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通过校注P.3804正面所抄愿文,并结合P.3770《张族庆寺文》等进行综合分析,可以认为这两件文书撰写于咸通七年八月,正值张议潮束身归阙前夕.此前数月张议潭逝于长安,唐廷遂频繁催促张议潮入京.张议潮只得在所建佛寺尚未完全竣工时,仓促举办以庆祝寺院落成为名的法会.其深层目的,乃是在离开敦煌前夕炫耀己威,以稳定和拉拢人心.此两文便是为该法会而作,文中在称张议潮为司空的同时,又有多处称其为尚书,表明以往学界所持归义军首领获得新称号后即不再使用旧称号的观点,应予修正;在以称号为据为文书断代时,也应慎重考虑新旧称号交替并行的因素.  相似文献   
马克思主义意识形态理论是我国新时期社会主义意识形态建设的根本指针,它统领着中国特色社会主义发展的方向和目标.科学发展观是马克思主义中国化的新成果,是马克思主义意识形态理论在当代中国的崭新创造.科学发展观初步形成了我国社会主义意识形态理论的新体系,呈现出传承性与创新性相统一、系统性与协调性相衔接、层次性与开放性相关照、人民性与统领性相结合等鲜明特点,是马克思主义意识形态理论和我国社会主流意识形态的新发展.  相似文献   
边缘儿童是在普通学前教育机构中,游离于集体边缘、言行举止介于正常与异常边缘的儿童.生态系统的失衡是导致边缘儿童产生的根本原因,家庭生态的失衡是儿童边缘化的诱因,同伴欠缺加剧了儿童的边缘化倾向,教师忽视加深了儿童边缘化的程度.游戏是帮助边缘儿童表达问题的重要途径,游戏治疗具有改善边缘儿童现状的功能.通过创设满足儿童需要的新环境,改善与修复已有的生态环境,以"家长参与"、"同伴介入"、"教师关注"等干预方式,修复或改善边缘儿童的生态环境系统,使边缘儿童的问题得以缓解或消除,使边缘儿童因顺应生态系统的平衡而逐渐回归到正常的同伴群体.  相似文献   
文本·实践·语境:公诉证据标准的现代性诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公诉证据标准与其他配套制度机制一同维护着公诉权的合法性与有效性。一方面,在理论上,公诉证据标准并非一个独立的论题;另一方面,在比较法上,当今中外刑诉制度中的公诉证据标准也没有高下之分,均必须遵从公诉权的合法性与有效性之逻辑。西方法治国家的公诉证据标准辅证了这一制度逻辑。反观我国,当前承担公诉权合法性功能的配套制度机制尚不健全,导致公诉权的合法性只能依赖于较高程度的公诉证据标准和较强程度的犯罪控制能力。在此意义上,理论界对我国现行公诉证据标准过高的批评,似乎未中要害,急于降低我国当前的公诉证据标准,不仅缺乏程序制度基础,而且会挫动公诉权的有效性,并最终损及公诉权的合法性。  相似文献   
国际私法的实质主义法律选择方法注重相关实体法的具体内容,而不像形式主义法律选择方法那样强调立法管辖权的选择。12世纪意大利后注释法学派代表人物阿尔德里克的"结果选择理论"是实质主义法律选择方法的早期形式,20世纪美国著名冲突法学者利弗拉尔的"较好法律说"则是实质主义法律选择理论的典型代表。形式主义与实质主义法律选择方法的对立的实质在于法的确定性与公平性之间的矛盾。在调和两种价值追求的立法和司法实践中,德国1999年《民法施行法》修正案与美国《第二次冲突法重述》相比更加有效。  相似文献   
侵权行为法的社会功能   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国大多数学者认为侵权法的社会功能包括惩罚和预防功能,甚至有很多人主张将惩罚性损害赔偿制度全面引入我国的民事法律制度中。但是,在现代社会,侵权法的基本功能应是填补损害,传统侵权法中的预防功能已经成为填补损害的反射作用,惩罚功能在侵权法中已消失。  相似文献   
The English law of theft is confusing and problematic in principle. Since the introduction of the Theft Act 1968 there has been inconsistency in the interpretation of appropriation as court and commentators have grappled with the intuition that appropriation must entail some subjective element and cannot be purely objective. Although subjectivity is traditionally associated with culpability rather than with conduct, it is argued that some acts can be subjective and yet factual and stand as causes to effects. Appropriation is such an act, its necessary and sufficient condition being a mindset, here termed proprietary subjectivity, on the part of the actor. It is argued that clarification of the concept of appropriation can help to resolve misperceived problems. Such clarification will also reveal other problems in the law of theft. Some tentative comments de lege ferenda are made suggesting how these problems can be addressed.  相似文献   
Protected ownership and freedom of contracts are two basic parts of the institutional framework of successful countries according to Douglass North, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1993. The incentives to make long-term investments are strengthened if ownership rights are protected and freedom of contracts is a basic element in the process of efficient allocation of scarce resources. An important engine in prosperous societies is the family firm. Most companies in these societies can be classified as family firms and a major part of GDP is produced by family businesses. Consequently, how ownership is protected in family firms is an important issue.Three important factors of private ownership of property are the rights to determine use of owned assets, the return generated from them and to transfer the assets at mutually agreeable terms to a new owner(s).The incentives of a founder entrepreneur to put efforts into the establishment of a firm are determined by all the three factors. We will here pay special attention to the third factor, transfer of the ownership of the firm. The founder often places contractual restrictions on such transfers to ensure that the structure of ownership is stable and that the firm stays in the family. The possibility to do so is part of the freedom of contracts and is associated with the extent of ownership held as well as the incentives to invest in new businesses.This paper is primarily about how protection of family ownership can be achieved from a legal point of view and discusses the reasons to enforce these legal relationships in the future for second, third, fourth etc. generations of family owners.  相似文献   
Police officers served as public health sentinels to collect data on children exposed to domestic violence across an entire municipality for 1 year. This study extended research by investigating a typology of domestic violence crimes and children’s direct sensory exposure to these types. Police officers used a standard, validated protocol to collect data on all substantiated domestic violence. Findings revealed that almost half of all events had children present, and 81% of these children were directly exposed to the violence. Children under the age of 6 years old were at greater risk of exposure. Identified domestic violence households with children were more likely to be low-income, non-White, and headed by a single female, compared to households at large. Cluster analysis revealed seven domestic violence event profiles. Typology showed that children were disproportionately exposed to the most unstable and dangerous profiles including weapon use, mutual assault, and substance abuse.  相似文献   
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