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系党总支是全系的政治核心,在工作中处在承上启下的中间环节,要保证监督党和国家的方针、政策及学校各项决定在本单位的贯彻执行,发挥好其政治核心作用,加强总支班子建设是关键,加强制度建设和搞好党政协调是保证,抓好支部建设和党员队伍建设是基础。  相似文献   
王雷 《法学家》2020,(1):32-46,192
婚姻、收养、监护等有关身份关系的协议存在"参照适用"民法典合同编的空间。"身份关系协议的性质"是身份法律行为及相应身份权利义务关系所展现出的身份共同体特点,也是"参照适用"时对被引用法条限制或者修正变通的判断标准和解释依归。"身份关系协议的性质"具体包括鼓励缔结婚姻、维护夫妻等身份关系和谐安定、实现夫妻乃至家庭共同利益、养老育幼、未成年子女利益最大化等价值追求。应该区分不同类型的身份关系协议、区分同一类型身份关系协议中不同内容约款、区分身份关系协议的内部效力与外部效力,分别讨论"参照适用"的空间。不能脱离身份关系协议的"整体"来看待忠诚协议、离婚财产分割协议或者夫妻财产约定中的所谓"赠与条款"这个"部分",身份关系协议原则上应该作为一个整体,且形成继续性民事法律关系。  相似文献   
伴随着“第三部门”的兴起和发展,在市场经济体系领域主体要素之间的相互作用和地位发生相应的变化。“第三部门”凭借其自身的特点和独特的功能而在市场经济体系中日益显示了其不可或缺的角色和地位。其最主要的补位功能是整合、协助、替代、维护、制约、教化等。  相似文献   
许光耀  肖静 《时代法学》2010,8(5):104-110
《谢尔曼法》第2条所调整的"垄断"行为,有三个构成要件:行为人必须具有垄断力,而且从事了限制竞争行为,并且这种行为是出于"特定的意图"。长期以来,前两个要件的含义与证明方法相对确定,但在"意图"的证明上,不同时期有不同的做法。而进入新经济时代以后,在新经济产业,评价垄断地位的传统反垄断法理论受到挑战,市场份额不再是最主要的衡量标准,适用第2条的重心很大程度上转移到市场进入壁垒的考察上。通过经典判例进行考察,可以阐明第2条发展演进的一般过程,从而澄清其含义与分析方法。  相似文献   
美国的反倾销调查与337条款调查之比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国是当今世界上贸易救济种类最多、制度构建最为严密、救济力度最大的国家。反倾销调查与337条款调查这两种贸易救济措施在近年来美国的外贸实践中愈发显得引人注目。虽然国内研究美国反倾销调查的相关法律和实践问题的文章、专著可谓是数不胜数,而且随着近两年来中国企业遭受337条款调查的次数逐年增多而引致对337条款调查进行说明或研究的文章也日渐增多,但是包含有将这两种贸易救济措施进行比较研究的文章却寥寥无几且大多只是简短说明或一笔带过。然而这种比较研究不仅能够使我们清晰地认识到二者的主要不同之处,更能够以反倾销调查这种为大家所熟知的救济措施来映衬出337条款调查的相对更强的贸易救济功能。毕竟,只有非常精准地了解337条款调查的方方面面及其强大的贸易救济功能,我们才可能真正地探索出兼具能够切实有效地“防范于未然”和“应对于已然”的种种谋略。  相似文献   

We argue that Section 8 low‐income rental assistance—now called the Housing Choice Voucher Program—needs to be restructured and integrated with the other elements of the federal safety net for low‐income households. Since the program was introduced in 1974, the quality of the nation's housing stock has continued to improve, to the point that only a very small percentage of it is severely inadequate. Yet low‐income households continue to face problems such as affordability, neighborhood decline, limited access to economic opportunity, and involuntary mobility.

While the Section 8 program has partially addressed some of these problems, it has a number of shortcomings, primarily the fact that it does not materially improve housing conditions for most recipients. Instead, it is little more than a poorly disguised income supplement. Housing vouchers should be directly integrated into the federal safety net as an entitlement to households that qualify for assistance.  相似文献   
在中缅边境云南段外籍流动人口服务管理中,存在部分外籍流动人口国籍身份难以认定,基层派出所外籍流动人口服务管理滞后等问题。通过国籍、《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》等理论分析,结合新出台的出入境管理法,提出区别情况,解决身份认定问题,积极推进外籍流动人口服务管理创新的举措。  相似文献   
Rona Sela 《社会征候学》2018,28(2):201-229
The essay discusses one characteristic of colonial archives – how the ruling state plunders/loots the colonized’ archives and treasures and controls them in its colonial archives - erasing them from the public sphere by repressive means, censors and restricts their exposure and use, alters their original identity, regulates their contents and subjugates them to colonizer’s laws, rules and terminology. It focuses on two archives plundered by Israel in Beirut in 1980s: the Palestine Research Center and archive of Palestinian films. The essay continues my earlier research on Palestinian visual (and other) archives taken as booty or looted by pre-state Jewish military organizations and soldiers or civilians in the first half of the twentieth century, especially during the Nakba (the Palestinian catastrophe, 1948), and later by Israel’s military bodies. It analyzes the plunder itself while focusing on the power relations reflected toward the hybrid gazes of the colonizer and the colonized and discusses colonial features of military archives holding and controlling seized materials. While colonial museums have been largely discussed, and also archives holding colonial history, this is one of the first essays to discuss features of colonial archives holding plundered archives/material.  相似文献   
Currently there is a circuit split between the Second and Ninth Circuits in determining whether or not to apply previous juvenile sex offenses to the sentencing of an adult sex offender. The Second Circuit feels it is within the trial court's discretion to apply an enhancement of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines by applying either a juvenile adjudicated or unadjudicated sex offense to the sentencing of an adult offender. The Ninth Circuit sees that as improper and only adult sex offenses should be counted toward the sentencing of adult sex offenses. Due to the vague language of this enhancement, the determination of how to apply this is up to the court's discretion. This Note proposes that the U.S. Sentencing Commission amend section 4B1.5, and decide in favor of the Ninth Circuit due to the plain text reading of the statute, as well as the intent of the guideline itself alongside the “rule of lenity” as understood in the Ninth Circuit's reasoning of only applying adult offenses to the sentencing of that adult later on in life. The positive public policy of rehabilitation of juvenile offenders would be served greatly by this amendment to this guideline. By eliminating the possibility of having such an offense count against a juvenile in the future would allow and encourage those juveniles to take positive steps toward their future.  相似文献   
Section 13(5) of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 requires fertility clinics, before offering regulated treatment services, to take account of the welfare of any child who may be born as a result of the treatment and any other child affected by that birth. This paper presents the findings of an empirical study examining the impact on practice of the controversial reform of this section in 2008. While the broad values underpinning section 13(5) appear well embedded in clinic staff's engagement with ethical issues, there is little evidence that practice has been influenced by the 2008 amendments. A complex picture emerged regarding the implementation of section 13(5), particularly in its interaction with other factors, such as funding criteria and professional norms around counselling, implying a higher level of ongoing attention to likely parenting ability – particularly that of single women – than might be expected from a reading of the statute and guidance alone.  相似文献   
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