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The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) took effect in 2008. This paper discusses a number of flashpoints where the CRPD will require real and significant reconsideration of English mental health and mental capacity law. The CRPD introduces a new paradigm into international disability law, relying on the social model of disability. While that is no doubt a good thing, there is as yet no clear sense as to how that is to be implemented. After providing an introduction to the Convention, the paper considers four specific areas: mental capacity law (focussing on the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005), psychiatric treatment without consent, civil detention of people with mental disabilities, and mental disability in the criminal system (fitness to plead, insanity and diminished responsibility).  相似文献   
精神障碍吸毒者刑事责任能力研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着毒品在我国的蔓延,吸毒的人数渐渐增多,精神障碍的吸毒者犯罪也开始引起相关部门的注意,对这一特殊犯罪人群能否比照精神病人来处理意见不统一。笔者介绍了其他诸国的相关法律规定,结合本国国情和相类似的法律规定,阐明了对精神障碍的吸毒者犯罪一般作完全刑事责任能力评定为最优的观点。  相似文献   
In this article we report on a community-based capital cash transfer initiative (CCCT) in Kenya that sought to mobilise and enable HIV-affected communities to respond to the needs of orphaned and vulnerable children. With bilateral funding, the Social Services Department in Kenya provided 80 communities across ten districts with advice and resources to set up social enterprises for the support of vulnerable children. A wide range of food and income generating activities were initiated by the communities, whose produce or profits contributed to the improved school attendance and performance of orphaned children, particularly amongst girls. We conclude that CCCT is a viable strategy for improving orphan schooling in sub-Saharan Africa.

L'importance des transferts de capitaux communautaires sur la scolarisation des orphelins au Kenya

Dans cet article nous présentons un compte rendu d'une initiative de transfert de capitaux communautaires (TCC) au Kenya qui a cherché à mobiliser et à permettre à des communautés touchées par le VIH de répondre aux besoins d'enfants orphelins et vulnérables. Grâce à un financement bilatéral, le département des services sociaux du Kenya a dispensé à 80 communautés réparties sur dix districts les conseils et moyens requis pour mettre sur pied des entreprises sociales visant à soutenir les enfants vulnérables. Une variété d'activités génératrices de nourriture et de revenus ont été initiées par les communautés, dont les produits agricoles ou les bénéfices ont contribué à l'amélioration de l'assiduité scolaire des orphelins, ainsi que leurs résultats, en particulier parmi les filles. Nous concluons que les CCCT constituent une stratégie viable pour l'amélioration de la scolarisation des orphelins en Afrique subsaharienne.

El impacto de las transferencias de efectivo a nivel comunitario en la escolaridad de huérfanos en Kenia

En el presente artículo, los autores dan a conocer la iniciativa de transferencia de efectivo a nivel comunitario (ccci) en Kenia, la cual procuró movilizar y facilitar la respuesta de comunidades afectadas por el vih a las necesidades de niños huérfanos y vulnerables. A través del financiamiento bilateral, el Departamento de Servicios Sociales de Kenia proporcionó consejos y recursos a 80 comunidades de diez distritos, con el fin de establecer empresas sociales destinadas al apoyo de niños vulnerables. Las comunidades iniciaron una amplia gama de actividades para generar alimentos e ingresos, cuyos productos y ganancias contribuyeron a mejorar la asistencia escolar y el rendimiento de los niños huérfanos, especialmente de las niñas. Los autores concluyen que ccci es una estrategia viable para mejorar la escolaridad de los huérfanos del África Subsahariana.

O impacto das transferências de recursos de capital comunitários sobre estudantes órfãos no Quênia

Neste artigo fazemos um relato sobre uma iniciativa de Transferência de Recursos de Capital Comunitários (CCCT) no Quênia que buscou mobilizar e capacitar comunidades afetadas pelo vírus HIV para que possam atuar frente às necessidades de crianças órfãs e vulneráveis. Com financiamento bilateral, o Departamento de Serviço Social do Quênia ofereceu a 80 comunidades de dez distritos orientação e recursos para a criação de empresas sociais de apoio a crianças vulneráveis. Uma ampla série de atividades geradoras de alimentos e renda foi iniciada pelas comunidades, cujos produtos ou lucros contribuíram para uma maior frequência escolar e melhor desempenho de crianças órfãs, particularmente entre as meninas. Concluímos que a CCCT é uma estratégia viável para melhorar o aprendizado escolar de órfãos da África Subsaariana.  相似文献   

This article discusses the potential of evaluation to help NGOs, namely the WWF (the World Wide Fund for Nature), to promote sustainable development in the Russian forest sector. Application of evaluation can strengthen two out of three main functions of NGOs – their expertise and lobbying. The third function of NGOs, as legitimisers, is difficult to perform in the Russian institutional climate. International partnerships address the issue of legitimacy and secure funding for NGOs. This international support is beneficial to a capacity building process and should promote the implementation of independent evaluation, which, in turn, can be helpful to promote sustainable development.

