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"三个代表"理论的完整提出,有着重大的历史意义,其中"代表中国先进文化的前进方向"作为当代中国共产党人文化自觉的理论标志,意味着党对社会发展整体进程及其"内在目的"的深刻把握,意味着党在复杂多变的新形势下,始终坚持共产党人的根本宗旨和坚定信仰,使党的所有现实努力,紧紧维系于造福人民、振兴中华的历史使命,维系于谋求人类完善和人类解放的"内在目的".  相似文献   
"邓小平理论和‘三个代表'重要思想概论"是门新课,需要构建新的教学模式.新教学模式的构建以教学内容的重组和整合为出发点,实施模块化教学;不同模块采用不同的教学方法,方法的选用以增强教学的实践性为根本原则;不同模块采用不同的评价方法,分段考核多维评价体系的确立是一种必然的选择.  相似文献   
一次革命之后的政治体制建设,应该有效回应革命之前各种危机的挑战。辛亥革命因首义仓促,未能回应晚清社会的政治危机,之后的国民革命和新民主主义革命,则直接借鉴了辛亥革命以来的经验教训,依从中国的政治文化,接受马克思主义——列宁主义的指导,找到了中国革命和政权建设中政党建设、武装力量与民主形式的制度连接。这种政治体制的关键要素,被毛泽东概括为“三大法宝”。  相似文献   

Two‐level games models predict that domestic division within a state can alter the extent to which that state is able to reach agreements with other states, and also alter the content of any agreement that is reached. I extend the model by introducing internal side‐payments composed of unrelated domestic issues. Domestic opposition to an international agreement will inhibit cooperation most when the executive and median legislators are in relative agreement about other salient domestic political issues. Domestic opposition to an international agreement will inhibit cooperation least when the executive and median legislators are in relative disagreement about other salient domestic political issues. U.S. ratifications of the NAFTA and the Chemical Weapons Convention illustrate that not all types of domestic division inhibit international cooperation—some can facilitate it  相似文献   
以取保候审案件清、保证金底数清、取保候审人员情况为目标的取保候审突出问题专项督察行动,是对取保候审问题的一次全面清理。目前,工作中普遍感到“三清”难清,实有清理之必要,分析“三清”难清的主客观原因,必须着力在加大领导力度、加强部门配合、完善信息系统、规范制度机制、严格督察落实方面下工夫,彻底根除“三清”难清这一顽症。  相似文献   
A series of incidents over the past two decades has indicated that some terrorist groups are interested in acquiring and using improvised chemical devices (ICDs). Although the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is a disarmament treaty that is legally binding only on sovereign states that join it voluntarily, the Convention fortuitously includes several provisions that can help its members to prevent chemical terrorism or to manage the consequences of an attack. This article examines the articles of the CWC that are relevant to counterterrorism and discusses how their implementation could be improved at the national and international levels. The article also addresses the role that the CWC secretariat, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague, currently plays in preventing and responding to incidents of chemical terrorism, and the political factors that constrain its activities in the counterterrorism field.  相似文献   
为充分发挥科技名人的教育作用,实现优势教育资源作用的最大化和特色教育内涵利用的最优化,茅以升实验学校依托校内的"茅以升事迹展览馆",通过充实丰富陈列内容,遵循少先队德育自主教育的原则,搭建自主教育平台,打造富有特色的系列活动,促进队员成长,形成了"一馆三院"架构下的少先队自主教育模式,并建立了独特的组织与评价机制。  相似文献   
全球化热潮在当今世界发展进程币日趋明显,一系列伴随的问题和困惑正迎面而来,在以马克思主义为主流意识形态的中国,必须用马克思主义的理论和观点来指导和认识社会历史的发展状况,对于全球化,深入理解而不是简单认识马克思的社会形态演进理论十分关键。全球化和马克思的社会形态演进理论之间的关系将迎刃而解,社会历史发展的规律和中国在全球化之下的发展路径和疑惑将得到解决。  相似文献   
三农问题的解决,需要宏观上的努力,更需要微观上的努力。村民自治,是中国村民自主解决农村公共问题,进行公共管理,提供良好公共服务的重要制度安排。要发展良好的村民自治,关键之一是需要有一个良好的法律安排。因此,系统分析村民委员会组织法的具体规定,着眼于如何完善村民自治,分析其存在的缺陷,提出修改思路,是在制度上解决三农问题的微观保障。  相似文献   
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