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李继 《河北法学》2004,22(10):92-96
程序审查是法院对国际商事仲裁裁决进行司法审查的重要内容。但长期以来,在法院对国际商事仲裁裁决进行程序审查的范围和认定程序违法的标准问题上,一直没有统一的认识。并非所有的违反程序规则的行为都可作为认定程序违法并进而撤销仲裁裁决的理由,只有那些违反程序规则的行为严重到违反了正当程序原则时,才可认定仲裁程序违法,并进而考虑是否撤销仲裁裁决。这样才符合法律建立对国际商事仲裁裁决进行司法审查的原旨和目的。  相似文献   
法治国家的建立和法律秩序的维护需要一大批高素质的职业法律者,德国在培养和选拔职业法律者的过程中创造了一批独特的模式.这种模式具有浓烈的国家色彩.它通过国家考试的形式将培养和选拔溶为一体.在德国,未来职业法律者在参加国家考试前,必须要经过校园专业学习和职业预备期的训练.当然,这种模式也有其缺陷和不足.  相似文献   
Forensic firearm examination provides the court of law with information about the source of fired cartridge cases. We assessed the validity of source decisions of a computer‐based method and of 73 firearm examiners who compared breechface and firing pin impressions of 48 comparison sets. We also compared the computer‐based method's comparison scores with the examiners' degree‐of‐support judgments and assessed the validity of the latter. The true‐positive rate (sensitivity) and true‐negative rate (specificity) of the computer‐based method (for the comparison of both the breechface and firing pin impressions) were 94.4% and at least 91.7%, respectively. For the examiners, the true‐positive rate was at least 95.3% and the true‐negative rate was at least 86.2%. The validity of the source decisions improved when the evaluations of breechface and firing pin impressions were combined and for the examiners also when the perceived difficulty of the comparison decreased. The examiners were reluctant to provide source decisions for "difficult" comparisons even though their source decisions were mostly correct. The correlation between the computer‐based method's comparison scores and the examiners' degree‐of‐support judgments was low for the same‐source comparisons to negligible for the different‐source comparisons. Combining the outcomes of computer‐based methods with the judgments of examiners could increase the validity of firearm examinations. The examiners' numerical degree‐of‐support judgments for their source decisions were not well‐calibrated and showed clear signs of overconfidence. We suggest studying the merits of performance feedback to calibrate these judgments.  相似文献   
廖廷弼 《桂海论丛》2004,20(4):85-87
文章通过对计划生育基本国策实施阶段的具体分析,得出了计划生育基本国策成功实施的启示,即发展战略的成功实施取决于相应干部考核制度;并结合国内外发展战略成功实施的范例和我国科教兴国战略的实施现状,进一步阐明了发展战略的成功实施取决于相应的干部考核制度这一观点.  相似文献   
本文对我国当前所进行的行政审批改革进行了基本分析,归纳了其中存在的一些共同的特点。同时,本文还指出了我国的行政审批改革所应当着重注意的一些不可忽视的问题。  相似文献   
建构主义学习理论,强调个体认识的能动作用,即认识并非是人脑对客观世界的直接简单反映,而是以自己原有知识为基础,通过指向事物的活动在各主体相互作用中建构而成的。也就是说,学习者必须亲自且主动进行知识的建构才能获得真正意义上的知识,否则不能。这一理论对公安院校痕迹检验课教学的改革,尤其是对当前形势下培养创新型公安人才所必须的创新性教学改革极具启发意义。  相似文献   
高度传染性疾病(Highly Infectious Diseases,HIDs)是指可在人与人之间传播并危及生命,对医疗机构和社区造成严重危害,需要采取具体控制措施的的疾病.此类疾病的尸体解剖查验对疫情防控的指导具有重要意义,本文对HIDs尸体解剖查验工作管理和运作机制进行探讨,为相关政策、标准及规范的建立和完善提供参...  相似文献   
2010年“国家公务员考试”网上报名结束后的统计显示,135万人通过资格审查,创历史新高。随着全国人事制度改革的不断深入,公安院校学员公务员资格考试将逐步被竞争性考试所代替.计划体制下公安院校的毕业生一直实行的定向统招统分格局将被打破。因此,对公安院校学员公务员考试进行思考就显得更为重要.也是当务之急。研究该问题,对于建设和谐社会具有现实意义。  相似文献   
精神病人长期住院现象在精神医疗实践中并不罕见。除因治疗之外,患者也会受到其他原因的制约而难以出院,其中包括人们对精神病患者自主权的忽视、受患者监护人及社会治安防控意识的影响等。毫无疑问,该现象的出现不仅是对患者人身自由权的侵害,对其自身发展十分不利;而且从社会角度上而言,也会造成大量医疗资源的浪费。文章对该现象出现的原因进行了分析,对其所具有的危害性作了阐述,并提出了解决该问题的具体建议,以期能使该社会顽疾得到逐步改善。  相似文献   
The author proposes a nondestructive and highly precise method of measuring the thickness of a film pasted on a passport using a confocal-type laser profile microscope. The effectiveness of this method in passport examination is demonstrated. A confocal-type laser profile microscope is used to create profiles of the film surface and film–paper interface; these profiles are used to calculate the film thickness by employing an algorithm developed by the author. The film thicknesses of the passport samples—35 genuine and 80 counterfeit Japanese passports—are measured nondestructively. The intra-sample standard deviation of the film thicknesses of the genuine and counterfeit Japanese passports was of the order of 1 μm The intersample standard deviations of the film thicknesses of passports forged using the same tools and techniques are expected to be of the order of 1 μm. The thickness values of the films on the machine-readable genuine passports ranged between 31.95 μm and 36.95 μm. The likelihood ratio of this method in the authentication of machine-readable Japanese genuine passports is 11.7. Therefore, this method is effective for the authentification of genuine passports. Since the distribution of the film thickness of all forged passports was considerably larger than the accuracy of this method, this method is considered effective also for revealing the relation among the forged passports and acquiring proof of the crime.  相似文献   
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