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恐怖主义是威胁当今世界和平的一个重要因素,目前恐怖活动在全球有愈演愈烈的趋势;我国在新世纪也同样面临恐怖袭击的威胁。爆炸手段是恐怖分子发动袭击的主要手段,爆炸现场的救援和身份认证是各国应对恐怖袭击的难题。本文介绍了恐怖主义爆炸案件的概念,分析了恐怖主义爆炸袭击常用的手段和现场的特点,借鉴以色列的经验,论述了现场救援和身份认证的程序和步骤。  相似文献   
脑损伤后普遍存在的炎性反应激活补体并通过多种途径导致和加重继发性脑损伤。膜攻击复合物具有直接破坏血脑屏障、促使红细胞溶解、促进释放细胞因子、氧自由基和金属基质蛋白、加剧炎症反应的生物特性,从而加重继发性脑损伤。本文对膜攻击复合物造成继发性脑损伤的研究进行综述,希望能对相关研究和法医学鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   
Deaths due to buffalo attack have not been well described. A 72‐year‐old man was trampled by a water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) while attempting to move the animal within an enclosed area at an abattoir. At autopsy, there were numerous injuries involving the chest, head, neck, and left upper arm. Blunt force injury had resulted in multiple rib fractures with a flail chest and fracture/dislocation of the mid‐cervical vertebrae caused either by physical crushing by the animal against the walls of the enclosure or by stomping. There was also evidence of crush asphyxia with bilateral conjunctival hemorrhages and petechial hemorrhages. In addition, there was a deep degloving injury of the upper left arm compatible with goring by one of the buffalo horns. While large animal attacks may result in death from multiple injuries, careful dissection and examination of specific injuries at autopsy may clarify the complex interaction of lethal mechanisms.  相似文献   
National security planners have begun to look beyond reactive, tactical cyber defense to proactive, strategic cyber defense, which may include international military deterrence. The incredible power of nuclear weapons gave birth to deterrence, a military strategy in which the purpose of armies shifted from winning wars to preventing them. Although cyber attacks per se do not compare to a nuclear explosion, they do pose a serious and increasing threat to international security. Real-world examples suggest that cyber warfare will play a lead role in future international conflicts. This article examines the two deterrence strategies available to nation-states (denial and punishment) and their three basic requirements (capability, communication, and credibility) in the light of cyber warfare. It also explores whether the two most challenging aspects of cyber attacks – attribution and asymmetry – will make cyber attack deterrence an impossible task.  相似文献   
This article provides an in‐depth assessment of lone actor terrorists’ attack planning and preparation. A codebook of 198 variables related to different aspects of pre‐attack behavior is applied to a sample of 55 lone actor terrorists. Data were drawn from open‐source materials and complemented where possible with primary sources. Most lone actors are not highly lethal or surreptitious attackers. They are generally poor at maintaining operational security, leak their motivations and capabilities in numerous ways, and generally do so months and even years before an attack. Moreover, the “loneness” thought to define this type of terrorism is generally absent; most lone actors uphold social ties that are crucial to their adoption and maintenance of the motivation and capability to commit terrorist violence. The results offer concrete input for those working to detect and prevent this form of terrorism and argue for a re‐evaluation of the “lone actor” concept.  相似文献   
由社会转型而引发的社会矛盾使民警成为民众不满情绪的发泄对象;利益冲突使民警成为直面危机的群体;警务工作的强制性和镇压性决定了民警与违法犯罪嫌疑人及其家人存在对立;民警素养不足成为诱发袭警的导火索;装备不足及枪械管理不善人为地增加了民警受袭的风险性;认识上的错误相对纵容了袭警行为;被严管的民警与个体权利意识日益膨胀的公民之间的法治失衡制约了警察权的有效发挥;权力袭警使民警受到深度伤害;恶意投诉则扩大了袭警后果。  相似文献   
袭警的类型、特点及危害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袭警是行为人对正在执法或从事其他警务工作的公安民警实施的人身攻击和精神刺激行为的简称。虽然根据不同的划分依据和划分标准,袭警有不同的表现类型及相应的特点,但都给社会、公众以及警察的正常执法活动带来很大危害。  相似文献   
非法移民:困扰俄罗斯的一道难题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来俄罗斯主要边境地段非法移民情况严重 ,给俄罗斯的边境乃至国家安全带来了隐患。非法移民的途径是选定与俄相邻的边界地段 ,利用俄驻外领事馆正式颁发的身份证和护照、利用民族血缘关系相近国家的假护照、利用带有前苏联标志的证件等手段以合法或非法的方式进入俄罗斯。俄政府已采取了一些整治措施 ,但要彻底解决非法移民问题 ,尚需时日  相似文献   
公安派出所的主要职能应以防范为主。但是,目前派出所工作重心却时有偏颇,重打轻防现象十分普遍。究其原因,主要是一些人对刑事犯罪规律的认识不正确,派出所警务导向失误,本身缺乏开拓精神,并受一些客观条件的制约。为了使派出所的工作重心转移到防范上来,应在派出所取消破案硬指标,把治安防范目标管理责任制摆到突出位置并予以具体化,并推行警务公开,切实为群众服务。  相似文献   
公安机关作为党和政府的一支具有武装性质的治安行政力量和刑事司法力量,担负着维护和谐社会持续稳定的艰苦使命,坚持“打防结合、预防为主”方针,加强社会治安防控体系建设是公安机关“三基”工作的一项重要内容,是促进公安工作全面、可持续发展的有效措施,也是维护社会政治稳定、治安稳定,着力构建平安和谐社会的必然途径。  相似文献   
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