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2010年年底以来发生在西亚北非的"阿拉伯之春"以及以美国"占领华尔街"运动为代表的系列"占领"运动,被国内外学术界视为构成新一轮全球抗议周期的组成部分。作者从社会运动理论有关主框架和抗议周期之间的关系出发,考察了"阿拉伯之春"和系列"占领"运动之间的联系与异同。"阿拉伯之春"中一个具有创新性的"变革"主框架的出现,构成此轮抗议周期兴起并具备强大动员能力的重要原因;而当系列"占领"运动在借鉴"阿拉伯之春"的话语和象征体系的基础上提出了一种"占领"主框架时,抗议周期在主框架上经历了从"变革"到"占领"的转型过程。然而,与"变革"主框架相比,"占领"主框架在经验的可信度、经历的可测量度和观念的重要性上存在明显不足,这是系列"占领"运动的动员能力无法与"阿拉伯之春"相比的重要原因。鉴于从"阿拉伯之春"到系列"占领"运动之间的意义和象征体系的转型并不成功,大致可以预料,除非新的社会运动对话语体系进行创造性的改造,否则,这一波全球抗议周期将趋于式微。  相似文献   
The crime possibly perpetrated by a doctor named Vicente Urbino de Freitas in 1890 is one of the most famous cases of poisoning, and it had echoes in the Portuguese and foreign press for several decades. This prestigious doctor was convicted of the fatal poisoning of his nephew. He also attempted the homicide of two nieces and their mother-in-law, who only escaped because they obstinately refused to comply with the “therapeutics” prescribed by the family doctor. The motive of the crime should have been Vicente Urbino de Freitas’ ambition to receive the family inheritance of his wife, the daughter of the well-known merchant José António Sampaio of Flores Street in Porto. Vicente Urbino de Freitas was convicted but doubt about his guilt persists for more than a century. This second work aimed to collect and analyse all the relevant and contradictory testimonial evidence of the prosecution and defence witnesses. This case represents an odd historical record obtained through more than 12 years of research on the first major significant Portuguese forensic case. Rare and unprecedented testimonial evidence and photographs were obtained from different countries and then repaired, since these also provide an important historical record of the medical photography.  相似文献   
简约治理视角下街道机构改革的理论逻辑与实践路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从传统社会到现代社会,简约治理始终是我国基层善治的目标。进入新时代,伴随社会治理重心下移,面对长期以来形成的条块矛盾、内卷化等诸多棘手问题和基层社会的复杂化,建设简约高效的基层管理体制成了我国基层机构改革的主要目标。以协作机制构建国家与社会的良性互动关系和以整体性治理理顺街道体制内部关系是简约治理的内在要求。上海和南京在街道机构改革过程中,通过加强街道属地管理、机构优化协同、向社会力量购买服务、精简办事程序的简约治理方式实现了复杂问题的简约化。综合各地改革实践和创新分析,综合化、扁平化、网格化、智能化、社会化将成为下一步街道机构改革的路径选择。  相似文献   
With high heels brought back into fashion in the 2000s by the beauty-industrial complex, health organizations have since reported an ‘epidemiology of high-heeled shoe injuries’, especially among young women. Feminist theory in general, and literary criticism on gender, have not yet systematically addressed the role high heels play in upholding and naturalizing the construct of femininity. This article examines seemingly diverse but complementary ways in which high heels function as one of the contemporary devices of femininity in capitalist patriarchy, and argues that the promotion of high heels has a direct stake in reconfiguring women, and their bodies, as symbolically, and literally, tiny and unstable, as fragile and helpless, and as sexually objectified and commodified. The article relies on an interdisciplinary approach, which brings together feminist theory on body and recent medical findings on the effects that wearing high heels has on women’s health and motility. These are applied to the way the problematics of high heels tends to be captured and exposed in socially engaged literary works such as Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street, which serves as a rare instance of a critically engaged literary piece on this matter.  相似文献   
要全力提升派出所整体打击、防范能力,全面构建与现代警务机制相匹配的社区治安防控体系,派出所除了"硬件"建设要跟上外,街面治安防控能力、治安管理能力和基层基础工作能力这些"软实力"的建设不仅不能忽视,而且应不断加强.  相似文献   
构建“动态治安”的社会防控体系已成为当前警务改革的必然趋势。为此,必须在明确街面  动态治安的概念、内涵以及分析我们在打击现行犯罪工作中存在的问题的基础上,从接处警机制、巡逻  策略和技能培训等方面来强化街面动态治安防控体系,以提高打击现行犯罪的能力。  相似文献   
门小军  刘杰 《国际展望》2022,14(2):99-122
桑德斯竞选运动反映了2008年金融危机爆发后西方世界争取激进变革的新生群众运动对经济不平等现象蔓延的不满情绪,是“占领华尔街”运动爆发之后扭转经济不平等核心诉求重新进入美国政治议程的选举体现。通过重塑政治话语,桑德斯竞选运动成功推动“社会主义”从美国社会中的负面政治标签变成时代思潮,促使左翼政策纲领从边缘主张变成主流议题,激发了年轻人和激进左翼的选举热情,并唤醒了工人的阶级意识,催生美国激进左翼选举联合的可能性,其政治遗产对美国“民主社会主义”的进一步发展发挥了关键的助推作用,并深刻影响了民主党和激进左翼的政策取向和选举策略,将为若干年后“另一个桑德斯”的选举成功开启了“奥弗顿之窗”。桑德斯竞选运动是“占领华尔街”运动爆发之后美国激进左翼政治的重大进展,虽然较难引发美国政治机制的革命性变化,但却可以从推动形成和实施左翼政策纲领的层面促进美国国内政治领域的改良。  相似文献   
中国互联网内容监管的预期与效果——事实及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从监管预期与效果的落差来看,不同时期的案例证明,中国互联网"国家防火墙"仍会有间歇性失常,无论是冲动许可、维权春天还是哄客暴戾,民众表达仍然有弹性空间。西方的政治家和知识精英基于他们的自由价值立场和生活经验,对中国互联网内容监管提出了强烈批评,辩护者则注意到中国政府的现实权衡。批评者表达的是私人自由与公共权力之间的紧张,辩护者关注的是公共权力与统治秩序之间的调和。  相似文献   
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