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当前,零星贩毒活动的特点主要有:零星贩毒活动猖獗;流通网络化;极易逃避法律处罚;贩毒手段狡猾;交易场所灵活多变等。惩治零星贩毒,必须做好以下几方面的工作:一是组织专项斗争;二是切实抓好特种行业的管理;三是加强反毒情报工作,广辟案源;四是适时组织专案侦查。  相似文献   
胡晓翔 《证据科学》2014,(6):760-768
医疗事故技术鉴定被运用于诉讼活动就是司法鉴定,它与法医类司法鉴定,是不同类别的鉴定,适用范围不同。作为《侵权责任法》专列的一类特殊侵权类型,其技术鉴定的名称,以“医疗损害责任技术鉴定,为妥。目前委托医学会进行医疗损害责任技术鉴定具有充分的法律依据。医疗纠纷争议中最为关键的“诊疗行为的过错”及“过错与损害后果之间的因果关系”这两个问题,正是法医病理鉴定、法医临床鉴定所无权涉及的内容。  相似文献   
从表面上看,交通肇事罪中对逃逸的重复评价是对刑法原理中的禁止重复评价原则的挑战。但通过剖析禁止重复评价原则背后的经济学原理就会发现,二者本质上是相暗合的。这是因为,禁止重复评价原则背后的经济逻辑就是要保证刑罚威慑的最优化,而禁止重复评价原则的适用是有条件的,其前提便是某类犯罪的特定情节或行为没有导致该类犯罪的抓获概率在一段时期内明显下降,刑罚的威慑效果也没有因为特定情节或行为的出现而受到削弱,否则,对某类犯罪的特定情节或行为进行重复评价便是必要的。  相似文献   
事故黑点是交通事故高发地段,具有较大的危害性,应尽早鉴别。基于2012年4月1日至2013年3月31日泉州辖区内沈海高速公路的18个隐患路段的四项指标数据,采用当量总事故次数法确定了泉州辖区沈海高速公路的事故黑点,结果与2013年福建省预防道路交通事故领导小组办公室督办的事故黑点路段一致。一般在弯路段、路侧开口变化、道路标志设置不合理以及车流量过大的情况下容易形成事故黑点,因此,应提高驾驶人的安全意识、加强车辆日常维护与检查、优化线形改造、保证道路路面质量以及完善道路交通安全设施。  相似文献   
当今社会,高校学生伤害事故频发并引起社会的强烈关注。如何妥善处理高校学生伤害事故,依法厘清高校责任,既是维护学生合法权益的需要,亦是维护高校教学秩序,维护高校和谐校园建设的需要。高校与学生之间,既非大陆公法学说认为的特别权力关系,亦非私法契约理论认为的私法契约关系或者简单地适用美国宪法理论,更非盲目套用的监护关系,相比之下,双重法律关系说更值得借鉴与探讨。因此,学生与学校之间除有明确的合同关系外,学生伤害事故更应该适用侵权责任法来界定责任。  相似文献   
《道路交通安全法》是新中国历史上第一部全面规范道路交通安全管理的法律,是一部极富针对性和极具时代特征的法律。然而,这部倍受关注的法律中存在着一些诸如语义不清、逻辑不明、用词不当、用语不一、语法错误、冗赘与残缺等语言表述问题,不但影响了法律的严肃性,而且可能会给法律解读和法治运作带来一些不必要的麻烦。  相似文献   
Testicular displacement is a rare clinical presentation of blunt scrotal injury that may take place in road traffic accidents involving motorcycle occupants. We are presenting two cases of motorcycle occupant fatalities, 21 and 24 years of age, where testicular displacement and other signs of groin trauma have been determined. In both cases, discrete external signs of scrotal trauma were noted on examination, while unilateral and bilateral traumatic testicular displacement, respectively, have been documented at autopsy. For motorcycle occupants involved in collision, it is necessary to perform a thorough analysis of injuries, in particular to look for specific trauma arising from fuel-tank impact to genitalia and/or groin. These injuries are of great medico-legal importance both at postmortem and in clinical cases involving motorcycle occupants involved in collision.  相似文献   
Motor vehicle accidental injuries are a frequent cause of death among young children and adolescents. The goal of this study was to compare patterns of injury between three capitals (Budapest, Vilnius, and Tallinn). Information on 190 fatal traffic accidents (69 pedestrians, 14 bicyclists, and 107 motor vehicle occupants) between 2002 and 2006 was collected from databases of medico-legal autopsies. The role of victims in accidents, the location of injuries, cause of death, survival period, and blood alcohol levels were evaluated. One-hundred and forty-one (74%) victims had a passive role in traffic as pedestrians, passengers in cars, or public transport. In victims who died at the scene, the rate of head injury was higher than in cases who received medical treatment (odds ratio = 2.58, CI = 1.2-5.55, p = 0.0127). These results underline the importance of postmortem studies to examine the pathomechanism of fatal traffic accidental injuries and to provide information for the prevention of road traffic accidents against children and adolescents.  相似文献   
Two motorcycle riders lost control of their vehicle, fell, and hit a guardrail, which acted as a blade and led to a rapid, fatal outcome. In one case, the high velocity of the body at the time of the impact resulted in complete detachment of the trunk. Reconstruction of the accident dynamics enabled the guardrail post to be identified as the means of injury in both cases. The two accidents occurred over a short period of time, highlighting a dangerous phenomenon that in less severe cases is presumably associated with different degrees of survivor disability. The accidents deserve mention, because a different design of the impact surface of the guardrail post might have prevented the lethal outcome. There is an urgent need for legislators to pass regulations that modify crash barrier homologation criteria, which have been devised primarily for the safety of car passengers but fail to protect motorcyclists.  相似文献   
Motorcycle fatalities in the United States continue to increase on both crude and adjusted bases. This paper examines fatal motorcycle accidents as a cause of death, using a retrospective analysis of motorcycle operator fatalities from 2003 to 2008 in the state of Indiana. During these six years, out of more than 18,000 motorcycle operators in crashes, 601 were killed. Based on police report data, motorcycle operators during this period are examined to reveal key factors that are in place when a motorcyclist is killed in a collision. The major correlates of death identified were objects of impact, risky behaviors, and speed. The largest positive effects on the chances of death were linked to trees, posts-signs-poles, bridge-guardrail-median, and other motor vehicles. In conjunction with speed, these objects were the primary mechanisms by which fatal injuries were sustained by motorcyclists. Various types of risky behavior were also major correlates of death by motorcycle.  相似文献   
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