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This paper addresses B. F. Skinner's utopian vision for enhancing social justice and human well‐being as it was introduced in his 1948 novel, Walden Two. In the first part, we address the historical, intellectual, and social context that situates the book in the utopian genre, the critiques of its premises and practices, and the fate of intentional communities patterned on the book. In the second part, we review practices in Skinner's book that advance social justice and human well‐being under the themes of health, wealth, and wisdom, and then focus on contemporary practices that are the legacy of his vision. His vision was neither the a priori truth of a particular premise about human behavior or a necessary practice (blueprint) for an intentional community but rather the use of empirical methods to discover premises and practices that work to advance the health, wealth, and wisdom of individuals and survival of the culture.  相似文献   
在马克思主义中国化研究过程中,既要坚持将马克思主义基本原理与中国具体实践相结合,创造出符合相应的理论成果,又要以世界眼光和国际视角推进马克思主义中国化的发展,将之置于全球视野之中,加强与世界的联系、互动和交流。全球化趋势的发展,当代世界马克思主义研究和非马克思主义研究取得了丰硕理论成果和实践经验,是马克思主义中国化加强世界联系和交流的条件。在加强当代中国马克思主义与国际交流应坚持增强自信心、摒弃优越感两种原则。  相似文献   
目的通过比较VEP验光、电脑验光及主觉插片验光在检测外伤眼屈光度中的关系,探讨VEP验光方法在外伤眼矫正视力中的应用价值。方法本组实验选取各种类型眼外伤患者,伤后3~6月经检查存在视力下降者61人(受检眼61只),分别对伤眼行电脑验光、主觉播片验光及VEP验光,比较三种验光方法所测屈光度及矫正视力之间的差异性。结果经统计学处理,VEP验光与主觉插片验光所测伤眼屈光度和矫正视力无显著性差异(P>0.05);电脑验光与主觉验光、VEP验光在球镜屈光度检查上存在显著性差异(P<0.05),在散光检查方面无明显差异(P>0.05);电脑验光所得矫正视力与主觉插片验光、VEP验光所得结果之间均存在显著性差异(P<0.05),尤其在角膜、虹膜睫状体、晶状体、玻璃体等部位损伤的受检眼中差异更为显著(P<0.01)。结论电脑验光和VEP验光均是客观的屈光检查方法,前者有方便迅速的优点,但其结果存在较大误差,特别是在屈光系统损伤的患者中误差更大,仅可作为屈光矫正的初步检查依据;而后者验光结果准确,能够反映伤眼的屈光实际情况,可以应用于法医学鉴定中的伤眼最佳矫正视力的评定。  相似文献   
食品安全问题层出不穷,构建食品安全诚信是遏制食品安全问题、满足人们群众健康需求的迫切需要。首先,食品安全诚信建设必须以法治为保障,发挥法律的规范、引导作用。其次,构建食品安全失信惩戒机制,包括强化对失信行为的刑事处罚及行政处罚、完善行业禁人制度。最后,构建食品安全诚信信息体系,建立起食品安全信用监管体制、征信体制、评价制度、披露制度等,并建立政府、行业、社会三个层面的诚信数据库。  相似文献   

Malawi's Vision 2020 document, a national document that serves as a vehicle to project a future for a more developed, secure and democratically mature nation, laments the tendency of Malawians to denigrade local products and glorify all things foreign. Yet, paradoxically, the document does not address the important issue of promoting Malawi's indigenous languages. This silence can be interpreted as reflective of the population's inclination to ascribe greater value to foreign culture. In Malawi, as in many other African countries, indigenous languages are not considered worthy as media of education, subjects of advanced study or critical vehicles for national development. They are still victim to a discrimination rooted in Africa's 500 plus years of European enslavement and colonisation. Against the backdrop of the pursuit of an African Renaissance, this article looks at Malawi's language policies since independence in 1964, and at how, ten years short of an idyllic national vision, Malawi measures up on the important issue of language.  相似文献   
依据伤后视力损害程度,对外伤性白内障进行法医学鉴定。72例外伤性白内障,按损伤类型、所施行手术、伤后及手术后视力改变等进行分类、统计及数据处理。伤后低视力9例,盲目58例,不合作5例。术后12例患眼小孔视力达0.4~1.2,低视力29例,盲目26例。说明外伤性白内障手术后视力有明显改善,法医学鉴定应在手术后1~2个月进行为宜。  相似文献   
In contrast to the early post-independence era in which African states predominantly controlled the mining sector, the 1980s saw African countries update their mining codes to attract foreign capital. These reform measures largely diminished the power of the state, either resulting in its “selective silence” or its retraction. However, after three waves of these reforms, the disparity between natural resources and sustainable development has continued to widen. Two theories offer a nuanced approach to understanding the state of flux of mining codes and mineral governance in Africa: governance theory and the developmental state theory. This article argues that the activist, interventionist state is making a comeback in mineral resource governance throughout Africa. Moreover, regional initiatives such as the African Mining Vision represent a fundamental departure in mineral governance. However, such initiatives will only bring development to the extent that they are owned by African governments and backed by local communities.  相似文献   
以人民为中心的发展思想内涵丰富、意义深远,其所蕴含的人民创史论的理论指导、群众路线的实践贯彻以及为人民服务的价值追求等三重向度,从根本上对历史周期率实现了超越与破解。系统认识和深入领会以人民为中心的发展思想破解历史周期率的三重向度,对于全面贯彻落实新时代党的建设总要求,具有深远的理论意义与积极的实践价值。  相似文献   
Since Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud unveiled Saudi Vision 2030 (The National Transformation Programme, 25 April 2016) a great deal of analysis has focused on the potential impact of Vision 2030 at the national level. Significantly, Saudi Vision 2030, which promises a better future and better governance, is raising hopes and expectations amongst young well-educated Saudis. Nevertheless, how has Saudi Vision 2030 been interpreted by young educated male Saudis many of whom are struggling to enter the labour market at a time of austerity and economic uncertainty? This paper discusses young male perceptions of Saudi Vision 2030 including their expectations and hopes for the Vision. In fact, an understanding of how young Saudis perceive Vision 2030 is not only pertinent in the Saudi national context (or indeed multiple Saudi domestic contexts), but also has wider regional relevance considering oil-market developments and economic policy.  相似文献   
作为视觉传达设计的一部分,指示系统设计长期以来经常被人们所忽视。在现代社会中,人们的生活节奏不断加快,这就要求指示系统能够简洁、有效、快速的传达视觉信息。另外,指示系统已经逐渐成为环境景观的构成部分之一,它在传达信息的同时也要给人视觉美的享受。  相似文献   
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