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Parents without immigration status in the United States regularly face the threat of deportation and separation from their children. When an undocumented parent is brought to the attention of law enforcement through the child welfare system, they also face the potential of the loss of legal custodial rights to their children. The child welfare system and immigration enforcement mechanisms operate independent of one another with little regard for how actions in one can impact a parent's legal rights in the other, often permanently separating children from their parents. This article examines the particular issue of undocumented parents who are charged with the failure to protect their children from witnessing or otherwise experiencing abuse committed by a third party. It explores how such a charge, whether founded or unfounded, can result in loss of eligibility for immigration relief to which the undocumented parent would otherwise be entitled, as well as deportation of the parent and permanent separation of parent and child. These issues are situated within the larger context of the normative guideposts of both family and immigration law, namely, the best interests of the child and family unity. It identifies issues for further academic inquiry as well as tips for practitioners who may represent undocumented parents in either the family or immigration systems.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • Learn about the potential consequences under family law and immigration law when an undocumented parent's child is abused by a third party
  • Gain strategies for planning with undocumented parents to avoid the loss of the custody of their children in the event of a sudden deportation
  • Be able to identify and address particular concerns for clients who are undocumented victims of domestic violence
全球生态环境的恶化促使人类反思工业文明行为,从而提出建设生态文明的任务。本文从法理之维度来探讨生态文明建设,即从生态伦理观、环境法的价值排序和权利与义务的关系三个方面进行了思考,以期为生态文明建设尽一份责任。  相似文献   
自白任意性规则是英美法和大陆法共有的一项重要的刑事证据规则,我国刑事诉讼法中没有类似的证据规则。我国已于1998年签署了《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》,该公约规定"不得强迫自证其罪"原则。文章从供认自愿性的含义入手,论证构建我国供认自愿性规则的必要性。  相似文献   
侵占罪是以不法取得不属于占有者所有的他人财物为内容的犯罪。我国刑法虽然明文规定侵占罪的犯罪对象为代为保管的他人财物、他人的遗忘物及埋藏物,但是在刑法理论界和司法实务界,针对这三类犯罪对象的内涵与外延问题一直存在较大的分歧,尤其是对涉及民法领域的不当得利、无因管理、遗失物是否可能成为侵占罪的犯罪对象等问题分歧很大。  相似文献   
论志愿失灵及其治理之道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场经济的发展,“政府失灵”与“市场失灵”现象越来越为众多学者所关注,并把非营利组织作为弥补“政府失灵”与“市场失灵”的重要手段。但是作为第三领域的活动主体——非营利组织同样存在着失灵现象——志愿失灵。  相似文献   
我国现行退市制度存在的缺陷主要是退市标准的界定过于模糊,操作性不强;退市处理权限规定比较混乱。应建立自愿退市制度,明确退市的决定权限,保护中小股东的利益。  相似文献   
网络破碎、治理失灵与食品安全供给   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
日益增加的食品安全问题表明我们需要从新的视角来重新审视食品安全供给制度,而网络治理途径则为此提供了较为适宜的分析途径。食品安全问题本身所具有的认知差异、目标冲突与相互依赖等特性赋予了其“恶劣问题”的属性。而对此类问题的解决通常需要引入网络治理的思路。与其将食品安全供给主体的缺失视为食品安全治理失灵的主要障碍。还不如将食品安全供给主体各自为阵、缺乏有效整合看作是导致食品安全问题频发的主要诱因。从网络治理途径出发,当前的食品安全供给网络呈现出“碎片化”特征,正是这种“碎片化”迷失了食品安全供给主体的角色,使他们错判了自身应该承担的食品安全供给责任。而认知差异、分割式协调、互动障碍以及有效网络管理的缺失则可以视为导致这种“碎片化”的重要因素。因此,食品安全的有效供给将取决于能否通过创新性的思维方式实现从破碎的网络向无缝隙网络的转变,以整体一致的方式来提高食品安全供给的质量。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代以来,在治理理论不断兴起的背景下,政府公共服务方式的多元化发展成为一种趋势,这也是源于公共服务主体的多中心、公共服务需求的复杂化、现代科学技术与工具手段的发展等多重动因。创新公共服务方式,关键在于公共服务多元方式与技术工具的集成运用。为此,应通过选择实施流程再造、构建电子政府、引入竞争机制和志愿机制等策略,实现公共服务的一站式、电子化、市场化和社会化的全方位供给。  相似文献   
The general goal of the present article is to provide a way of reasoning through a series of conclusions that may contribute to foster a frequently overlooked topic in Private International Law, we refer to the acknowledgement and enforcement of voluntary cross-border family agreements that may as well result in the creation of Soft Law instruments, such as the Guidelines for good practice in mediation. These are definitely enough reasons to try to spare children from irreversible damage arising from international family conflicts that could be mitigated — if not altogether deactivated— through cross-border voluntary agreements, acknowledged and enforced in all jurisdictions involved.  相似文献   
In their discussion of my article, Dag Wollebæk and Per Selle agree with my central point that changes in the institutional and socio-political context are likely to affect the engagement-values relation over time, and that more theoretical and empirical research is required to better understand the underlying connections. They then highlight a number of weaknesses in my empirical analysis. First, they criticize the operationalization of the isolated–connected distinction I borrow from Paxton, and point to the scope of engagement as a way of ‘keeping it simple’. Second, they express disbelief in the apparent strength of the correlations at the individual level compared to the aggregate level in my analysis, and assert that an ‘organizational society of broad scope’ is primary. In this rejoinder, I briefly discuss both comments.  相似文献   
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