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法治化城市的内涵及其与现代化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法治化城市建设是落实我依法治国方略的举措;法治化城市的价值意蕴与法治国家具有一致性,其本身就是法治国家的重要组成部分;地方法治化城市建设是因地制宜推进法治国建设有力举措,也为国家法治建设提供经验和参考。法治化城市是法治在地域范围内的具体体现,它是以国家宪法、法律为基础,以保障人权为目的,以制约权力为重点的,适合地方城市实际的治理模式和状态,它通过规范的地方权力运作和普遍的守法意识,实现城市政治文明、经济建设、文化事业、社会秩序、公共服务等方面的全面协调发展。因此,没有法治的城市也不能称之为现代化的城市。法治化城市是城市经济现代化的动力所在,城市政治现代化的根本保证,城市文化现代化的制度基础,有利于促成人的现代化。  相似文献   
职务犯罪主体包括自然人主体和单位主体两种。从现行法律规定看,职务犯罪自然人主体包括国家机关工作人员、以国家工作人员论的人员和受委托从事公务的人员三类。在司法实践中,对此三类人员的认定存在较大的分歧,尤其是其中对以国家工作人员论的人员的认定争议最大。  相似文献   
在刑事诉讼中解决好对被害人的赔偿与补偿问题,可以有效地使被害人获得抚慰,有利于实现诉讼目的,维护社会安定。我国在刑事诉讼中对被害人的赔偿是按照刑事附带民事诉讼程序进行的,但如何通过该程序来保障被害人的赔偿权利,是一个值得进一步探究的问题。  相似文献   
本文旨在以第13届国会选举之后马来西亚政治、经济、社会诸领域的状况为主要依据,对作为意象的马来西亚国家和作为实践的马来西亚国家进行考察,进而展开以下两方面的论证:(1)马来西亚国家各组成部分的实践过程如何形塑着马来西亚国家的主导原则与主导功能;(2)马来西亚国家建构与政治制度化的不足及其出路。  相似文献   
The rich and complex recent International Political Sociology (IPS) literature on state recognition has completely ignored the process of de-recognition. The present article uses the case study of Taiwan’s efforts to preserve its ‘diplomatic allies’ in the Caribbean in order to fill this gap. Taking advantage of the IPS development of the constitutive theory of recognition, it introduces and analyses the concept of state de-recognition while emphasizing the deep contradiction between present international law principles and the political reality of national identity building as well as the de-linking of political science and international law understandings of recognition made possible by the progress of the constitutive theory. De-recognition is perceived as resulting in a hierarchical relationship between recognized and de-recognized political entities that is arbitrary and ethically questionable as it ultimately reflects the denial of the right to self-determination of peoples.  相似文献   
现代民族国家诞生于欧洲的特殊历史背景下,其背后是民族主义的竞争逻辑,因此它亦拥有巨大的国家动员能力。近代时期,东亚三国之要务在于建成现代民族国家以抵御外侮,但唯有日本获得成功,中韩两国均遭遇重大挫折。思想观念上的一个重要原因在于中韩两国与日本传统公私观的不同。在思想与政治上受到中国巨大影响的朝鲜王朝,其超越狭隘民族意识的儒家"天下为公"思想使其在现代民族国家和现代国际体系的竞争逻辑面前表现出诸多不适应。但这种看似具有时代局限性的普遍主义思想,或许却能够为解决今天东亚地区的各种悬案提供一些思想资源,成为新的国际关系形态的指导精神。  相似文献   

This paper examines the factors influencing household participation in and withdrawal from a World Bank-funded voluntary resettlement scheme moving 15,000 low-income farming households within and across rural districts in Malawi. Using a survey of 203 beneficiary households, focus groups and in-depth interviews, we identify a lack of access to land and conflict over land in the area of origin as salient participation factors in resettlement, while withdrawal factors include lower access to infrastructure and poor soil quality in resettlement areas. We also highlight limited prior awareness of actual conditions in resettlement areas, low and biased participation in the decision to move, a greater desire for formal land titles due to loss of customary entitlement as a result of resettlement, and widespread ambiguity and confusion over titles for resettled plots. In this context, we point to a pattern of ‘negative resettlement’, in which households remain resettled despite major grievances, for lack of an alternative option, contrasting with ‘positive resettlement’, where households remain by choice. We suggest that intra-district resettlement is more likely to be successful than inter-district resettlement when there is a risk of informed consent deficiency. These findings point to the relative failures of this particular resettlement scheme, and suggest possible improvements for land redistribution schemes from agro-industrial projects to poor households.  相似文献   
This article examines the structure of nonprofit voluntary accountability and standard-setting programs, arguing that these programs can be understood as collective action institutions designed to address information asymmetries between nonprofits and their stakeholders. Club theory and the economics of certification suggest that such programs have the potential to provide a signal of quality by setting high standards and fees and rigorously verifying compliance. Such mechanisms can signal quality because higher participation costs may allow only high-quality organizations to join. The article examines the implications of signaling theory using an original dataset on the structure of 32 nonprofit accountability programs across the globe. While many programs set high standards for compliance, the key distinction between strong and weak programs is the use of disclosure or verification mechanisms to enforce compliance. Contrary to theoretical expectations, compliance standards and verification do not appear to be substitutes in creating stronger voluntary programs.
Mary Kay GugertyEmail:
文章通过对黔东南州市场监管中非国家法诸因素进行调研,使用法社会学的理论框架分析,展示要素、结构和性能各层面的冲突和相互影响,为民族地区国家法的执行研究提供了一定的现实素材,并尝试性提出了解决民族地区国家法的执行需要在民族区域自治法框架内,充分考虑新时代民族地区诸因素作用,方能有效解决民族地区法律秩序以及社会治理问题。  相似文献   
机构编制管理关系到行政成本的高低和行政机构的效能。机构编制管理中的突出问题在于编制配置不科学、不合理,规范化和制度化建设相对滞后。新时代的机构编制管理需要站在治国理政和治理能力现代化的战略高度,平衡“管牢”与“管活”双重目标,处理好事业发展需要与总量控制、“条线”要求与编制管理整体、短期成效与长期成本、编制增加与编制减少、编制管理部门收紧与财政部门宽松之间的辩证关系。在此基础上,通过立法保障、全盘统筹、规划引领、观念更新、机制联动等多维度改革为国家治理能力现代化奠定坚实的组织基础。  相似文献   
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