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砂拉越位于婆罗洲,原为文莱属地,1841年白人拉惹政权建立后,大批华人在其招垦下移入砂拉越。在华文教育萌芽的初期,白人拉惹对其取自由放任的态度,直至20世纪20年代,因华人社会中的政治运动及海外华侨民族主义在各个华文学校的发展,才颁布学校注册法令,开始干涉砂拉越地区的华文教育。二战后,白人拉惹将砂拉越让渡给英国,新成立的殖民地政府急于统合境内各族群对砂拉越的认同,遂推动以英语为教学媒介语的国家教育制度,迫使砂拉越华文中等学校在改制成以英语授课的学校或独立中学之间做出选择。为保存族群母语教育,为华族子弟接受母语教育提供机会,在古晋地区创立的中华第一中学,决定成为一间华文独立中学。这间华文独立中学至今仍有千名以上学生,其校园中充满华族文化气息。本文对古晋中华第一中学的创立、发展、经营作一个案研究,期盼对吾人进一步了解战后砂拉越华族社会族群语言的维护及文化的传承有所助益。  相似文献   
社会存在一定的风险。现代社会中的风险具有不确定性以及多样性、广泛性和人为性的特点。与风险相对应的是安全,尤其是备受关注的公共安全。其中,与民生有着密切联系的食品安全由于发生的频次高、危害范围广、原因复杂、后果严重,更是考察政府职能的一个参照。在如此的背景下,相关部门应当建立并完善风险预警机制、食品安全信息公布与通报机制、食品安全检验和检疫机制以及重大事故处置机制,以应对风险。  相似文献   
海派文学略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海派作家大多能接受、认同都市,关心、介入都市,进而认识、批评都市。依赖新锐的商品经济的背景,以文学的方式表示对城市的认同,海派文学的这一特征代表了一种文化上的现代性趋向。京派作家也有"海派"的纪录,中国新文学史上京海两派,其实同源而异流。  相似文献   
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Since the early 2000s, the governments in ASEAN (the Association of South East Asian Nations) countries have developed ‘good agricultural practices’ (GAP) as public approaches to field-level quality assurance. Besides the primary goals of consumer food safety and quality assurance, these public GAP programs aim to support small-scale farmer inclusion in mainstream markets. This goal represents the antithesis of the prevailing trend that private GAP approaches have tightened integration with resourceful, large-scale producers in global value chains. This paper examines the compatibility of the goals of safety assurance and social justice in a public GAP approach through comparative analysis of Thailand's Q-GAP between two local contexts of fruit production and marketing. The research findings suggest that while the public GAP scheme could draw the participation of a broad cohort of local small-scale producers and serve to certify their production, its impact on changing producers' on-field practices and catalyzing their access to the global market through food safety assurance is limited. The binding factors include the lack of producers' understanding of the principles of the programme, limited additional economic merits for them, and the influence of extra-local market forces that stress economies of size and food quality rather than food safety.  相似文献   
政府承担食品安全监管责任是维护公民生命健康权、提升政府公信力的需要和维护社会稳定的需要。近几年来,我国食品安全问题屡屡被媒体曝光,反映出食品安全中政府监管责任的缺失,主要表现为规范食品安全法律法规的责任缺失,实施监管执法的责任缺失,推进信息公开的责任缺失,进行诚信宣传教育的责任缺失。因此,强化我国食品安全中政府监管责任,必须健全食品安全法律法规,强化食品安全执法责任,构建透明公开的食品安全信息体系,不断推动社会诚信体系建设。  相似文献   
计算机实验室是高校信息化人才培养和计算机课程实验、科研的场所,计算机实验室的安全问题已关系到整个校园的安全与稳定。文章针对公安院校计算机实验室存在的安全隐患及其原因进行了分析,提出了以人为本、预防在先为核心的理念以及关于公安院校计算机实验室安全管理的若干对策。  相似文献   
安全带对人体的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
安全带普遍用于防止交通事故所致伤亡,其交通损伤中与安全带有关的损伤逐渐引起人们关注。通过复习国外相关文献,结合1例尸检案例,对安全带造成人体损伤的特点进行综述和探讨。  相似文献   
Trust is an important feature for all users of the Internet who rely on the safety and security of network technologies and systems for their daily lives. Trust, or the lack of it, has also been identified by the European Commission’s Digital Agenda as a major barrier to further development of the information society in Europe. One of the areas in which concerns have been raised is in relation to children’s safety online. As a result, substantial efforts have been made by policymakers and by the industry to build greater trust and confidence in online digital safety. This paper examines what trust means in the context of children’s use of the Internet. Should policy on trust enhancement, for instance, include children’s own trust in the technologies or services they use or is it sufficient to seek to reinforce parental and adult confidence that children can be adequately protected? What is required to build that trust from either perspective? Does it need, or should it include a relationship of trust between parents and children? To tease out these questions further, the paper examines current European Union policy frameworks on digital safety, particularly industry responses to the call for a more trusted Internet environment for children, and argues that technical solutions to be effective need to carefully balance a number of competing objectives and to be sufficiently grounded in evidence of parental and child experience of the Internet.  相似文献   
2 1世纪是信息产业飞速发展的时代 ,这对网络安全提出了前所未有的要求 ,文章对网络安全的现状进行了分析 ,并就如何保证计算机信息系统的保密性、完整性和可用性提出了相应的控制对策。  相似文献   
物权公示原则是现代各国物权法关于物权变动所奉行的重要原则,此项原则存在的必要性主要来源于交易安全的保护。对物权公示制度的历史发展予以考察,物权公示的价值在于维护交易安全。  相似文献   
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