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《刑法修正案》(八)关于危险驾驶的规定,对于严厉打击以飙车、醉驾为代表的危险驾驶行为,具有积极的作用。但在具体实践中却面临着认定故意与过失的困境、坚守罪刑法定与满足民众情感的困境。醉酒驾车致人死亡的主观罪过形式的判定应当围绕行为人对危害结果的态度,运用"知"、"欲"构造分析判断。司法实践中,凡是对危害结果的发生持"无欲"态度的犯罪都应认定为过失犯罪,不能以认识因素的明知,否认对危害结果的排斥。  相似文献   
期待可能性理论源于德国,在日本得到发扬.但现阶段期待可能性在德日刑法理论与刑事司法实践中的适用受到严格限制.然而期待可能性理论在我国方兴未艾,却出现了滥用之势,有必要厘清其适用之范围.首先,不能以是否具有期待可能性检验罪过存在与否;其次,没有法律依据不能以缺乏期待可能性作为出罪根据;再次,期待可能性理论只适用于稀罕案件...  相似文献   
人的自由的绝对性使人拥有绝对的人权,维护与实践人权作为一种自觉的要求,要以对人的自由本质与绝对权利的自觉为前提,也就是要以启蒙文化为前提,而启蒙文化需要由文化启蒙来造就.这意味着,既不可能以武力推行人权,也不可能以任何文化传统的特殊性为借口拒绝人权.人权的绝对性与民族主义国家理论并无学理上的关联,一个主权实体内部的人权...  相似文献   
本质化研究以美国中学的四位印第安女生为个案,重点阐释了她们的中学课堂受教经历对其今后成长的影响。本文采用可能自我理论,对访谈资料进行了审视和分析,所涉主题包括学校问题、教师、关系的重要性及未来计划这样四大方面。结果表明,可能自我理论有助于人们理解这些中学女生是怎样看待她们自己和筹划她们未来的,同时也为解决和预防中学生的辍学问题,提供了一种可能的路径。  相似文献   
欧洲中世纪确立了以基督教为主体的神权政治思想,伴随着西欧封建社会的瓦解,神权政治体系随之解体。伊斯兰教在自身发展史上也曾确立了神权政治思想,随着20世纪70年代以来伊斯兰原教旨主义运动在世界各地的勃然兴起,神权政治再次引起广泛关注。伊斯兰原教旨主义的兴起应得益于其本身所独有的复古机制,伊斯兰教本身所持有的教条使其产生带有某种必然性,同时,宗教政治化、政治宗教化的传统为伊斯兰原教旨主义提供了政治合法性的根基。  相似文献   
对2009年网络热点事件的传播学解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络热点事件是指经由网络媒体发布信息、形成相应舆论进而成为众所关注的热点事件。2009年为数不少的网络热点事件体现了一系列传播学特征:传播迅速,相应的网络语汇得以广泛流播;参与群体明显扩展;大致都有自己的传播规律;折射出受众心理的新的内涵;信息传播的准确性、可靠性不易辨别和确认。这些网络热点事件在传播模式、传播控制、传播效果等层面对既有传播学理论提出了挑战:对既有的传播模式理论有所超越;对“把关人”理论有所突破;对“议程设置”理论有所拓展。  相似文献   
It is widely recognized that many of the samples we use for statistical analysis in international politics are the result of some selection process. Not surprisingly, selection models are becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, the role of strategic interaction has begun to play a more important role in statistical analyses. However, it has not been clear how statistical strategic models and selection models relate to each other, or what the effects are of employing one when the other is the more appropriate model. In this article, I 1) clarify why international relations scholars cannot shield themselves from selection bias simply by assuming their results are limited to a given sample; 2) show how recent statistical strategic models relate to traditional selection models and generalize the two sets of models by deriving a correlated strategic model; and 3) examine the effects of misspecifying either correlated errors or strategic interaction. My results indicate that failure to model the strategic interaction produces worse specification error than failure to account for correlated disturbances. In fact, traditional bivariate probit models appear to be superior only when states are almost completely uncertain about each others' preferences.  相似文献   
目前,针对吸毒行为的定性主要有"犯罪说"、"违法说"、"合法化说"、"疾病说"及"受害说"等观点。基于现有研究及国外有关政策,明确吸毒者兼具病人、违法者、受害者三重社会属性,提出我们应正确对待吸毒人员,各部门应形成合力采取有效且人道的戒毒措施,保障戒除毒瘾者的合法权益。  相似文献   
Extensive meta-analyses of the correctional programme evaluation literature have generated developments in the technology of programme design. However, the risk, need and responsivity principles do not constitute a rehabilitation theory and cannot answer specialist offender programme design questions. After more than a decade of involvement in programmes for seriously violent offenders, we decided to reassess the empirical evidence underpinning violence rehabilitation in adult men. We focused on both mixed and violent offender samples, reviewing the outcome data from nine evaluations of cognitive–behavioural interventions. Despite a plethora of methodological difficulties, it appears that most of the programmes had small to large effects on violent and non-violent recidivism. Little could be concluded from these evaluations about the most promising theoretical framework for future programme development. Most programmes contained only scant information on their underlying theory base. None referred to multivariate aggression or crime theories. We conclude that there is a pressing need for additional evaluative research, and theory development. To date, the case for specialist violent offending programmes has not been made.  相似文献   

Much of the existing knowledge base of multiple perpetrator rape (MPR) comes from studies undertaken more than 20 years ago, and thus fails to integrate contemporary perspectives on sexual violence. The current study used Grounded Theory methodology to construct a holistic model of MPR from 15 victim accounts. The model of multiple perpetrator rape (MMPR) included both the actions of the perpetrators and the reactions of the victim in a temporal sequence of 13 categories, 9 of which had sub-categories that allowed for individual differences. Broad themes of MPR were then explored using a total of 101 cases. Each case was coded in the 9 sub-categories where individual differences were allowed from the model. An associative analysis of these sub-categories was then performed using Smallest Space Analysis. Two dominant themes were displayed. The Manipulate theme included two perpetrators who offended sequentially and socialised with the victim. The Force theme did not involve any social interaction, as the force and teamwork of the group enabled the victim to be physically overpowered.  相似文献   
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