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徐斌教授新著《旷古书圣——王羲之传》是一部值得注意的思想评传,它没有停留于对王羲之书法造诣和名士风度的渲染,而是直探传主思想与人生的诸多矛盾,在现实与理想、选择与承担、当下与永恒的尖锐冲突中展开一个知识分子的真实境遇,从而体现出人生之为人生、文化之为文化的深度,这是一部传记获得历史价值和现实意义的关键所在。  相似文献   
以其不同凡响的代表作《红楼梦评论》与《人间词话》的推出,王国维堪称中国现代美学的创始者和奠基人.这一点之所以成为可能,离不开王国维对叔本华哲学的借鉴以及随之开出的中西哲学之贯通.然而,在认识到叔本华哲学成为王氏思想的他山之石的同时,人们往往忽视了叔本华哲学自身内含的二重性,也即经验论意义上的叔本华哲学与现象学意义上的叔...  相似文献   
There have emerged two representative opinions regarding the origin of Wang Guowei's thought as shown in his Poetic Remarks in the Human World, one being Westernness aided by Chineseness, and the other being Chineseness aided by Wesernness. The former opinion holds that Wang's fundamental ideas in Poetic Remarks in the Human World were derived from modern Western philosophy and aesthetics, which, in turn, were used to deal with traditional Chinese poetry; the latter opinion argues that Wang's basic thought originated from Chinese aesthetic traditions, which were aided by western thought in Wang's Case. The two opinions seem to be over-focused on conceptual comparison and identity; therefore, they fail to point to Wang's principle of “Life as Essence” which incorporates thought of all origins. Wang's Poetic Remarks in the Human World is a reaffirmation of the “aesthetic life”, a blending that goes beyond mere conceptual comparison and contrast.  相似文献   
In the wake of globalisation, we have witnessed the rise of the transnational corporation—powerful, new players in an international human rights system ill-equipped to handle the challenge. Despite the best efforts of the United Nations, international treaties and human rights lawyers the world over, there is simply no mandatory international code of corporate conduct targeting human rights practices. Enter the Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA), a once-obscure U.S. statute that provides a private cause of action for violations of international human rights law committed by governmental and non-governmental actors. This paper will examine recent ATCA jurisprudence, the landmark Unocal settlement, and the ATCA’s role in reining in Yahoo! Inc. for supplying evidence used to convict Chinese dissidents Wang Xiaoning and Shi Tao.
Alex FieldingEmail:

Alex Fielding   received his B.A. degree from Augustana University College and his LL.B. degree from the University of Victoria. He is currently articling with Stikeman Elliot LLP in Vancouver, BC.  相似文献   
音乐教育在儒家的成德之教中始终占据重要地位.本文上篇通过王阳明乐论的个案研究,初步考察了"美"与"善"的关联及其在以美的教育实现善的教育的目的中的思想意义.下篇通过对王阳明<训蒙大意示教读刘伯颂等>文献的考察与诠释,说明了音乐教育在儿童教育中的特殊意义.  相似文献   
王维是盛唐之音的代表,被誉为“天下文宗”、“名高希代”的“高人”。“高人”之称谓,与其清廉的道德操行密切相关。其诗文因避讳而不涉“廉”字,故历来对于二者的关联缺乏必要的探讨。实际上王维对“廉”有着深刻的观念认识和丰富的精神感悟,无论是自身行事时所彰显的廉者之风,还是在为人纪功颂德的碑铭中所反映的廉政思想,都表现出“廉”的价值标准。无论源自佛禅之信仰,抑或自然之趣尚,甚而忏悔之愿望,王维都践行着自身对于“廉”的体认。  相似文献   
吴先发  陈益元 《学理论》2012,(10):73-74
王船山的知行统一观是中国哲学史上认识论发展的一座里程碑,对中国近代知行观的形成和发展产生了深远的影响。在此基础上,我们探讨其对毛泽东实践论的理论建构的影响以及其在中国革命实践和建设中的具体运用的影响,这对于弘扬传统文化,促使马克思主义在中国化的进程中得以发展,具有重要的意义和作用。  相似文献   
"抒情的人道主义"是汪曾祺文学创作思想的主脉,"和谐"是其艺术样态的本质特征.作家用充满温情而平等的眼光去看人,去接纳平凡人生,用素朴而诗意的心态去书写世俗生活,在人生的沉重和苦涩中发掘温馨的美感和健康的人性人情.其创作思想和艺术个性的形成,主要在于作家对儒家思想的独特理解以及沈从文的影响.  相似文献   
南宋李壁笺注的<王荆文公诗注>是宋代重要的一部诗歌笺注本.李壁在<文选>式的传统笺释方法基础上,发展了前代的注释之学,主要有三方面的贡献:以史证诗,借注王诗以显史;探求诗歌旨意;从文学角度来评论诗歌的艺术特征和审美价值.这对后代诗歌笺释之学的发展有着深远的影响.  相似文献   
四无说是龙溪学的核心理论基础。龙溪学是以本体论规定心体良知,是将心体规定为性体。相反,阳明四句教则坚持 良知只是自在心体而不即是性体,因而重点在革新的创发,与龙溪主张返本以明心形成对比;并由此申论阳明学的其他特殊意涵。  相似文献   
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