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金融危机以后的韩国对华直接投资   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩国金融危机后 ,韩国企业对华直接投资发生了许多新变化。投资的项目数和金额均大幅度减少 ,在华韩资企业也开始进行重大的结构调整 ,针对中国国内市场的投资逐渐增多。伴随着中国西部大开发事业的推进 ,在中国内陆地区投资的韩国企业逐渐增多。可以预料 ,随着中国加入WTO和经济结构国际化的进展 ,今后韩国对华直接投资不仅会有量的快速发展 ,而且在质的方面也会有很大的提高 ,投资地区和投资行业将进一步呈现出多样化的特征。  相似文献   
Starting from controversial findings about the relationship between party systems and the prospects of democratic consolidation, this article argues that problems can only be properly addressed on the basis of a differentiated typology of party systems. Contradictory research results do not pose an ‘African puzzle’ but can be explained by different and inadequate approaches. We argue that a modified version of Sartori's typology of party systems provides an appropriate method for classifying African party systems. Based on Sartori's framework, a preponderance of predominant and dominant party systems is identified. This can be explained partly by the prevailing authoritarian nature of many multiparty regimes in Africa but not by electoral systems or the ethnic plurality of African societies. All kinds of electoral systems are connected to dominant party systems. High ethnic fragmentation does not automatically produce highly fragmented party systems. This phenomenon can be attributed to the ‘ethnic congress party’ that is based on an ethnic elite coalition.  相似文献   
进入2006年以来,来自东南亚的一些坏消息频频传来,菲律宾发生泥石流,死亡上千人。泰国和菲律宾政府再次面对反对派的严峻挑战。尽管有这些坏消息,但对于大多数东南亚国家来说,2006年可能是一个好年头。经过几年的努力,新加坡、马来西亚和泰国已经从金融危机中走出来,重新进入一个新的增长期。在政治方面,大部分东南亚国家已经初步完成了从权威政治体制向民主政治体制的过渡,然而,这种转变带给一些国家的并不是经济发展与人民的福利, 而是更多的混乱。在安全方面,恐怖主义仍然是许多国家面临的严重威胁。在对外关系方面,面对迅速崛起的中国,东盟正在不断调整对华关系,新型的中国—东盟关系正在建立。  相似文献   
"9·11"以来南中国海形势综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“9·11”之后,南中国海局势有了新的发展,从可能爆发冲突走向了和平与合作。尽管有一些小的摩擦如越南开辟旅游航线、修建飞机跑道等,但合作是主流:先是签署了《南中国海各方行为宣言》,接着有中菲合作协议,最后是中、越、菲的三方合作协议。这一切都预示着南中国海的未来合作与和平的前景。  相似文献   
和平解决南海问题的现实思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚太地区安全形势和南海问题相关各国在低层次国际市场竞争的现实制约了南海问题和平解决的进程。非传统安全合作与跨国际市场梯次的共同开发将不仅有利于改善解决南海问题的外部环境,而且有利于增进相关各方的互信,推动深层次的共同开发。南海问题相关各国关系的发展和共同利益的增加将为南海问题的解决奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   
Local governments throughout the world are assuming a more important role in economic development of their communities as an increasing number of governments begin to decentralise powers and functions. As these lower levels of government seek sustainable local economic development (LED) strategies the human rights approach towards development becomes pertinent as globalisation accelerates. This article proposes an emphasis on socio‐economic rights as the basis for sustainable LED in developing countries. The article is based on the experience of South African local government in the period after 1994, leading up to the first democratic local government elections on 5 December 2000. Proceeding from the view that the promotion of human rights is necessary for the promotion of economic development, the article critically assesses the role of local government in the promotion of LED through a rights‐based approach. It is argued that the identification in the South African Constitution of local government with basic service provision (recently emphasised by a Constitutional court judgement) will place socio‐economic rights at the centre of LED strategies in South Africa. It is argued that this is indeed the most appropriate cornerstone of LED in South Africa. However, the transformation process that leads the country towards its progressive Constitution needs to be maintained and this article identifies five broad areas for transformation that may still be needed to entrench an adequate human rights culture within the sphere of local governance. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
非人类存在物法律主体资格初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现代生态伦理观将彻底改变传统人类中心主义伦理观 ,人类道德共同体的范围不断得到扩展。这是历史的必然 ,具有革命性、科学性 ,也是对法学理论的创新和超越 ,对传统民法的突破 ,它以新的法哲学理念为坚实基础 ,是现代环境保护的必然要求 ,是现代环境法发展的必然趋势  相似文献   

Formal modes of political incorporation in South Korea rest on a foundation of limited pluralism. The notion that the state should impose rigid boundaries on political representation pervades the country’s democracy. This notion is enshrined in law – in particular in the constitution’s Article 8 and in the Political Parties Act – and is upheld and perpetuated by the judiciary, the election commission, and the parties that dominate representative institutions. Labour is particularly disadvantaged by the limited pluralism contained in party laws. The role of party law in shaping modes of political incorporation is frequently overlooked. This account of party law in South Korea echoes this issue’s attention to the quiet ways that the state in Asia has silenced or ignored particular groups while maintaining the formal institutions of electoral democracy. In this case, the effect is to facilitate a rightward drift by the state as left-leaning actors face greater challenges in contesting elections.  相似文献   
There has been a steady emergence of quality writing about sport, politics, and the intersection between them in South African society in recent decades. This review essay looks at a number of recent works on soccer, rugby, and cricket, placing them within a larger context of race, sport, and politics in South Africa’s past and present.  相似文献   
In recent years, South African literature, art, and cultural criticism have been registering the feelings of disappointment, nostalgia, and of a general impasse that signify a crisis of postapartheid imaginations. At the same time, we can observe a turn in cultural production toward reexamining South Africa’s socialist archives and reconnecting them to the present-day predicaments and emerging social movements. Reading these processes in Imraan Coovadia’s latest novel, artworks by Haroon Gunn-Salie, and an exhibition by the Stellenbosch Open Forum, this article argues that they confront the feelings of postapartheid disillusionment by critically re-invoking memories of the 1970–80s socialist practices in South Africa and the transnational frameworks they involved. It argues that these changing approaches to the socialist archives can be read as a decolonial critique, which links the described trends in South African culture to other “post-dependence” (and specifically, post-socialist) contexts worldwide.  相似文献   
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