the ethical aspects. They have overestimated the potential harm of professionalization and underestimated the harm being done by uninformed youth work practices. They misinterpreted social history—and Aristotle. They have incompletely cited other writers about professionalization. Professionalization and professionalism are not guarantees of anything, but our critique of them needs to be coherent, consistent, and based on arguments and evidence.  相似文献   
法学教育与法律职业相脱节已成为越来越多法学教育工作者关注的问题.如何改进现有的高职高专法学教学模式,培养应用型法律人才应作为我们教学改革的最终目标.借鉴英国、澳大利亚等在国际上以培养应用型法律人才见长国家的先进经验,尝试在通过灵活多样的教学法传授基本法律知识的基础上,增加法律技术训练课程,为学生法学教育与法律职业的衔接搭建桥梁,或许是解决法学教育与法律职业脱节的出路之一.  相似文献   
学报编辑主体的价值及其价值观探微   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学报编辑是学报出版活动的主体,是学报编辑价值形成的动因。学报编辑的价值体现在所编稿件的社会效益和经济效益上。学报编辑价值观是学报编辑从事编辑出版活动的内在动力。学报编辑的价值观对学报编辑群体中每位成员具有感召力和凝聚力。外部环境和编辑活动方式的变化,使学报编辑主体的价值在社会更大范围内得以实现,从而取得学报编辑的自我价值和社会效益的双重实现。  相似文献   
在工业化进程中社会分工系统所表征的职业分类系统与组织职位系统,都是按照职业和岗位的专业技术类型和水平为依据构建,职业声望排序实质上内涵着职业的专业技术程度.不同职业类别与水平的专业技术因为被不同组织系统赋予相应的职业地位而具有分层的功能.由此形成的职业分层结构就是社会分层结构的内在机理.中国经济体制由计划体制向市场体制的转型是社会分层结构变化的环境和条件的转换,持续推进下去将有助于阶层关系的转变.  相似文献   
The forensic science profession in South Africa is currently unregulated. There is also no national body that allows for the continued development or professional interaction of forensic scientists. The above has brought about a dire need to regulate the profession, in order to achieve the specific goals listed. To attain these objectives it is envisaged that the founding of a Forensic Science Academy in South Africa is of critical importance. The creation of a Forensic Science Academy was explored as the authors believe that such an Academy will provide structure to the profession of forensic science in South Africa – as well as paving the way towards regulation of the profession.  相似文献   

Margaret Howie Strang Hall was the first woman in Scotland, and the youngest woman in the UK, to try to become a lawyer through the same formal process open to her male contemporaries. This examination of Hall’s attempt aims to set it in context, using contemporary court documents and newspaper reports, while expanding on what is known of her life. Hall’s story is an important one in the struggle for equal professional opportunities and her experience in the Scottish legal system provides a counterpoint to the better-known English examples.  相似文献   
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