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This article discusses some important aspects of thetreatment of minorities in the Republic of Slovakia.It discusses the 1992 Constitution and subsequentdevelopments such as the State language law 1995, therestriction of political rights of Hungarians,educational policies, the setback of EU entry talks,the September 1998 general elections, the Dzurindagovernment's ``De-Meciarization', the 1999 MinorityLanguage Law, and recent electoral legislation. Thespecial condition of the Romany is considered. Theeffectiveness of international mechanisms for theprotection of minority rights (the Organisation forSecurity and Cooperation in Europe, the InternationalCovenant for Civil and Political Rights, the EuropeanConvention of Human Rights, the Framework Conventionfor the Protection of National Minorities) isassessed, as is the involvement of the EU. Finally,the role of the judiciary is reflected upon.  相似文献   
本文就中国性骚扰立法提出浅见。首先须准确界定性骚扰的概念,将公众场所性骚扰、女性对男性性骚扰、同性间性骚扰和非受雇性骚扰纳入性骚扰范畴;其次坚持以反性别歧视法为主的立法路径,明确雇主责任;最后应综合运用公法和私法手段,形成反性骚扰的法律体系。  相似文献   
The revised Law of Criminal Procedure, of which the key idea is to tighten the restraint on and supervi-sion over public power and protect the private rights effectively, shows the pursuits of refined,...  相似文献   
我国对宪法权利的保障主要采用了间接保障的模式。在这一以民事法、刑事法和行政法三大部门法为主要构架的模式中,刑法作为法律保障的最后一道屏障,无疑具有举足轻重的作用。然而,当今学界对这一问题的关注却极为有限。事实上,可以从原理、功能和经验三个方面着手,对宪法权利的刑法保障问题进行全面并深刻的理论剖析,进而与客观实践相互为用,促成我国宪法权利的间接保障模式(尤其是宪法权利的刑法保障)的进一步发展和完善。  相似文献   
从实施人权公约的视角看我国行政判例对人权的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从1987年至2006年底,20年间各级人民法院共审结了120余万件行政诉讼案件。与之基本同时,最高人民法院通过创刊于1985年的《最高人民法院公报》,并依据2000年6月发布的《裁判文书公布管理办法》,至2006年底,总共发表了75件具有代表性的行政裁判。这些以公报案例、法公布文书和裁判文书选登等形式发表的行政裁判,已经成为人民共和国的最初行政判例。它们是被誉为重要的人权保障法的《行政诉讼法》正在得以有效实施的证明,不仅代表着中国努力建设社会主义法治国家的切实努力和中国大陆的行政审判水平与行政审判中的人权保护水平,而且展现了中国大陆正在以日益发展的司法手段,努力促进联合国人权两公约中规定的诸项人权的实施,在某些方面甚至正在拓展出新的人权保护范围和规范。同时,也面临着如何把人权保护范围,从主要限于人身权与财产权,平稳迅速地扩展到也受到人权公约保护的诸项社会权利和政治权利的问题。发展人权保障事业与建设和谐社会与和谐世界的新目标具有内在的同一性。行政判例,正在为我国实施经社文公约(CESCR),加入《公民权利和政治权利公约》(CCPR)作出积极的贡献。  相似文献   
离婚妇女贫困化的制度探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着中国离婚率的提高,离婚女性人群也逐步扩大。许多妇女离婚后生活陷入困境,使离婚女性贫困化成为一个社会问题。虽然造成离婚妇女贫困化的原因是多元的,但现行《婚姻法》、《劳动法》、《妇女权益保障法》等法律在保护女性权益的制度设计上存在着诸多不足,而相应的社会保障制度也远未完善,这些都加剧了离婚妇女的贫困状况。只有修正现行法律保护离婚女性权益上的制度缺陷,才能最大限度地减缓和消除离婚女性的贫困化问题。  相似文献   
《The Modern law review》2001,64(6):945-955
Books reviewed:
Loughlin, Sword and Scales: An Examination of the Relationship Between Law and Politics
Schønberg, Legitimate Expectations in Administrative Law
Bingham, The Business of Judging: Selected Essays and Speeches
Scott-Hunt and Lim, Feminist Perspectives on Equity and Trusts
McColgan, Women Under the Law: The False Promise of Human Rights  相似文献   
个人金融服务中消费者与经营者在交易中不平等法则的存在,权利与义务呈现出明显不对等,个人消费者难以以自身的力量与经营者抗衡,使消费者在消费纠纷中处于劣势。为了保护消费者的权益,除了建立消费者协会组织外,更要建立健全消费者权益保护法及金融服务机构的社会信用及其行业评判标准制度。  相似文献   
The 2004 Supreme Court of Canada decision in Auton concerns the right of autistic children to access services held by their parents to be essential to their children's ability to participate as members of a democratic society. It is argued that the child's right to have his or her basic developmental needs met is a constitutionally protected one. Having those developmental needs met engages both education and health rights. In Auton the parents had sought funding for the service at issue from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Children and Families (which dealt with mental health services and other particular support programs for the families of disabled children) as well as from the Ministry of Education. The case raises central questions regarding the very nature of education and the constitutionality of a discretionary power of government to set out statutory limitations upon fundamental human rights including education rights.  相似文献   
随着知识产权的负价值功能日益突显及其为公众所普通认识,知识产权危机出现迫使人们对知识产权权正当性问题进行反思。从知识产权的起源入手,基于哲学理论追溯其正当性。不难发现,知识产权需要权衡私权与公权并确立其人权价值基础,才能具有实质正当性。这就必须有一定的法律限制,即在个人利益、他人利益与社会利益之间进行一种利益的平衡。  相似文献   
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