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Over the past decade, many hospitals have invested in major restructuring and/or reengineering efforts designed to enhance their competitiveness by improving product quality and/or reducing costs. For a variety of reasons, these significant changes have not been systematically evaluated. This research provides an objective look at the results of restructuring/reengineering hospitals and an examination of the influences on employee perceptions of reengineering's outcomes. This research demonstrates that employees, including upper management, had little or no objective knowledge of the outcomes of their change efforts. However, perceptions of all employees involved in a major change effort are critical if their full participation is to be sustained. The ultimate sustainability of many hospital strategic change efforts may rest largely on subjective assessments of its outcomes. The research reported here suggests that such perceptions vary significantly by organizational level and may not be stable over time. While the passage of time sees improvements in managers' perceptions of reengineering results, line personnel become increasingly skeptical and less positive. Further objective research is encouraged to more definitely distinguish the impact of employee perceptions on change efforts' outcomes and sustainability.  相似文献   
Since the 1970s research has demonstrated a strong relationship between national economic performance and presidential approval. Traditionally, these popularity models rely on macroeconomic conditions; however, other economic performance measures may more fully capture the direction of the economy. One such measure, the stock market index, captures elements of national and household economic well-being. Therefore, market performance should impact presidential ratings. Our presidential approval model, based on quarterly data covering 1960–2011, demonstrates that approval is highly sensitive to the stock market's acceleration or deceleration, even with strong controls in the model for the other economic and political determinants of popularity. A rapid fall in the stock market index reduces president approval, while a sharp acceleration in the index growth boosts U.S. presidential approval.  相似文献   
蒋大兴 《现代法学》2013,35(1):71-84
在中国目前法律实践中,有限公司如欲成为上市公司或行使公开融资的权利,需先透过"公司改制"环节,成为股份公司,再以股份公司身份申请公开发行。显然,目前公开融资的权利是根据企业组织形态来进行配置的。可是,无论是理论界还是实务界,都很少仔细去思考——企业公开融资的权利到底应当如何配置?在中国,有限公司占据公司数量的绝对多数,目前盛行的"先改制,后发行上市"的法律安排,存在诸如"引发上市包装"、"导致纠纷隐藏"、"引发PE腐败"、"不当增加企业融资成本"等弊端。"改制上市"并未有效地改观公司治理,反而无谓地增加了企业融资困扰,影响了企业的公平发展权。无论是从资金融出方还是融入方观察,公司组织形态都不是配置融资权利的核心要素,融资权利的配置应当交给投资者,主要根据是否有"合适的项目"去判断。现行的企业改制发行方案,无疑在一定程度上隐藏了企业真实状况,极易推动形成"融资骗局"。因此,应当修改《公司法》、《证券法》相关规定,摒弃改制上市的习规,让有限公司乃至合伙企业等各种企业组织形式可以直接公开发行上市,在公开发行成功之后,直接变更/转换为股份公司。根据"好项目",而非"好的公司组织形态"配置融资权利,可以节省企业融资成本,加快融资过程,公平地实现"企业的发展权"。  相似文献   
印尼银行业改革、重组的最新进展与变化趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
印尼银行业经过10年的整顿与重组,在信用、存贷率、利润、资本充足比例等方面均大有改观,现又重现生机和活力.印尼银行业未来改革措施与发展趋势将以提高最低资本准备金,协助金融机构处理呆、坏账,以及实施新的银行存款保险制度为核心,进一步增强银行竞争力,维护金融秩序稳定.  相似文献   
东西方政治制度比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较东西方政治制度的异同,可以看出,我国社会主义政治制度与西方资本主义政治制度相比主要有三点不同:国体优越,政体独特,体制滞后。由此从中总结出我国政治体制改革的三个总方向是:借鉴西方,纠“左”防右,兴利除弊。  相似文献   

This article deals with the concept of market information. In particular, it argues that references to the so-called conduit metaphor, which represents markets as a series of information flows, hide the localized, historically contingent and materially mediated practices of the economy. Following the tradition of the performative theory of social institutions, this article argues that the specific meaning of ‘market information’ and its concrete manifestations (e.g. prices) depend on the sociotechnical character of the calculative practices through which market participants orient their economic actions. The point is illustrated through a historical reconstruction of the introduction of price and quote dissemination technologies in the London Stock Exchange between 1955 and 1990. By highlighting the historical and technological contingency of prices, the case of the London Stock Exchange shows that it is impossible to provide a universally and temporally invariant definition of market information.  相似文献   
在我证券市场上,关联交易的公平性受到质疑。不公平关联交易的频繁发生不仅损害了非关联人的合法利益,而且已经对证券市场的健康发展造成了损害,对关联交易进行规制成为证券市场发展的核心要素之一。本文认为公平性关联交易规制的根本出路在于关联交易程序的公平性,应对我国有关关联交易的程序进行改进和完善。  相似文献   
离婚诉讼中的股权分割问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于立法的疏漏及股权本身的复杂性 ,股权分割已成为离婚诉讼中亟待解决的一大难题。应当根据离婚诉讼涉及的各种股份形态 ,采取不同的分割方法 ,特别应当对现行立法上的缺陷进行修改与完善  相似文献   
通过对虚假陈述概念的分析,以及比较国内外有关虚假陈述的法律规定,归纳出虚假陈述的表现形式和行为分类,同时指出在认定虚假陈述时应当注意区分的问题.  相似文献   
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