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It is important to understand the extent of transfer of explosive particles to different surfaces in order to better evaluate potential cross-contamination by explosives in crowded security controls such as those at airports. This work investigated the transfer of nine explosive residues (ANFO, dynamite, black powder, TNT, HMTD, PETN, NH4NO3, KNO3, NaClO3) through fingerprints from one surface to another. First, the extent of adhesion of explosive residues from different surfaces to the bare finger, nitrile and latex gloves was studied. Then, the transfer of explosive residues from one surface to another through fingerprints was investigated. Cotton fabric (hereinafter referred to as cotton) as clothing material and polycarbonate plastic (hereinafter referred to as polycarbonate) as luggage material were chosen for the experiments. These surfaces containing explosive particles were imaged using a reflex camera before and after the particles were transferred. Afterwards the images were processed in MATLAB where pixels corresponding to explosive residues were quantified. Results demonstrated that transfer of explosive residues frequently occurred with certain differences among materials. Generally, the amount of explosive particles adhered to the finger decreased in the following order: skin>latex>nitrile, while the transfer of particles from the finger to another surface was the opposite. The adhesion of explosive residues from polycarbonate to the finger was found to be better compared to cotton, while the amount of particles transferred to cotton was higher.  相似文献   
On 26 July 2017, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice rendered its seminal Opinion 1/15 about the agreement on Passenger Name Record data between the EU and Canada. The Grand Chamber considered that the decision of the Council about the conclusion, on behalf of the Union, of the agreement between the EU and Canada about the transfer and processing of PNR data must be based jointly on Article 16(2) about the protection of personal data and Article 87(2)(a) about police co-operation among member states in criminal matters, but not on Article 82(1)(d) about judicial co-operation in criminal matters in the EU of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU. The Grand Chamber also considered that the agreement is incompatible with Article 7 on the right to respect for private life, Article 8 on the right to the protection of personal data, Article 21 on non-discrimination and Article 52(1) on the principle of proportionality of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU since it does not preclude the transfer, use and retention of sensitive data. In addition to the requirement to exclude such data, the Grand Chamber listed seven requirements that the agreement must include, specify, limit or guarantee to be compatible with the Charter.The opinion of the Grand Chamber has far-reaching implications for the agreement on PNR data between the EU and Canada. It has also far-reaching implications for international agreements on PNR data between the EU and other third states. Last, it has far-reaching implications for Directive 681 of 27 April 2016 on PNR data.  相似文献   

Prompted by the rise of the emerging economies and the growing importance of the G20, the OECD has formally announced its intention of establishing itself as a key actor in global policy coordination. As part of this ambition, it has embarked on cultivating closer relations with five G20 countries it designated as key partners through the so-called “Enhanced Engagement” programme: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa. This article mobilizes concepts from the policy transfer literature to explain why the OECD’s attempts to increasingly involve all five countries in its policy have fallen short of its original ambitions, and also why the transfer of its policy work has been uneven across policy and country issue.  相似文献   
论破产中尚未履行完毕的合同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尚未履行完毕的合同在破产中的处置,有不可自由选择和可自由选择两种。不可自由选择的合同的范围,主要是出于维护交易安全和保护合同当事人的预期而划定,如委托合同、附所有权保留的买卖合同、房屋租赁合同和知识产权许可使用合同等。对可自由选择的合同,完善的破产立法一方面应规定选择权,明确其性质,另一方面也应区别不同情形对其做适当的限制,在追求破产财产最大化的同时兼顾合同债权人利益的保护。在上述各个方面,我国《破产法》均有改进的余地。  相似文献   
论犯罪过程中的信息转移原理   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
物质交换原理和信息论分析是侦查学的重要理论与研究方法,但各有重大的局限与不足。本文在分别检讨这两大理论的基础上,创造性地提出了犯罪过程中的信息转移原理的构想,剖析了犯罪过程中信息转移的必然性、内涵、构成及模型,并简单阐述了该理论的现实意义。  相似文献   
文章以现代产业转移理论为指导,阐述了贵州在新一轮西部大开发战略中承接产业转移的必然性和紧迫性,分析了贵州承接东部产业转移的现状,提出了加快推进贵州承接东部产业转移的对策。  相似文献   
随着二元经济结构的形成,我国产生了大量的农村剩余劳动力。应通过推进城市化进程,发展非农产业,促进农村经济发展,改善农村教育转变二元经济结构,推动农村剩余劳动力转移。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我国确立了农民对土地的承包经营权,2002年颁布的《中华人民共和国农村土地承包法》规定农民对土地的承包经营权可以依法采取转让、出租、入股、抵押或者其他方式流转,扩大了农民对土地的承包经营和使用权限。与此同时,还逐步完善了国家对农民土地的征用办法和程序以及对农民的补偿安置办法。我国土地制度变革的总体特征是在政府主导下,农民积极参与推动,扩大了农民使用土地的自由度,增加了土地使用的灵活性。在新的土地制度变革过程中,应进一步确保农民对土地的产权、完善征地制度和规范土地流转。  相似文献   
刑事诉讼证明责任分配问题是近几年来学者们研究的热点问题,刑事诉讼证明责任的分配遵循无罪推定原则,在刑事诉讼中证明一个人有罪由公诉机关和自诉人承担证明责任,被告人不承担证明责任,这是原则性的规定,除此之外还存在刑事诉讼证明责任分配的特殊规则,包括证明责任的倒置和证明责任的转移问题,同时这两者之间也存在着一定的区别。  相似文献   

Studies of budget execution focus either on the procedural aspects of internal controls and adjustments or the necessity of the changes made in the original budget. Adjustments made on an ongoing basis without undermining the integrity of the budget has been generally seen as a necessary means of creating flexibility while maintaining appropriate controls. In this context, our article addresses one aspect of the local government budget—whether turnover in key leadership and professional position affects the amount of transfer and reprogramming made during the execution process. Based on surveys of municipal budget offices in the Greater Cincinnati area, we report that turnover in some leadership positions does affect budget transfers. This finding also supports the proposition that the stability of key budget roles is an important factor in the budget execution process.  相似文献   
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