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打击职务犯罪在审判实践中并不理想,量刑偏轻,犯罪数量有上升趋势,为有效打击职务犯罪,应掌握好宽严相济中“严”的尺度,正确认识量刑轻刑化带来的问题,进一步促进司法公开,克服传统不良因素对审判的影响。  相似文献   
当前我国有组织犯罪正处于滋生、蔓延的活跃时期,出现了许多新特点和变化,如涉足行业增多;经济实力增强;组织倾向"合法化";手段趋向"软暴力化"等。有组织犯罪对社会危害很大,思考有组织犯罪新变化,更有助于破解打击难题,探索治本之策。  相似文献   
对于我国《刑法修正案(八)》增设危险驾驶机动车罪,学者观点不一。犯罪圈的划定有其特定的标准:即行为的严重社会危害性及现行立法规制力的不足。以此为标准,则完全有必要将危险驾驶机动车行为纳入刑事法律的评价视域。  相似文献   
随着经济的发展和社会的进步,犯罪形态也发生着巨大变化,尤其是从计划经济到市场经济转轨带来人们价值观念、行为方式的变化,使得行为人的个体行为往往借助群体力量而达到犯罪目的,由此有组织犯罪呈现增长趋势。犯罪形态的变化迫使侦查方式由对个体行为的被动侦查向有组织犯罪的主动侦控转变,侦查模式也相应发生变化。从主动侦查角度切入,对于分析研究有组织犯罪侦查策略具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   
作为国际法的一个分支,国际人道法旨在保护未参与或不再参与敌对行动的人员,并限制作战手段和方法的使用,因此。国际人道法也被称为战争法或武装冲突法。在国际人道法的传统理论观点中,非国际性武装冲突中的平民面对非法拘禁时不受人道法的保护。回顾1995年前南国际法庭上诉庭在塔迪奇一案中的判决所建立的标准,无论是国际武装冲突还是非国际性武装冲突保,面对非法拘禁时,平民均应受到人道法保护。  相似文献   
当前经侦执法中的新情况新问题层出不穷,加强经侦民警职业化培训,不断提高经侦队伍职业化水平已成为各级公安机关经侦部门队伍建设的一项重要任务。案例教学是理论与实践的有机结合体,具有直观生动、浅显易懂;源于实战、贴近实战和便于互动、易于参与的优势,是一项有效的教学手段。将案例教学运用于经侦民警职业化培训,精选真实案例作为教学与训练的素材,采取多种教学形式,带动全警参训,使教学与练兵相得益彰,能够有效地锻炼与提高经侦民警的职业能力,促进经侦专业警种的职业化建设。  相似文献   
技术侦查手段在侦查实践中得以广泛使用,具有重要的侦查价值。对技术侦查的研究不能囿于其概念本身,也不能基于理想化的人权保障理念而脱离侦查实际片面强调对技术侦查的限制。应坚持价值中立的态度,从价值关联的角度去考量技术侦查手段的必要性。  相似文献   
Research Summary Crime reduction policy has focused almost exclusively on offenders. Recent studies and evaluations show that expanding our policy portfolio to include places may be highly productive. We show that there is considerable research showing that crime is concentrated at a relatively few locations, that high-crime places are stable, that changing places can reduce crime, that displacement is not only far from inevitable but also less likely than the diffusion of crime prevention benefits, and that owners of high-crime places can be held accountable for the criminogenic conditions of their locations. We link these findings to environmental policy, where environmental scientists, economists, and regulators have developed a broad set of regulatory options. The core of this article describes a portfolio of environmental policy instruments directly applicable to crime places. We also discuss major decisions local governments will need to make to implement various forms of regulation, and we list challenges that governments must anticipate in planning for such implementation. We argue that a regulatory approach to crime places has the potential to lower the cost to taxpayers of reducing crime by shifting costs from governments to the relatively few place owners whose actions create crime-facilitating conditions. Policy Implications Taking a regulatory approach to crime places substantially expands the crime policy options under consideration. Regulatory options may increase local governments’ effectiveness at reducing crime while reducing governments’ costs. This is because regulatory approaches have the potential to shift some portion of the financial burden for crime fighting to owners of criminogenic locations. Policy makers can select between means-based anticrime regulations that focus on how place owners manage their locations and ends-based regulations that focus on the number of crimes allowed at places. Both of these approaches contain several alternative regulatory instruments, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Experimenting with various regulatory instruments could lead to the development of a range of new crime reduction policies. In addition, a regulatory approach has implications for the funding of policy research. Means-based regulatory instruments require governments to develop evidence that the means they regulate have the desired impact on crime. Ends-based regulatory instruments shift this burden to the regulated places.  相似文献   
故意毁坏财物罪的客观方面的描述和解读在美、英、德、日及我国学术界都有所区别,其要点在于对毁坏的解释不同。我国学术界的通说与实践中的认定仍有距离,应当将毁坏解读为毁弃、损坏,这样能将抛弃、隐匿等典型的情形囊括进来。本罪的犯罪对象中关于如何具体理解财物的含义,也存在不少的争议,这里也试图对本罪中财物的内涵提出了一些看法。  相似文献   
广东经济犯罪侦查专业人才培养方略探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘惠敏 《政法学刊》2005,22(2):108-110
我国的经济仍处在快速发展的阶段,伴随着经济的迅猛发展,不可避免地存在各种各样的经济犯罪现象。为保证经济的持续健康发展,我们必须有效地打击各种经济犯罪。在打击经济犯罪活动过程中,人的因素起着至关重要的作用。因此,我们要运用整体性原则,通过对学生综合能力的培养,造就面向未来需要的复合型、综合型的经侦人才。  相似文献   
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