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The present paper1 aims both at introducing the legal aspects of the protection of minors in cyberspace and analysing and criticizing certain main features embedded in this legal approach of young people protection. After a short introduction underlining the concept of child’s rights and the reason why this right has been particularly proclaimed in the context of the cyberspace, the first section describes the new technological features of the ICT environment and linked to this evolution the increasing risks the minors are confronted with. A typology of cyber abuses is proposed on the basis of these considerations. A list of EU or Council of Europe texts directly or indirectly related to the minors’ protection into the cyberspace is provided. The second section intends to analyse certain characteristics of the legal approach as regards the ways by which that protection is conceived and effectively ensured. Different principles and methods might be considered as keywords summarizing the legal approach and to a certain extent, fixing a partition of responsibilities taking fully into account the diversity of actors might be deduced from the different regulatory documents.The third section comes back to the different complementary means by which the Law is envisaging the minors’ protection. The obligation to create awareness about the potential risks minors might incur definitively is the first one. The omnipresent reference in all the legal texts to the role of self-regulatory interventions constitutes another pillar of the protection envisaged by the Law. After having described the multiple instruments developed in the context of this self-regulation (labels, codes of conduct, hotlines, ODR…) or even co-regulation, the paper examines the conditions set by the European legislators as regards these instruments. Technology might be considered as a fourth method for protecting children. Our concern will be to see how the Law is addressing new requirements as regards the technological solutions and their implementation. The present debates about the liability of the actors involved in applications or services targeted or not vis-à-vis the minors like SNS or VSP operators are evoked. As a final point the question of the increasing competences of LEA and the reinforcement of the criminal provisions in order to fight cyber abuses against minors will be debated. In conclusion, we will address final recommendations about the way by which it would be possible to reconcile effective minors’ protection and liberties into the cyberspace.  相似文献   
在治安管理处罚程序上,《公安机关办理行政案件程序规定》与《治安管理处罚法》存在一些不一致甚至是相冲突的地方,如回避、送达、简易程序、调查和暂缓执行拘留等。在执法实践中,公安机关及其人民警察应当遵循后者的有关规定。同时公安部应尽快对前者加以修订。  相似文献   
陈云的社会保障思想,对当今和谐社会的建设具有丰富的理论指导意义和现实借鉴意义,体现在对灾区灾民的直接救济、以工代赈、对城市工人失业救助等多个方面.陈云曾多次提出要加大对城市粮食的供应数量,加大对城市失业保障的力度等举措.  相似文献   
人民团体在我国政治和法律中都是比较重要的概念,在刑事司法方面也多有体现.在97刑法中共有七个条文提及"人民团体"的概念,但令人遗憾的是,对人民团体的概念和具体含义至今都没有权威的解释和准确的阐述.因此,司法实践中如何界定现实生活中的"人民团体"的就成了困扰我们办案人员的一个问题.在文章中,作者从理论解读与司法实务分析两个层面,对人民团体的概念及相关问题作了探讨.  相似文献   
“社会法国”,即法国对社会价值的肯定、对社会理念和社会利益追求的一面,从文化上看,“社会法国”是法国基督教文明中的内在价值,是自由主义思潮中的法国“传统”因素,是启蒙思想发展的必然逻辑:社会主义的题中应有之义,社会法国文化对中国社会建设具有启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
新中国成立初期,我国提出了优先发展重工业的“赶超战略”,相应地形成了高度集中的计划经济体制。由于计划经济缺乏市场经济那种优越的信息机制和强大的动力机制,使得经济系统效率低下,整个社会缺乏活力,于是在20世纪70年代末80年代初,我国发起了市场取向的改革。从计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨的过程,其实也是政府职能转变的过程。政府能否实现从过去的无限、低效政府向有限、高效政府转变是改革能不能取得成功,“好的市场经济”能不能最终确立的关键。为此,政府要科学设计改革方案,增强自身改革的动力;尤为重要的是要积极推进“新的法律秩序”的形成。  相似文献   
《治安管理处罚法》自2006年3月1日实施以来,在取得初步成效的同时,也显现出一些新问题,诸如治安处罚、传唤等有待进一步完善。  相似文献   
Following a short-term burst of migration activity after the dissolution of the USSR, the current situation is marked by the unusually low population territorial mobility, defined by both the political and, increasingly, the socioeconomic factors. While this trend indicates some degree of minority accommodation, it also demonstrates the depth of economic crisis and increasing socioeconomic differentiation. Visible also is the disproportionate influence exercised by Russia on the formation of migration flows in the region. Remaining the major recipient of migrants, Russia increasingly plays a role of supplier of labor migrants to the West, and acts as a “bridge” for those attempting to reach Western Europe. Meanwhile, Russia still lacks an effective legislative base, institutional mechanisms, and political will for dealing with the new migration flows.  相似文献   
社会主义的文化理想、核心价值中蕴含着一种深刻的人文主义、人本主义价值要求。马克思的社会性别意识体现了一种深厚的人类意识,这应该是理解先进性别文化与社会主义核心价值的重要之点。从中我们可以反观世界与中国的更深层面的变化及发展要求。  相似文献   
政治制度能够为物质文明的发展提供制度保障,为精神文明的创建奠定制度框架,为调节相互冲突的政治利益关系设置制度安排。政治制度对于社会进步的重要意义由此得以凸显。  相似文献   
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