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刑法拟制的本质是对法律效果的拟制,是对A类型的事实适用A罪的构成要件进行评价,但适用B罪的罪名和法定刑定罪量刑——既不是对事实要素的假定而将A类型的事实认定为B类型的事实,也不是为B罪创设一种新的犯罪构成。除了窝藏赃物型抢劫罪等少数条款具有拟制的正当性之外,其他拟制条款均不具有正当性,应当尽快废除。根据条文规定的明确程度以及可解释为注意规定的余地大小,可以将刑法学界通常所认为的刑法拟制划分为明文规定的拟制、比较明显的拟制、形似的拟制、解释的拟制四种类型,由于大多数“拟制”条款都存在违背罪刑法定、实质正义和责任主义等问题,因而应当将形似的拟制和解释的拟制解释为注意规定,以尽量缩小刑法拟制的条款范围。  相似文献   
关于跨国有组织犯罪的若干理论问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
跨国有组织犯罪是有组织犯罪的一种特殊形态 ,也是跨国犯罪的一种主要形式 ,具有结构更加严密、能在国际范围内更加迅速调集资金等特点。不同的历史时期 ,跨国有组织犯罪因经济、社会、文化变迁有不同的特点。近几年来 ,国际恐怖主义及国内分裂势力与跨国有组织犯罪的联系日趋紧密成为新的动态。基于跨国有组织犯罪的复杂性及危害性 ,从国内方面来讲 ,需从政治、经济、法律各方面入手加以控制 ,就国际社会来讲 ,各相关国际组织及各个国家集团或地区性组织均应加强国际合作。  相似文献   
Based on evidence that early antisocial behavior is a key risk factor for delinquency and crime throughout the life course, early family/parent training, among its many functions, has been advanced as an important intervention/prevention effort. There are several theories concerning why early family/parent training may cause a reduction in child behavior problems including antisocial behavior and delinquency (and have other ancillary benefits in non-crime domains over the life course). The prevention of behavior problems is one of the many objectives of early family/parent training, and it comprises the main focus of this review. Results indicate that early family/parent training is an effective intervention for reducing behavior problems among young children, and the weighted effect size was 0.35. The results from a series of analog to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and weighted least squares regression models (with random effects) demonstrated that there were significant differences in the effect sizes of studies conducted in the USA versus those conducted in other countries and that studies that were based on samples smaller than 100 children had larger effect sizes. Sample size was also the strongest predictor of the variation in the effect sizes. Additional evidence indicated that early family/parent training was also effective in reducing delinquency and crime in later adolescence and adulthood. Overall, the findings lend support for the continued use of early family/parent training to prevent behavior problems. Future research should test the main theories of early family/parent training and detail more explicitly the causal mechanisms by which early family/parent training reduces delinquency and crime, and future evaluations should employ high quality designs with long-term follow-ups, including repeated measures of antisocial behavior, delinquency, and crime over the life course.
Alex R. PiqueroEmail:

Alex R. Piquero   is Professor of Criminology & Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland College Park, USA, Co-Editor of the Journal of Quantitative Criminology, and Executive Counselor with the American Society of Criminology. His research interests include criminal careers, criminological theory, and quantitative research methods. He is the recipient of several teaching, research, and mentoring awards. David P. Farrington   is Professor of Psychological Criminology at Cambridge University, UK. His major research interests are in developmental criminology and delinquency prevention, and he has completed a number of systematic reviews of the effectiveness of criminological interventions. Brandon C. Welsh, Ph.D.   is an Associate Professor in the College of Criminal Justice at Northeastern University, USA. He is an author or editor of seven books, including Saving Children from a Life of Crime: Early Risk Factors and Effective Interventions (Oxford University Press, 2007) and Preventing Crime: What Works for Children, Offenders, Victims, and Places (Springer, 2006). Richard E. Tremblay   is Canada Research Chair in Child Development, Professor of Pediatrics/Psychiatry/Psychology, and Director of the Research Unit on Children’s Psychosocial Maladjustment at the University of Montreal, Canada. Since the early 1980s he has been conducting a program of longitudinal and experimental studies, focusing on the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of children from conception onward, in order to gain a better understanding of the development and prevention of antisocial and violent behavior. Director of the Centre of Excellence for Early Child Development, he is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the Molson Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research. Wesley G. Jennings, Ph.D   is an assistant professor in the Department of Justice Administration at the University of Louisville, USA, and holds a Ph.D. in criminology from the University of Florida. His recent interests are primarily in the application of semi-parametric group-based modeling techniques to study behavioral trajectories over time. Some of his recent publications have appeared in Justice Quarterly, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Journal of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Public Policy, Deviant Behavior, and the Journal of Drug Issues.  相似文献   
论中国台湾地区刑事法中的推定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
褚福民 《证据科学》2009,17(4):473-483
鉴于中国台湾地区刑事实体法师承大陆法系而刑事诉讼制度转投英美法系的现状,其推定制度有其独特性,作为分析的样本具有一定的代表性。本文从推定与犯罪构成的关系、法律推定与事实推定、推定的限制等方面,详细阐述了中国台湾地区相关的法制和法学发展,并提出对于中国大陆相关法律制度建立和完善的借鉴与启示作用:中国的犯罪构成理论亟待完善.事实推定与间接证据证明的关系需要厘清,推定的设置和使用都应当有所规制。  相似文献   
This paper applied time series analysis to examine the nexus between firearm robberies and homicide in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HK). Recent years have seen a reduction in firearm related offences in HK compared to Britain. For instance, only three cases of firearm robbery in 2004 in HK (0.1% of all robbery; 2,237 incidents) involved genuine firearms, compared to 4,117 firearm robbery incidents (4% of all robbery) in Britain in the same year. This paper established a cross-correlation coefficient of 0.50 at lag 0 for the annual rate of two serious crimes, genuine firearm robbery and homicide, after identifying an ARMA(1,0) model from each time series (1972–2002). The results suggest that the prevalence of firearm robbery is moderately associated with the prevalence of homicide in HK.
