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The value of environmental evidence for reconstructing journey histories has significant potential given the high transferability of sediments and the interaction of footwear with the ground. The importance of empirical evidence bases to underpin the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of forensic trace materials is increasingly acknowledged. This paper presents two experimental studies designed to address the transfer and persistence of sediments on the soles of footwear in forensically relevant scenarios, by means of quartz grain surface texture analysis, a technique which has been demonstrated to be able to distinguish between samples of mixed provenance.It was identified that there is a consistent trend of transfer and persistence of sediments from hypothetical pre-, syn- and post-crime event locations across the sole of the shoe, with sediments from ‘older’ locations likely to be retained in small proportions. Furthermore, the arch of the shoe (the area of lowest foot pressure distribution) typically (but not exclusively) retained the highest proportion of grain types from previous locations including the crime scene. A lack of chronological layering of the retained sediments was observed indicating that techniques that can identify the components of mixed provenance samples are important for analysing footwear sediment samples. It was also identified that the type of footwear appeared to have an influence on what particles were retained, with high relief soles that incorporate recessed areas being more likely to retain sediments transferred from ‘older’ locations from the journey history. In addition, the inners of footwear were found to retain sediments from multiple locations from the journey history that are less susceptible to differential loss in comparison to the outer sole. These findings provide important data that can form the basis for the effective collection, analysis and interpretation of sediments recovered from both the outer soles and inners of footwear, building on the findings of previously published studies. These data offer insights that enable inferences to be made about mixed source sediments that are identified on footwear in casework, and provide the beginnings of an empirical basis for assessing the significance of such sediment particles for a specific forensic reconstruction.  相似文献   
在新形势下,风险问题已逐渐被社会各界所重视.公安工作任务、公安机关职责、公安工作方式的特殊性,使公安工作面临着与其他行政机关、司法机关不同的风险.因此,各级公安机关必须牢固树立正确的公安风险观,正确应对可能发生的风险,将风险管理作为警务战略运行和采取战术措施过程中的一个重要因素,从而不断提高公安工作能力.  相似文献   
治安调解是公安机关处理某些特定治安案件的方式,也是一种具体的警察权力。警察治安调解制度,让当事人双方在相互协商和让步中取得自我利益最大化的实现,充分彰显了行使公权力的执法机关尊重和善待公民调解协商解决纠纷的私权利的姿态,表达了公权向私权有条件的回归。  相似文献   
对建构公安执法岗位核心能力教学训练模式的思考与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向公安实战,深化教学改革,提升训练质量,体现公安特色,是当前公安院校实现办学制度和教学模式创新的必然选择。在这种时代背景下,上海公安高等专科学校积极创新办学制度,首创第二专科教育,从而带动了教学模式的创新,构建了公安执法岗位核心能力教学训练模式,广泛应用于第二专科教育和新警初任培训中,对提升上海公安教育训练工作水平及提高上海公安民警队伍的执法能力起到了积极的推动作用。  相似文献   
建设社会化治安防范机制的整体性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党委政府领导下的专门机关与群众路线相结合是建设社会化治安防范机制的根本原则;与时俱进,因地制宜,推进防范主体的多元化、建设形式的多样化、防范内容的宽泛化、责权利的市场化、防范机制的网络化,是社区警务建设的最好载体;建立、完善并落实领导、法律、载体、警力、监管等保障体系是持久发展的关键。  相似文献   
公安院校能力本位教学模式的解析与运行   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建构公安院校能力本位教学模式是深化公安院校教育教学改革、培养应用型公安人才的现实需要,也是满足现代警务对警察职业能力需求的迫切需要。能力本位教学思想源于国外职业教育改革的发展过程中,能力本位教学模式具有其相应的特征,借鉴、应用于我国公安院校教育教学改革,主要可以从解构警察职业能力、确立警察能力标准、开发警察职业课程、运用灵活的教学方式、开展警察能力评估等五个环节入手。  相似文献   
从马克思主义国际关系理论的视野来看,太空安全缘于各国发展太空技术并在此基础上进行交往互动的社会实践。太空安全互动并不是单方面对国际政治施加影响的体系外变量,太空安全实践的社会过程内嵌在国际体系宏观社会进程里,共同构成了国际政治演化的内生动力。作为当代先进生产力集中代表者之一的太空技术以及支撑这种技术的社会经济因素,是太空安全演变中的根本性变量。"技术-权力-观念"的辩证互动蕴涵着太空安全进化冲突抑或进化合作的内在机理,预示着太空安全持续进化到包容、普惠、和谐状态的前景。在一定利益关系基础上展开的太空主体安全互动实践中,普遍存在着冲突与合作的关系状态。太空安全进化冲突抑或进化合作是历史的、具体的和多样的,主要取决于由太空技术决定的体系暴力控制、政治认同增强和规范机制的内化和遵循等关键性社会条件。为此,基于"和平发展"理念的既具中国特色又有世界意义的太空安全研究,应跳出西方国际关系理论"权力政治"思维的窠臼,努力建构马克思主义内在逻辑与价值取向的研究体系,从而为推动中国特色军民融合式航天事业发展与太空国际合作进程提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   
中美关系已经成为世界上最复杂且最重要的一对双边关系,两国之间既有竞争又有合作,既有结构性对抗又有利益捆绑,同时易受第三方因素影响。理解两国互动所蕴涵的这种复杂性并把握其动态特征,对于应对未来中美关系所面临的挑战和机遇至关重要。21世纪以来,中国的快速崛起以及随之而来的中美实力变化动摇了中美战略稳定的基础,美国的对华政策出现摇摆,双边关系在传统竞争领域之外还面临着新领域、新问题的竞争与摩擦,中美关系的不确定性增大。但这些挑战中也蕴涵了有利于未来发展的巨大机遇。中美两国的主体性特征、时代条件和历史条件是双方走出"守成国家与新兴大国必有一战"历史逻辑的基础。未来中国对美国外交将在不断创新的同时保持一贯性、连续性和稳定性。中国安全战略的首要任务将是把握机遇,以自我发展为核心,沉着应对周边局势,积极扩大外交布局并承担国际责任。在创造有利的国内国际环境的基础上,加强中美合作,管控危机,促进中美共同利益,通过建立功能性伙伴关系走上共同演进之路。  相似文献   
随着公安信息化建设的不断推进,信息应用已然成为公安信息化的核心,而开展信息的“深度应用”将成为信息化建设中的重要课题。从信息深度应用的背景、内涵以及实施现状出发,进一步探索信息深度应用的新方法,对公安实践具有重要的的指导意义。  相似文献   

Afghanistan has come to be seen as emblematic of the security threats besetting peace and security operations, and in this article we consider the response to such threats via the ‘bunkering’ of international staff. Drawing on an in-depth qualitative survey with aid and peacebuilding officials in Kabul, we illustrate how seemingly mundane risk management procedures have negative consequences for intervening institutions; for the relation between interveners and national actors; and for the purpose of intervention itself. Bunkering, we argue, is deeply political – ‘imprisoning’ staff behind ramparts while generating an illusion of presence and control for ill-conceived modes of international intervention.  相似文献   
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