Le potentiel de l'évaluation au moment de promouvoir le développement durable dans la gestion forestière en Russie

Cet article traite du potentiel de l'évaluation au moment d'aider les ONG, et notamment le WWF (Fonds mondial pour la nature), à promouvoir le développement durable dans le secteur forestier russe. L'application de l'évaluation peut renforcer deux des trois principales fonctions des ONG – leurs connaissances techniques et leur exercice de pression. La troisième fonction des ONG, celle de la légitimation, est difficile à mener dans le climat institutionnel russe. Les partenariats internationaux abordent la question de la légitimité et du financement sûr pour les ONG. Ce soutien international est avantageux pour un processus de renforcement des capacités et devrait promouvoir la mise en ?uvre d'une évaluation indépendante, laquelle peut se révéler utile dans la promotion du développement durable.

El potencial de la evaluación en la promoción del desarrollo sostenible en la gestión de bosques en Rusia

El presente artículo analiza el potencial que tiene la evaluación para apoyar a las ong, en particular el wwf (siglas en inglés del World Wide Fund for Nature), en su trabajo orientado a promover el desarrollo sostenible del sector forestal en Rusia. La aplicación de evaluaciones puede contribuir a fortalecer dos de las tres principales funciones de las ong: su experiencia y su cabildeo. La tercera función de las ong, ser legitimadoras, difícilmente puede ser realizada en el contexto institucional de Rusia. Más bien son las alianzas internacionales las que abordan el tema de la legitimidad y obtienen fondos para las ong. Este apoyo internacional aporta beneficios para el proceso de construcción de capacidades, pudiendo promover la implementación de evaluaciones independientes, las cuales, a su vez, pueden ser útiles para impulsar el desarrollo sostenible.

O potencial da avaliação para promover desenvolvimento sustentável na gestão florestal russa

Este artigo discute o potencial da avaliação para ajudar ONGs, especificamente o WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), para promover o desenvolvimento sustentável no setor florestal russo. A aplicação da avaliação pode fortalecer duas das três principais funções das ONGs – seu conhecimento e trabalho de lobby. A terceira função das ONGs, como legitimadoras, é difícil desempenhar no ambiente institucional russo. Parcerias internacionais abordam a questão da legitimidade e asseguram financiamento para ONGs. Este apoio internacional é benéfico para um processo de capacitação e deve promover a implementação de avaliações independentes que, por sua vez, podem ser úteis para promover o desenvolvimento sustentável.  相似文献   
This paper considers the interpretive significance of the intersecting relationships between different conceptions of responsibility as they shift over space and time. The paper falls into two main sections. The first gives an account of several conceptions of responsibility: two conceptions founded in ideas of capacity; two founded in ideas of character, and one founded in the relationship between an agent and the outcome which she causes. The second main section uses this differentiated conceptual account to analyse and interpret certain aspects of the contemporary criminal law of England and Wales. In conclusion, the paper considers a number of hypotheses about what the evidence of certain shifts in the relationship between the three families of responsibility-conception can tell us about the current state and significance of criminal law among other systems of social governance.
Nicola LaceyEmail:
“和谐社会”是“善治社会”,是在承认公民个别差异前提之下政府对每一位公民的平等对待和平等关切,是世人憧憬的世俗生活与人间秩序的良好结合。政府是社会的主导,事实证明,高水平的政府能力将是实现和谐社会的关键,亦是实现社会和谐的有力保障。建设一个高效的政府需要创造各方面的条件,这需要全社会的共同努力。  相似文献   
法制文学具有独特的普法作用。其通俗特性、审美特质使众多的读者能在欣赏作品的过程中潜移默化地受到法制教育。法制文学的形象性使法律宣传更加生动 ;而其道德教化作用又使之具有远比法律条文更为宽广的普法意义。  相似文献   
未成年人监护人责任是民事侵权责任领域非常重要的一部分,我国《民法通则》第133条对其进行了规定,但该规定存在诸多问题。有必要就我国现行监护人责任制度进行检讨,以完善我国相关立法。检讨的重点为未成年人侵权责任能力、未成年人监护人责任的构成要件以及责任形态等方面。通过对现行立法的检讨、学者建议稿的评析、域外相关法律制度的借鉴,试图对将来侵权责任法的相关立法进行一定的构想。  相似文献   
This article examines the prevalence of non-compliance on the age-for-grade policy in the post-free primary education system in Kenya. We utilised data from the 2009 cohort of enrolled primary schoolchildren. The analysis revealed non-compliance to be a persisting concern in the school system, characterised by both under-age and over-age enrolment at the age-for-grade level of analysis in spite of the introduction of free primary education in 2003. Irrespective of the nature of non-compliance, overcrowding in the lower grades is more prevalent, with potential for adverse compromises in quality of learning and the attendant added dimension of the mismatched grade-for-age curricula.  相似文献   
When the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)-supported Supply Chain Management System (SCMS) programme began working in Ethiopia in 2006, the estimated population of people living with HIV exceeded one million, while only 24,000 were on treatment and only 50 treatment sites were in operation. SCMS and other key partners entered into this context to support the Ethiopian government in significantly strengthening the public health supply chain system, with the aim of increasing the availability and accessibility of pharmaceutical products. The country now has 1,047 treatment sites and is nearing complete treatment coverage. This article discusses how priorities were set among many competing challenges from 2006 until 2014, and how the four-step strategy of build, operate, transfer, and optimise has resulted in a successful partnership.  相似文献   
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