King Wa LeeEmail:
由于故意毁坏财物罪是刑法规定的财产犯罪中的一个罪名,因而衡量其法定刑设置合理与否就应当与相关犯罪的法定刑设置情况进行比较。相对于盗窃等罪而言,故意毁坏财物罪的法定刑配置偏低,不能体现罪刑相适应原则。对此。一方面可以考虑通过修改立法来提高该罪的法定刑配置,另一方面可以将该罪作为相关财产犯罪的未遂情形论处。  相似文献   
如何通过教育预防职务犯罪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
预防职务犯罪是一项系统工程,需要教育、制度和监督并重,三者相互联系又各有不同的功能和作用,其中教育起着基础性的作用。教育在预防职务犯罪中发挥着十分重要的作用,我们要针对职务犯罪对象的特点,从多方面、多角度、多层面予以把握和设计。在措施方面主要强化自主性教育、目的性教育、系统性教育等。  相似文献   
我国《刑法》规定的侵占罪是一个被误解已久的完美立法,借鉴国外的侵占罪立法及理论误导了对我国侵占罪的理解,应还原其饱含谦抑理念的内部结构和适用机制。我国《刑法》第270条第1款是委托物侵占和脱离占有物侵占的一体化规定。该条第2款通过例示的方式(遗忘物、埋藏物)规定了脱离占有物侵占的刑罚,它既非法律拟制也不是注意规定,而是一个单纯的刑罚条款。将“拒不退还(拒不归还)”视为一个独立的要素限缩了侵占罪的成立,更符合该罪为轻罪的定位。没有必要修正亲告罪的规定,纯正亲告罪的设定关闭了追诉侵占国家财产的通道。我国的侵占罪巧妙地将谦抑理念和类型区分融入一个法条,更兼顾了国家所有与个人占有之间的利益平衡。侵占罪的双重限制为其他救济措施的运行提供了充足空间,是一个将社会综合治理理念融入法条的典范。  相似文献   
与挪用公款罪相比,挪用资金罪的“归个人使用”具有独特的内涵,其独特性源于该罪的规范目的,即维护“私法领域中的身份契约制度规范”的有效性。只有违反身份契约制度规范的“个人决定”,才能损害身份契约制度规范的有效性,才能凸显挪用资金罪的不法。“个人决定”是“归个人使用”要件的题中之义,是挪用资金罪中重要的归责依据。挪用资金罪的“归个人使用”是指,个人决定将本单位资金供本人、亲友等自然人或者其他单位使用,并具有“以个人名义进行的”或者“以单位名义进行,谋取个人利益的”情形。  相似文献   
犯罪构成性质问题是犯罪构成理论的基础性和方向性问题。从事实与规范关系视角考察,目前世界范围内对犯罪构成性质的定位有案件事实认识方法与规范解释模型两种。从应然的立场,基于事实与规范关系的法理、犯罪构成理论的目标以及犯罪构成的实际内容等方面的考量,应将犯罪构成性质定位于刑案事实认识的方法而非法律规范解释的模型。这一犯罪构成性质的新定位有着法教义学的重大意义,体现在这一新定位能够深刻体现犯罪构成的本真、合理择定犯罪论体系建构完善的方向和路径、有效推进犯罪认定的司法实践等方面。  相似文献   
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