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美国奥巴马政府上台以来,为应对核恐怖主义对美国国家安全造成的严峻威胁,提升国际社会应对核安全威胁的能力,重塑美国在核领域的领导地位,积极推动由各国首脑参加的核安全峰会。经过四届核安全峰会,国际社会在促进凝聚核安全共识、设定合作重点并推动核安全全球治理的建章立制等方面取得了诸多成果,但也面临着在后峰会时代保持国际合作势头、明确和完善核安全全球治理范畴以及进一步完善均衡的核安全全球治理机制等挑战。为确保核安全全球治理在后峰会时代的可持续发展,国际社会应在治理范畴方面分清主次,在治理模式方面坚持全球合作治理与国家治理相结合,发挥国际原子能机构的核心作用。拥有大量核材料与先进核安全技术的大国在全球治理中负有特殊责任,理应发挥表率作用。  相似文献   
在一场佛教僧侣和学生带头的和平示威平息之后,美国参议院一致通过决议强烈要求东盟暂停缅甸的会员资格,缅甸问题成为东盟会议关注的焦点.经过磋商,东盟最终拒绝了美国参议院要求东盟暂停成员资格以惩罚缅甸军政府的要求.新加坡总理李显龙在峰会开幕仪式致词时说:"东盟将努力防止缅甸问题成为我们加深一体化和建立东盟共同体的障碍."  相似文献   
2011年11月3日至4日,G20峰会于法国南部城市戛纳召开。本次峰会的召开正值一个微妙的时刻:欧洲债务危机不断发酵、美国经济复苏步履维艰、新兴经济体面临保增长与抑通胀两难困境。法国警方在承担这次重大国际会议的安保任务中形成了一套独有的"法国戛纳安保模式",为我国大型活动警务安保工作提供了可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

Under article 3(q) (Objectives) of the Protocol on Amendments to the Constitutive Act of the African Union, we read the following: ‘invite and encourage the full participation of the African Diaspora as an important part of our continent, in building the African Union (AU)’. According to the AU, ‘The African Diaspora are peoples of African descent and heritage outside the continent, irrespective of their citizenship and who remain committed to contribute to the development of the continent and the building of the African Union’. Not only is this posture entirely consistent with the African development agenda and Renaissance, but it is also congruent with the recent and first-ever AU African Diaspora Summit which was convened on Friday, 25 May 2012, at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg. This is so because the Summit provided us with an excellent opportunity to continue to reflect on, and engage with, issues relevant to the development of the continent and, by extension, its multilingual and globally dispersed Diaspora. In this public lecture, it is argued that the current Amendment to the Constitutive Act of the AU in which the African Diaspora is now considered the sixth Region of the AU – an Amendment which has not yet been ratified by the requisite number of African states and one which might still be in need of some degree of disambiguation – provides the framework within which some fundamental and reciprocal benefits can be derived from an ongoing interaction between Africa and its Diaspora – especially its Older or Historic Diaspora. In essence, it is my contention that the principal reciprocal benefits that can accrue from this interaction between Africa and its Diaspora might best be captured in the language of pan-Africanisation and re-Africanisation respectively.  相似文献   
This article seeks to examine constraints and challenges that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) states are confronted with in formulating and implementing their strategies in response to evolving regional environments represented by the rise of China. It argues that China's southern neighbours have adopted purposeful strategies in order to mitigate potentially negative effects from China's growing capabilities in East Asia. These strategies led to the expansion of membership in the East Asia Summit (EAS) and positive involvement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, encouraging America's substantial commitments to the Asia-Pacific. However, ASEAN has failed to form the unified front on the EAS and TPP because its members have adopted diverse stances on and policies towards the two institutions. Moreover, an identity issue constitutes a crucial impediment to promoting cooperation between ASEAN members and the USA. While Washington has intensified diplomatic linkages with ASEAN, the US identity shown in its adherence to the results-oriented approach still provokes some concerns among the ASEAN members.  相似文献   
Kenneth King  Pravina King 《圆桌》2019,108(4):399-409

The article reviews several of the main modalities of India’s human resources’ involvement with other developing economies, and especially those in Africa. These involve the provision of long-term scholarships and short-term professional training awards. Comparison is made, in the case of international students, between the scholarship and privately funded categories, and also between those from Commonwealth and non-Commonwealth countries. Comparable data on such assisted foreign student flows are also offered in respect of South Africa. Other modalities of India’s HRD engagement with Africa are analysed, including those associated with the India-African Forum Summits (IAFS). India also does capacity building through non-state actors, notably nongovernment organisations and the private sector. Furthermore, it promotes cultural diplomacy through its Indian Cultural Centres and Chairs of Indian Studies, though these are not restricted to developing economies. Although attention is paid to the Commonwealth dimension in these comparisons, it is acknowledged that the classification of students and countries as Commonwealth may not be as widespread or meaningful today as 60 years ago.  相似文献   
改革开放的30年,也是县域改革与发展艰辛探索、不断开拓、造就辉煌的30年;县域改革具有改革主体的自觉性、运行的目的性、内容的综合性、形式的多样性、方法的科学性等五大特征;30年县域改革发展的经验可主要概括为牢记根本点、启动动力源、找准出发点、瞄准着力点、孕育生长点、领导是关键等;形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局是县域改革的奋斗目标,必须坚定不移地努力向前推进;推进县域发展必须创新农村金融制度、完善县域金融市场。  相似文献   
Policy innovation is a significant challenge for the public sector. This article illustrates its magnitude through a case study of the National Innovation Summit. The article concludes that the Summit represented an elaborate process of search and engagement that sanctioned an outcome that was, in most respects, largely pre‐determined. Its outreach and deliberations served the political purpose of mobilising industry and media attention and communicating the government's commitment. But there is no evidence that it exercised any substantive influence on policy development. The obstacles confounding any other outcome are considerable. Strategic thinking is inhibited by various organisational factors including lock‐in to a present successful strategy, the constraints on policy choices associated with multiple veto points and the need to maintain medium term fiscal and policy discipline across a wide range of agencies and claimants. The article explores ways these inhibitions might be overcome.  相似文献   
过去的2010年,韩国政府在巩固"新亚洲外交"成果的基础上,努力应对朝鲜半岛的紧张局势,以举办G20峰会为契机,加强韩美同盟、积极开展经济外交,推动FTA战略的实施,拓展与其他国家的交流合作,促进经济的较快发展。本文旨在探讨韩国政府过去一年的外交政策,对其外交的主要特点进行阐述和分析。  相似文献   
The deterioration of the European security environment has put NATO back at the centre of transatlantic strategy. The recent Alliance summit in Warsaw focused on some critical priorities, above all strengthening European security vis-à-vis an increasingly assertive Russia. But the summit left some other pressing matters to be addressed, including the difficult questions of strategy toward the Black Sea, the Mediterranean and the south in general. Concerns about Brexit, the US elections and the challenge of trust on both sides of the Atlantic were just below the surface in Warsaw.  相似文献   
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